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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    LeadBalloon, you have landed in the best possible place if you are serious about getting your life back! You story is ALL of ours!! We all came in scared and wondering how the hell we were going to do this. But as you can see, we have great success here. We all help each other. I will suggest that you read back a couple or three weeks right here in the Newbie's nest and get to know us and our stories...then find the link to the Tool Box in my signature line below, there are 100's of tips and coping skills to help you get thru and what to expect each step of the way. You could spend hours reading on this site...and it's a story that repeats itself many times. Turns out, AL is the problem! 6 Days is awesome! Come back around tomorrow and the nest will award you a full moon for 7 big days! We have another nester who will get one, too and another on Sunday! We have folks in ALL stages of their quit. You are in excellent company! We'll see what we can do to improve your relationship with yourself! Just read back a page or 2 to Pinecone's one year acceptance speech! This place saves lives, and I'm one of them! Welcome! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Hi this is my first day here and first post. I have four af days. I loved to drink wine while I cooked and feel paralyzed about cooking so we have been ordering out. I am trying to pay attention to feelings. Since I am into yoga and Buddhism I refer to the need for alcohol as the hungry ghost. I look forward to establishing a regular yoga practice early in the a.m. Now that I am without alcohol. Any ideas how to cope with the feeling of being "stuck" with cooking would be so welcome.


        Newbies Nest

        Navasana, Just wait a little while. Anything directly associated with drinking will be hard to do for a couple of weeks.

        One trick is to prepare a slow cooker type meal in the morning so you just eat it at night without the preparation at that 'witching' hour when your 'hungry ghost' is most alive.

        Be took time to get here, it takes time to heal.

        Good luck and :welcome:

        Go to the toolbox for lots of tips and remain here in the newbies nest for other people at the same stage of the journey. Buckle in tight, you may even ENJOY the ride, I know I have.



          Newbies Nest

          Hi Leadballoon, Welcome!

          Congratulation to all who continue to fight the good fight. Nanette, so glad you were strong enough to fight off that intense craving. I got my full moon and made it to day 10. Then I was reading a post, where the guy heroically poured out two beers. He happened to mention that they were all chilled and ready to drink, which makes it all the more heroic. Well, did that ever trigger a craving. I obsessed about those beers all day. Don't ask me why, I'm a wino!

          I tried to 'ride the wave' several times, during the day, but it became a tsunami. Well, long story short, just ended a three day bender. By the third day, with very little food the entire time, and attempting to 'wean off' the mother of all withdrawals with a couple of those aforementioned beers, it instead turned into an all day and night beerfest, lasting until 5am this morning. It worked great the last time I tried it! Don't think I can even count this as day 1, since I was drinking until 5am.

          Luckily, I was able to get a prescription for some 10mg Valium (bless that doc!) which made the difference between a comfortable withdrawal and the withdrawal from hell. Then made it over to a noon AA women's meeting in my area. I got kind of burned out on AA, having spent years in and out, but I think I need some face to face human contact to get out of my isolation.

          I really love MWO. Everyone is so encourging, supportive and very kind. No condemnation, which is greatly appreciated by people like me, who are continuing to struggle.

          Thanks to all of you.
          AF since 12/2/12


            Newbies Nest

            Welcome to you Navasana. Glad you are here!
            AF since 12/2/12


              Newbies Nest

              Leadballoon, welcome! I agree! This place saves lives. Just post often! Read, read, read, try different things, find your way out! I just came here about 1 month ago and I love this place! I'm getting healthier every day which I didn't think was possible before! Just stick around and learn more!
              Alcoholic (or Ally)

              "Only a fool knows everything.
              A wise man knows how little he knows."

              Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                Newbies Nest

                Hi, navasana!!! Welcome!
                Alcoholic (or Ally)

                "Only a fool knows everything.
                A wise man knows how little he knows."

                Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Almost free, hop back on the ride with a few of us who have fallen and skinned our knees. We are a 'fightin' bunch! You let that mongrel get his toe in the door and soon the door cracks wide open. Bloody hell!!!!! Let's beat 'em' to a pulp!!!!!

                  Welcome Navasana and leadballoon. You have plenty of company here. Pull up some determination and arm yourselves and let's go.

                  Pinecone, awesome!!! I can only dream...

