Hi all
I'm kind of new here,,on day 4. Feeling pretty good, had an on/off headache and some sleep issues, definite major bitchiness, but other than that doing good...LOL. My family may not agree on that last one

Anyway, I've been a heavy drinker for 30 years. I'm 45. Two teenagers and I REALLY need to kick this habit and get myself healthy. I do fear I've done permanent irreversible damage to my liver but I guess we will see in time. The first time I drank I had 6 beers. I've never been able to have just one or two, always drinking til i puked or passed out. In the last 5 years or so, that isn't the case. I guess my tolerance level got really high but still been drinking way over what is normal or healthy and I need to stop.
I've tried before with limited success. I think my problem is that I have never had a discussion with anyone about it...not my husband, kids, friends, parents, no one. I'm afraid if I actually confess I have a problem (as if they don't know..HA) and tell people I want to quite drinking, and I fail,,everyone will know. I feel that if I keep my struggle a "secret", if I fail then no one will know and I won't be judged. But I really feel it would help me stay accountable if I had this conversation with someone I know.
Anyone else had this problem? My husband is basically a good person, and would support me 100%, but I've never been good at the 'honesty' thing...