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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello Nestlings,
    Just cruisin' through Day 2--even had a test as I went to the grocery store which is located right next to my (ex) wine and spirits shop. In the past, I would breeze right in and buy a bottled brain lobotomy --BUT, this time I just strode right by without hesitation. (BIG STEP--NO internal dilemma--should I or shouldn't I?) yip! yip!

    I did have to take a 2nd look though, because lo and behold my *exact* same car--make/model/color/state plate was parked in front of my old haunt. Did a double take--couldn't be! I know I didn't park there! No one could've moved my car there (that would've been a mean trick!) It was an exact duplicate of my car. I think it was just the universe catching my attention and reminding me where I've been and I don't want to go back.

    TranqW--30 days!!! Yeehaw--woot woot! Kazoo's and horns blaring! I think your 30 day mark deserves a parade with floats! We could have a "Step right up folks and get your LAVATTITUDE here" float (save me some!) and a chicken or the egg float, and a chimney float for sooty, and a "Beam me up Scotty" star trek float for zbeam, and a sun float for sunni, and an ocean float for seacailin, I could go on and on, but will spare you all.

    I'm just feeling such relief and belief where I have never had it before. Thank you all for your part in helping my healing begin.

    Oh--and Chicken, I love your daughter's name--beautiful!

    Hang in, hang on, hang tight, hang together and hang ten to keep from getting swept into the rip tide everyone! Will check in later.:h
    "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


      Newbies Nest

      Maybe you could copyright this Lav-attitude?? LOL
      Cause I think we're all wanting some.....!
      Sooty-I agree, I think I use too many things in day to day life as an excuse to hit the turps! My family,work and friends are all I have no reason to need a crutch to exist. Therefore,if I do drink... then I've done it for no other reason than my own personal choice...taking back accountability here too! I'm with you Sooty,Zbeam and all the Nest!
      Luv Chicken


        Newbies Nest

        Thankyou Openheart
        and well done on passing by 'the den of destitution' aka bottleshop! fist punching the air for you and Tranq!
        Now howabout a float for you......hmmmm, a gigantic heart with a happy face and humungous arms hugging all the rest of us maybe! Or is that just me being a tad too corny..oh well,I'm feeling I'll be corny if I want to.....
        *cluck* from air punching chick!


          Newbies Nest

          :H Gosh Kids - You have me blushing - Lavan-ittude :H

          You know at this point in our lives I figure we are pretty much fighting for our lives, all is fair in this war!!
          We all need to stand up and defend ourselves in this battle whether it's blowing off indifferent friends or dealing with insensitive spouses. It just infuriates me when people choose to ignore a simple (but important) request such as keeping alcohol out of the house or nit-picking, starting fights - talk about triggers :sulk:
          I don't want to see any of you start wars with your friends or relations but I do wish everyone the strength to stand up for what you know is right!

          OK, that's my .02 for tonight! It's good to see all this excitement & activity in the Nest.
          Wishing everyone a good night.
          Hugs to all :h
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Lavande;697002 wrote: :H Gosh Kids - You have me blushing - Lavan-ittude :H

            You know at this point in our lives I figure we are pretty much fighting for our lives, all is fair in this war!!
            We all need to stand up and defend ourselves in this battle whether it's blowing off indifferent friends or dealing with insensitive spouses. It just infuriates me when people choose to ignore a simple (but important) request such as keeping alcohol out of the house or nit-picking, starting fights - talk about triggers :sulk:
            I don't want to see any of you start wars with your friends or relations but I do wish everyone the strength to stand up for what you know is right!

            OK, that's my .02 for tonight! It's good to see all this excitement & activity in the Nest.
            Wishing everyone a good night.
            Hugs to all :h
            :thanks: Fantastic post... It definitely nailed some of my feelings from past experience.
            I've been walking, a long and crooked path. Come my restoration, wash my body clean...


              Newbies Nest

              WoW. Just when I thought I was out having fun, I come to find out I've been missing all the fun here!!!

              Hey - all it took was a little Lavand-ittude to get this party started. LoL. Hey, I hope that stuff isn't addictive though otherwise we might have to start a new website - MWOL.

              Chicken, *sniff*, you choked me up with the Mutual Admiration Branch. Awe. Our own little branch. How sweet. Tweet Tweet. Then when we get really good at this we could move up to the "Oh We Just Rock!" branch. You are outrageous -- in a good kind of way.