                  Dottie, I know someone who just went through this experience. It sounds identical to yours. It was tough times for many reasons, but they got through it and are at peace now after months of hell. You will, too. It's a tough issue to deal with parents in the later stages of life. :l

                  Keep fighting the good fight, all.
                  Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                    Newbies Nest

                    almostfree, between Kuya and I we have 9137 Day 1's.... wish I'd have gotten it on the first try, but I thought I was different! After all, this was ME! Well, after a solid year of trying to make it work, I finally let it go....and it really does get better every day. It's about progress! For some folks, it works to think thru the whole process, right up to the point where you pass out. But the way I find that works for me is to change the subject in my head. Start naming your cousins from youngest to oldest, say the Pledge of Allegience, look up how many dimples are in a golf ball. I am much like my dog when I get fixed on a takes a slap and a loud NO! to myself to get me out of that loop! I still use that has worked well for me. Hang close! B
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      I will even speak it out loud and say 'oh no you don't,' like I am talking to a child having a for me


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters in this busy nest

                        Hello & welcome Leadballoon & Navasana, glad you found us!
                        I started out by going to the Health store here on the site & downloading the MWO book. It has lots of good info for you. The Tool box is full of good ideas to help you put a plan together. Having a good plan & commiting yourself to your sobriety will help you meet your goals

                        Pinecone, CONGRATS on your 1 year AF!!!!!!
                        I am very happy for you & glad to see you back too.

                        Dottie, thinking about you!

                        Greetings to everyone tonight & wishes for a safe night in the nest!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Dropping in to the nest to say hello. Bringing some more twigs over to make everyone comfy. :l Welcome to the newbies and hello to my old friends. I hope that everyone is doing well. The nest is a wonderful place to get your AF wings. :h

                          Dottie - giving you special hugs. I am so sorry what you are going thru. :l
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello All. Sorry I have been so scarce. Life has been so hectic and still tough to get time alone without kids reading over my shoulder. But, here I sit. In a hotel room with two teens. No alcohol. My old self would have snuck it in....a weekend without dh means I could be free to drink whatever. But, here I am sober. Means tomorrow no hangover. All I can say is thank you to all of you.

                            Dottie, soory about your Dad. It is so hard, isn't it? You are such a great daughter. He is lucky to have you.

                            Welcome to all the new folks! This is such a great place. When an urge hits, I go to the story section and start reading. It helps.


                              Newbies Nest

                              almost free;1412675 wrote: Hi Leadballoon, Welcome!

                              Congratulation to all who continue to fight the good fight. Nanette, so glad you were strong enough to fight off that intense craving. I got my full moon and made it to day 10. Then I was reading a post, where the guy heroically poured out two beers. He happened to mention that they were all chilled and ready to drink, which makes it all the more heroic. Well, did that ever trigger a craving. I obsessed about those beers all day. Don't ask me why, I'm a wino!

                              I tried to 'ride the wave' several times, during the day, but it became a tsunami. Well, long story short, just ended a three day bender. By the third day, with very little food the entire time, and attempting to 'wean off' the mother of all withdrawals with a couple of those aforementioned beers, it instead turned into an all day and night beerfest, lasting until 5am this morning. It worked great the last time I tried it! Don't think I can even count this as day 1, since I was drinking until 5am.

                              Luckily, I was able to get a prescription for some 10mg Valium (bless that doc!) which made the difference between a comfortable withdrawal and the withdrawal from hell. Then made it over to a noon AA women's meeting in my area. I got kind of burned out on AA, having spent years in and out, but I think I need some face to face human contact to get out of my isolation.

                              I really love MWO. Everyone is so encourging, supportive and very kind. No condemnation, which is greatly appreciated by people like me, who are continuing to struggle.

                              Thanks to all of you.
                              Hey AF - sorry about the 3-day bender. But just as Byrdie and Slay have said. It can happen. That's ok. It is ok because the most important thing is that you recognise what happened, you're facing it head on. And even if you feel "ah, feck, I failed." please DON'T. It's not AT ALL failure. It's part of the learning. And you're posting here again, and you are looking at the options to help you - realising for you the benefits of face-to-face contact with peeps.

                              This. Is. Good. Damn good. :goodjob: And you will get there.




                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning everyone.

                                At my folks place in the middle of the Perthshire countryside. Very tranquil. Here for the peace so as i carry TRY and write - or start writing - a fricking essay for my Uni course. Bleurgh...

                                Have a great Saturday peeps whatever it is you are doing

                                Dottie - have one of these

                                Back laters, RC

