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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    And thanks for the congrats, R.C.- we were cross posting!



    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


      Newbies Nest

      Starfish1;1414045 wrote: And thanks for the congrats, R.C.- we were cross posting!
      I know!

      Weird in a very awesome sort of way :H

      And thank you!


        Newbies Nest

        Thanks for the reply, Byrd. Lucky you!! I've encountered the same thing with the night sweats. I get some issues with it presently, but soooooo much less without the alcohol. The first quit I was sweating like crazy for the first few days. I've just noted a change in my metabolism. I'm not a person who handles extra weight very well. I don't feel good even with a small amount of weight gain. I've been back to working out for seven days now and today I added in a long walk in the park trails with my camera. I came up with quotes and took photos as I walked back. It was a good way to combine exercise, my love for nature and inspire myself at the same time. So, we'll see if adding the walks with the exercise keep me in check. Considering cutting out sugars...not yet! NOT YET!!!!

        Fin, that's great on the Grand Canyon news. Is this a reward for going and keeping you AF? Either way, it's a great motivation to stay that way. It really puts a goal in front of you to keep you motivated and on the straight and narrow.

        Another good AF day. I'm feeling motivated and positive, although, I could now use a nap. lol those things go together?
        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


          Newbies Nest

          Hey everybody,

          I'm not dead, just super-busy. I started my own freelance business in addition to my full-time job, and it's been keeping me occupied. Between that and trying to work out a few times a week, I almost don't even have time to think about drinking. Day 54, and it's getting easier...

          I even went to visit my best friend last weekend—the one who's a notorious bad influence. She wanted to go to a bar, so we did, and I sipped cranberry and soda happily, and later babysat her while she was very drunk. At no point did I desire a drink. In fact, watching all the people around me get louder and repeat themselves, I felt like a genius walking among imbeciles! LOL!

          I'm also not doing anything for the holidays, which means that the perennial temptation of mulled wine won't even be an issue. I may make some spiced apple cider for myself—hold the bourbon that I'd have added before.

          I hope everyone here is doing extremely well! I'm going to pop over to the roll call, and then you probably won't see me for awhile again...


            Newbies Nest

            Hi All. Back from my weekend in Boston. Tired, but not hungover. Next step is to really plan out Thanksgiving. It is a tough one for me. But I am taking it on.

            Finn, the Grand Canyon sounds great. What a carrot.

            Off to help with Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, spelling, phonics, Latin, spanish, college travel plans, teen crisis, show and tell, baths, laundry, etc.......

            How did I find time to drink? Night All.


              Newbies Nest

              Hi everyone. I think I am the newest member but I see myself in so many of the posts. From the struggle with alcohol to the love of nature, creativity and cooking. I am struggling more than I ever have in the past when I quit alcohol. Maybe because I am more aware of my emotions and the triggers. In the past I just expected to feel,terrific which i did quite a bit but when I didn't after some amount of time (several days to several months) I just went back to drinking to take the edge off. I finally realize therein lies the problem. Duh!! Today is day 8 af. Just have to hang in there. Frozen pizza in the oven thanks to birdie, ally and Kuya. Pls bear with me as I learn to navigate the site and learn everyone's names. Still no Internet or home phone. My parents are coming tomorrow for thanksgiving so I May not have as much time to be here. That in and of itself is stressful but I know they will support my decision. My dad quit drinking over 30 years ago when I was in college. I like to think that they don't have any idea about my struggle but my husband says that they do. I thought I was such a genius at hiding it from everyone!! ; ) I have stopped off and on now for several years. I have learned that I can't moderate over the long haul. Good luck to everyone as we enter this wondrous but stressful holiday season. Plant your feet on the ground and breath deeply when you feel stressed, interlace your hands behind your back and lift your chest when you feel depressed! A loving namaste


                Newbies Nest

                Day 1 5:45pm EST. Going to gnaw my are off....making some bean soup..going to watch some tv...if dh hadn't been driving i would have stopped at the deli for sure...
                Care meeting for my dad was interesting but this whole thing is so hard...;-((

                Newbie's Nest

                Tool Box
                AF 9.1.2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hey Dottie,

                  It is hard, but you are showing such strength through it. You may not feel it, but you are. We're here - real folks behind these words and posts - who care about you and are thinking about you lots just now.

                  I don't give a hoots ass whether this is Day 1 or Day 1000. YOU are trying and you are dealing with your life head on. That takes guts. I totally respect that. So don't gnaw your arm off, take care and know we're here to support you how we can.