              Ooh. Openheart, a parade for little 'ol me? Never had one of those. Guess my float would be tranq-shaped like a blue and red pill or something. Or just a big freaking THREE-OH! Yep. Feels to take a big first step in the right direction. Sooo... you seriously saw an apparition of your car huh? That is pretty wild. Maybe the Lavandittude has some unknown side-effects. Just kidding. But seriously, I had some really symbolic dreams in the first week or so after I quit -- and I usually don't ever remember dreaming. Hey, if day-2 was a cruise, day-3 should be a joy-ride. Keep it rolling!

              Zbeam, Sooty, Lav is right and Sooty summed it up: We have to be tough, and we have to stop making things hard on ourselves. The more I fretted about stuff I really couldn't control, the more I wanted to rip my hair out. I'm finally seeing that much of this is about fighting our own imagined reasons and demons. We have nothing to fear but ourselves - now that doesn't make any sense does it?

              Big hearts to you Sunni!

              Thanks for the congrats everyone.

              Take care and G'nite.
              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                Newbies Nest

                G'd evening, nesting buds!

                Well, good morning, really, I suppose. It's 1:35am. I'm so tired - I'm about ready to fall over. So, this is going to be short and sweet because I'll have to be up early again to catch the early boat.

                No news on Mom (which is good news, at this point, I suppose) - and I'm coming to terms with this whole issue here at the house. Still going through some ups and downs... really pissed off at 'little' things... like a carpet I really wanted to take back being pissed on by her cat - have to through it out. That sorta thing. I'll get over it. It's only stuff.

                I realized last night that I have nothing to be sad about. This was my life long dream. And I got to live it for 6 glorious years. How lucky is that? And, how many people never get to achieve their dreams? Now, I have a new dream... it's time to move on. I will always miss this place a little and I pray that a family will fall in love with it. It needs children flying kites on the front lawn (aka, hay field, at the moment... you'll see pics when I get back to my computer)... and it needs someone to really take care of it.

                Glad you are all doing well.... and OMG.. congrats on the 30 days, Tranq! Awesome job!

                K.. much love to all of you... will check back tomorrow from home Nite nite!
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  Chicken, I love the idea of a big heart balloon with dangling arms to hug everyone as my float. I am a hugger--how did you know? And you can always be corny with me--I love corniness and puns and rhymes.

                  It's heartening to be able to be silly and fun without the wine fueling the creative moments. In later years, I would drink to get myself "in the game", but it actually kept me on the sidelines instead.

                  One of my favorite quotes is by Maya Angelou: "Love life, engage in it, give it all you've got!" Since drinking became my focus, I retreated from engaging in life. But I am on a new path now.

                  TranqW--You're right--we did have lots of fun right here in our own backyard. We missed you, but glad you made it for the "tail" end of the party. It was good for my soul to lighten up a bit. I've also been on an anti-D, and maybe now since the al is leaving my system the stuff can actually work on me.

                  Lav--thanks for being there. You give me comfort.

                  Good nite everyone. Peace.

                  Oh and BTW, the car wasn't an apparition (thank goodness!)--it just happened to be an uncanny look alike to mine. I'm looking forward to dreaming and restful sleep. As of now I'm still sleepless, but trying not to dwell on it. Oh--and you and Chicken should move right on up to the "Oh We Just Rock" branch right now--cuz you do!
                  "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hidey-ho nesters!

                    Well, what a day!!! It's been great and I'm firing on all systems...or in other words "I've got pluck in my cluck"...(ok that was stupid...but you know what I mean,,)*grins sheepishly*

                    Brief rundown on the day:

                    Eldest daughter stayed home from kindy due to cold.Had to drop the cake off though for the 'cake raffle' as she had won it the week prior! My hubby made said cake as I was working all day yesterday and I figured he could contribute some (that's the Lavan-ittude coming into play!) cause I was at work until late yesterday! He even iced it without me that was sweet of him huh!(I could hug him when he does that sort of thing!)

