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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thank you Lolab for this......I had a dream last night - it wasn't a "drinking" dream exactly - but it was interesting that I DID experience that "moment"in the dream....that moment of KNOWING that I AM going to drink. Even though at times, in the past - it felt that my body was acting on its own - driving to the store - in my soul I know that before that, I had that "moment" - where a tiny little nurdl () of a thought was allowed to take root in my brain - a thought that maybe I could have a drink or two....or that today might be a good day to get some. In my dream, it was - if I remember correctly - a thought about the holidays - damn dick head is invading my subconscious while I sleep. And I was just slowly formulating a plan to drink. My conscious brain has NO plans whatsoever to drink - ever! So I think that this was just the voice making an effort - and I already knew that even now, I will have to step up my strength over the holidays....

    ah well....there's my cloudy post this morning....I hope it made sense.
    This too could be me writing this. For me this is a waking dream, walking, living, 'functioning' inside of theis dream & those "tiny little nurdl of a thought" poke & prod. Yesterday was an exasperating day for this. I had to leave a class early because i was so on edge & ready to tear into a classmate for being so 'hostile & judgemental' during a class leadership exercise....irony huh? geez, she is just a 21 yr old kid, iam 40. what kind of example is that? It didnt make it easier that non stop ppl have been telling me how tired i look. ya no crap, if they only knew. It is funny, in the winter with my job & school schedule & kid stuff, I sleep about 2hrs a day, making up a bit of sleep here and there. noone ever told me how tired i looked, only worried and wondered how i did it. i guess i did not drink as excessively then. i spent 10 hrs driving a SnoCat, which is like a big snow tractor that smooths out snowmobile trails. I worked the grave yard shift. i love it, very meditative & iam not going to be drunk doing it, alot can happen & there is alot of tech & awareness things to control. Then get off, get kids to school, i go to class, then kids home, supper, homewrk, bed, & i sleep 2 hrs then back at it. It is invigorating. no time to drink, except i did make up for it on days off. Spring thru Fall drink nonstop. now that iam quitting, ppl tell me how bad i look...geesh.
    It is only day 5 after faultering when i had 3 wks down. Need to silence those nurdl thoughts. Happy to say I did last night

    Does anyone else feel like tearing into ppl? My anger is immense.


      Newbies Nest

      Hey All, How is everyone doing? I had one AF day on Monday, Tuesday , just 1 beer and 4 little wine ( pony bottles) Which i told my kids and their father, i was just running out to get milk, Which I did get on the way home, racing the clock the whole time so it only looked like i went to get Milk Why dont the liquor stores around here sell MILK? It would make life so much simplear.. In Florida, practically every gas station, 7 -11, Walgreens, Rite Aid, sell beer and wine. I have to go there sometimes for work, I think to myself, it must be so much harder for Alcoholics to recover in a state where Wine, Beer Liquor are even sold in Grocery stores!! At least here in MD, i have to actually GO TO THE LIQUOR store to get Beer or Wine .. Anyway, Im out of money til Friday, used my last bit of change to buy $6.00 worth of gas so i could take my son to Basket Ball practice tonight, so i dont have any money or change to buy wine or cigarettes today or tomorrow.. This could be stressful Lets see how it goes...........I had a physical today, and the dr said i have generalized anxiety disorder. and perscribed Wellabutrin along with some High Blood Pressure medicine.. I am 45, two young kids 8 and 5.... I didnt think i was in that bad of shape on the inside.. I know i self medicate because of the anxiety, so maybe it will help.....


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Whitemarshmom!

        It's good to see you here! I can totally relate to the temptation of alcohol being everywhere. I live in CA where you can buy alcohol at the grocery store, so it was easy to "hide" my little problem...Not only that, but I can buy alcohol in the same store I buy my Antabuse (one aisle over).

        I'm glad you've seen your doctor, I was on Wellbutrin a few years ago and it seemed to help with the anxiety. Stick close to us and let us know how you are!

        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Newbies Nest

          hey nurdl your made up word is catching on!!!

          Mntgirl - that is one hell of a schedule! It is odd - I know I ran on empty most of the time when I was drinking - and seemed to be able to do it...I slept awful at night, but functioned...Now that I'm sober, I NEED my sleep - :H I'm in pretty good physical shape for an almost 50 year old...and have lost some weight from being AF - and wouldn't you know...when I bump into people I know - I get "you are so skinny!!! Are you OK??" Nice.... we start to take care of ourselves and everybody thinks we're sick...

          And Yes! I laughed at the end of your post! (congrats on 5 days!!!) But that anger is pretty common. I snapped at my poor family regularly for awhile.....the dogs even stayed away from me :H but it's temporary...I did take a supplement called Nutri calm (I'm guessing Hyland's Nerve Tonic or Calms Forte would also work) any time I felt that anxiety level building in me. Anxiety was always a trigger for drinking - and I figured even if the supps put me into a stupor, it'd be better than getting anxious and biting somebody's head off and wanting to drink.

          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


            Newbies Nest

            Lolab, I hate those dreams. The only good thing is you wake up and even if it takes a few minutes, you finally recognize it was only a dream. But isn't it awful just how real the guilt is and the disappointment? I woke up from one of those one time during my long stint with sobriety and I had such a desire to drink and it seemed so real that I found myself in my kitchen digging around in some of my old hiding places!