                  RC :l


                    Newbies Nest

                    Random Shout Out. Thank you for making room in this nest for me. I in the dumps today. Byrdie, it seems I never have a great day that isn't followed by a depressed one! I wonder, truly, could that be chemically based? I use up my serotonin in a rush of living, then crash the next day. I ate well, exercised, slept, and BAM - depression.

                    Anyway, rather than wallow or swallow (!) I'm here being part of the community. For whatever it is worth, between Dottie's challenge, Slay's recent brush, all the holiday angst, here's hoping you are having a peaceful Monday.

                    "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                    AF since Oct 2, 2012


                      Newbies Nest

                      Slaythefear;1414049 wrote:

                      Fin, that's great on the Grand Canyon news. Is this a reward for going and keeping you AF? Either way, it's a great motivation to stay that way. It really puts a goal in front of you to keep you motivated and on the straight and narrow.
                      Yep, I fully intend to do the trip AF so that training begins now.
                      Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                      Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                      Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                      Go forward boldly and unafraid


                        Newbies Nest

                        Catbuddy;1414153 wrote: Random Shout Out. Thank you for making room in this nest for me. I in the dumps today. Byrdie, it seems I never have a great day that isn't followed by a depressed one! I wonder, truly, could that be chemically based? I use up my serotonin in a rush of living, then crash the next day. I ate well, exercised, slept, and BAM - depression.

                        Anyway, rather than wallow or swallow (!) I'm here being part of the community. For whatever it is worth, between Dottie's challenge, Slay's recent brush, all the holiday angst, here's hoping you are having a peaceful Monday.

                        Cat, there's ALWAYS room in the nest for you. Good day, bad day, mediocre day. Hope your Monday starts with more up and oomph. It'll be day 50 for you. If nothing else, be proud - I am of you. :l


                          Newbies Nest

                          Starfish1;1413968 wrote: Hi moni. Great work on getting to day 5! Just a couple more days and you will have one whole week under your belt!
                          Can you figure out a way that you will not have to stop at the store this afternoon? I also had trouble going "straight home" from work. If I could just make a "non-stop" run to the house, I had half the battle won because then I could get busy doing some non-alcohol related things around the house. Don't cook if you can get out of it. Maybe you could even change clothes and take off your makeup (if you wear it) or wash your hair so you won't be tempted to go back out. Anything to get thru these next couple days!
                          Thanks Starfish. I made a quick grocery trip and bought water. Had lots to do at home so busied myself and before I knew it, it was gone past the time you can buy alcohol here. I used to complain about that cut-off time but glad of it now!
                          Got very bad headache this evening, not sure if that's withdrawal as I was never a daily drinker really but haven't gone this long in quite some time.

                          Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks so much RC!

                            Newbie's Nest

                            Tool Box
                            AF 9.1.2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hey Cat...the other day we went to lunch with a group of people that my husband knows. I didn't know a soul. There was an older lady seated 2 across and down from me, and we struck up a conversation. She is 77, blind in one eye, deaf in her left ear...but we exchanged emails. When I got home, I sent her a note saying I'd enjoyed talking to her. She called me. She lives alone, and doesn't drive. I promised her we'd do lunch one day, but told her I'd be gone most of this week. But over the weekend, I baked some loaf was rotten weather out, and I had all the stuff. Today I called her and asked her if she liked Butter Pecan Quick bread, and she said, 'I've never had any, but would would to try it!". So I ran into town and took a loaf to her. You would NOT believe how much she appreciated that. I find a lot of joy in doing things like that. Maybe you could try to turn yourself to the service of someone who isn't as lucky as you? It doesn't take much effort, but it sure made my day....and I think hers too. I'm so sorry you are having a tough patch...I wish I could find Lola's wonderful post on phases. You have to admit that the lows you have now are nothing compared to the lows we had then....fair? When I get back, I plan to call her and see if she'd like to go to the movies...I want to see that new Aberham Lincoln flick! These blues will pass!! I promise!! Try not to get impatient, it took me years to get into this pickle and it takes a while to get out of it. But it is worth it!! B
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good evening Nesters,

                                I am one exhausted granny tonight. My grandsons are wonderful but.........
                                I took a cute picture of them this morning in matching sweatshirts I embroidered for them, cute. Within an hour the oldest (who turns 4 on the 28th) found a pair of scissors & CUT the wire to the wi fi ~ disabling the internet in their house
                                I get to go back tomorrow too :H

                                Dottie, we are all thinking of you & your family. Believe it or not, things will settle down with your Dad:l

                                Cat, don't worry too much about a down day - we all have them, tomorrow is always better

                                Congrats to everyone getting those early AF days tackled!!!
                                It keeps getting better & better, I promise!
                                Have a safe night in the nest one & all.

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