                    So ran cake in to Kindy at 8:30am,ran Loren (eldest) to Nanna's,then took Danika to swim lesson by 9:30am..Wow what a blast!
                    My little girl loves hurling herself bodily into the fray and smiling inanely as she coughs and splutters up water.(Have to coat her in cream prior to each swim to prevent eczema from flaring up with the chlorine..urgh). A slippery little eel when she gets wet though:H

                    Had a half hour swim myself (Dani in creche) and then back to Nanna's for lunch with my gorgeous sister Rae(the one that I am getting on with!) Then Dr's visit with Danika to see how her kidney probs are panning out...still no clarity there as yet, but she is much improved since being on AB's for about 7 days! Now just got to see what happens when she isn't on them...maybe further blood tests if she goes downhill again...all up in the air!!

                    Then back to Nanna's for a coffee and debrief, then home with my precious girls and Danika falls asleep in the car as missed her nap! Then Loren wants a run outside so grab a diet coke and we do the outside run until it starts to rain!

                    Now here updating you all on my TOTALLY interesting life Work tomorrow and then the weekend..another hurdle...but no excuses this time!!!!!!!!
                    Feeling amped that I've done some exercise this week and kept the 'demon' off my back and my liver!
                    How goes it with y'all????????
                    Sunni big hugs for you...:l


                      Newbies Nest

                      morning all my lovely tweetiepies. Mixed weather here today so taking visitors to town so we can duck into buildings if heavens open.
                      So glad we're all feeling positive and developing our Lavand-ittude. I can just picture us all now with our feathers all fluffed up saying come on bring it on .... we'll defend our nest and all the fledglings in it cos we are tough birds.
                      So hope everyone has a good day, I am feeling really determined and as chicken says weekend just another challenge and we can do it. Blimey when I think of some of the things that have happened to me in my life (and I've survived) quiting the turps should be a piece of cake. Just gotta harness the sooty-tude and direct it at the evil poison.
                      And I'm sure that's true of all of us on here - we have a history of trying/fighting/battling or otherwise we wouldn't be on this site. We'd have just given up.
                      So loads of strength from all of us - today this tree, next week we'll be in charge of the whole forest.
                      Have a fab day everyone - wishing us all success


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning all. Gotta get off to work, then a show this evening - hope it doesn't rain!

                        Sooty, I like this:

                        "Just gotta harness the sooty-tude and direct it at the evil poison.
                        And I'm sure that's true of all of us on here - we have a history of trying/fighting/battling or otherwise we wouldn't be on this site. We'd have just given up."

                        I keep forgetting how similar we all are, and can get stuck thinking I'm the only one in the world with a problem. You are so right about why we're here -- we are fighters; we are survivors; we don't give up and we keep looking for more!

                        Now I wish I had a different name. Tranqwilly-tude just doesn't have that nice ring to it. ;-}

                        Take care.
                        Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning all Nesters,

                          You all have me this morning, thank you!!

                          There's absolutely nothing wrong with Tranq-ittude - use it

                          Sooty, your Sooty-tude should serve you well!

                          Chicken, I'm glad you've gotten your pluck back in your cluck - keep it there, it will serve you well!

                          openheart, it's good to know you were not hallucinating and really did see a car identical to yours. Something like that would have thrown me for a loop too, ha ha.

                          Sunnni, glad you have come to terms with everything going on in your life right now. I hope all the strength we've been sending you has been of some help.

                          Hi sosad, don't worry, you have some sosad-ittude going too

                          Wishing everyone an incredibly successful AF Thursday. Will check in later.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning my dear friends......The energy here is just amazing. How wonderful that it is going to be all bottled up so we can get some. :H
                            I am trying to find my way again and the path is obviously leading me right back here. So, thank you all you wonderful people. THANK YOU.
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              Newbies Nest

                              :nutso::nutso: I used to drink a bottle of wine and be drunk and have a tremendous hangover the next day. Now I drink more than a bottle - wake up the next morning feeling fine - but can't remember anything from the previous night..........what is wrong with me? I am ordering the book, and starter kit today. Tired of missing out on half of my life.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Decided I am problem/ heavy drinker. Don't want to do AA as it sounds - well, not my thing. Probably just need someone to take me seriously as my partner knows I drink too much but seems to think I can handle it or WILL handle it and anyway I do understate my problem. Can anyone help me cut down? From nearly a daily bottle of wine. I start after 5pm. But what scares me is that I really do want it. I don't need more than a bottle and sometimes drink maybe two thirds.
                                I've had anorexia, OCD, you-name-it so I was bound to go this way. I can do obsessive shopping too. But it's too easy just to say - Hey, it's just the way I am!
                                I'm 53 BTW. If that matters...
                                Thanks for listening...