            Dottie, I'm sorry you are having to deal with a sick parent. I've been dealing with my Father after a major stroke and my Stepmother who has Stage 4 Lymphoma. I'm sure the last four years would not have been so difficult if I had remained sober! Nothing is made easier by drinking! My thoughts are with you on that!

            I hit a rough spot last night and got through it, or should I say slept through it. So glad and relieved when I woke up this morning and still hadn't drank! Was it RC that was talking about being so exhausted yesterday? That is where I seem to be as well. Body trying to heal.

            Anyway, I just wanted to check in. Will be by later. Everyone have a great AF day!


              Newbies Nest

              Well I never thought I would say this...Yesterday I didn't have anything to say!!!! :shocked:If you have been following my posts you would see how outrageous that statement really is. I think I am going to make up for it today.

              Lavande - Look what I founrd. Do you have anything to say for yourself. Is this a sad case of (Chook) labor?

              Dottie - If it helps try to remember that it is your dad's disease making him say and do the things he is. It is not your dad doing it. Something like the things we do on AL is not us it is AL making our bodies do and say what he wants. My heart hurts for you. Take care.

              Star - NICE MOON! Have you been working out? :bananacomputer:

              Matchee - 7 days YAY! Be careful though AL know you have 7 days so he has just kicked up his game! :reminder:

              Mntgirl - I am going to share something that I am really good at. Not looking tired even if you are. Trust me this is something I know about. I am a 54 4/12 woman who was raised in the lipstick generation. I was taught at a very early age not to do anything without lipstick. Even at swimming lessons! Well not me, but my mom. Ok two things.....wear pink or red and makeup. Yes it is that easy. Try it and let me know how it works.

              Well Day 13! WOW. Trust me I have been back and forth with AL a lot the last couple days. But so far I have won. Stella keeps me in line. She is a good listener.

              Fin, Stella wants to know how you were able to post such a big picture of your boat? She is quite jealous. :shesjealous:

              Benniie - Are you out there? Don't be afraid to talk to us. Remember that there is not judging here. Attached files [img]/converted_files/1984526=7134-attachment.jpg[/img]
              AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:


                Newbies Nest

                Well it f

                Hot damn!!!

                Been AF for six weeks now and someone FINALLY remarked on my "youthful" appearance.
                Ha, twas my dentist!
                She just went on and on about how great I looked and asked me if I had bought my lil red sports car yet, blah, blah, blah!!!
                Well, I was surprised and really told myself she was just acting looney and fishing for compliments herself,
                Butt - now I come back to the nest and get complimented on my "full moon"
                Gee, thanks, Nanette (dear!!) And the only working out I have been doing is running away from Mr. Dickhead.
                Wow, what a day!



                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                  Newbies Nest

                  This guys is AWESOME: Gene Duffy -[/video]]No One Knows What Will Happen the Next Time They Drink or Use - Duf's Talks - YouTube

                  Big pictures...go into my post with that big picture - hit the "Quote" button on that post and look the html tags. Note the picture has to be remotely hosted (not on your machine). It's a hack.
                  Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                  Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                  Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                  Go forward boldly and unafraid


                    Newbies Nest

                    ok I just read a post from STar....very witty ending about the only workouts she's been getting is running away from Mr. Dickhead...LOL...but now I don't see my computer whacked?

                    gotta run

                    nice hearing from you nanette - dogwood K9 WMM

                    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                      Newbies Nest

                      Well it FINALLY happened!!

                      Hot damn!!!

                      Been AF for six weeks now and someone FINALLY remarked on my "youthful" appearance. :whee:

                      Ha, twas my dentist!

                      She just went on and on about how great I looked :yeahright: and asked me if I had bought my lil red sports car yet, blah, blah, blah!!!

                      Well, I was surprised and really told myself she was just acting looney and fishing for compliments herself,

                      Butt - now I come back to the nest and get complimented on my nice "full moon"

                      Gee, thanks, Nanette (dear!!) And the only working out I have been doing is running away from Mr. Dickhead.
                      Wow, what a day! Ya see, gang. It is worth all the hard work!!!!



                      I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey Lolab....maybe the post is there now....something got messed up when I tried to post it the first time



                        I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                          Newbies Nest

                          No no! Lets go with "I'm PSYCHIC!"

                          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                            Newbies Nest

                            HAHA, yep that's another advantage of givin' up the booze- you get good at predicting the future muhahaha -
                            See all the benefits guys and gals???
                            Just Struggle- I love it!



                            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Arthur's a stud!! Great story.
                              Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                              Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                              Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                              Go forward boldly and unafraid


                                Newbies Nest

                                Been busy today....once again work is getting in the way of my social life!

                                How-to's and No-No's with Nanette! Loved your post! How did you find Day 13? For me, it was a real turning point...the task at hand seemed totally do-able on that day. I hope you had an easy day.

                                Star, you look Mahh-vel-us!! I love your BUTTs!!! No one shows her arse quite as well as you! (I mean that in the best possible way!)

                                Hang tough, Nesters.....Dick Head IS out to get you! Spank him good and don't let him in! You will never be sorry for a day you spent sober! XO, Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

