Hi Willow, and welcome! I noticed you are in the UK. Is there any possibility you can get a prescription for some valium? Through many, many helllish withdrawals, I had nothing. The last one, and once, years ago, I was prescribed some 10mg valium to take 3 times a day for a couple of days. It was miraculous in its relief! An absolute miracle. I've never been into pills and didn't even take my third day's worth, but I'll never forget the relief it gave me. Hope you can get some relief today.
Oh, Lolab, what a terrible development! It's so hard when you have family undermining your heroic efforts. I used to attend an early morning Thanksgiving Day AA women's meeting, just to give strength to all those women who generally drank all day, WHILE they were cooking the dinner. I was seriously panicking at the prospect of cooking all day, without my all-day companion, AL! The meeting was packed! Stay close lolab. We are here for you.
Slay, we did have to kick him out in the past, before he was diagnosed and we believed it was all related to drug abuse. At that time he still had a friend to take him in. There was also an attempt, later, to rent him a room, but that ended in disaster, as it was at that time, due to a major meltdown, that we started to realize that something was seriously, mentally wrong. He ended up on the street for a short time, freezing, hungry, totally delusional and unable to help himself. I can't tell you how heartbreaking that was.
The problem with a group home, with supervision (my preference) is that they won't consider it unless he goes back on those horrible meds. They seemed to resent that he was doing much, much better than all the others in his group on the alternative (non-drug)treatment we were pursuing. They said that others may be 'influenced' to go off their meds.
According to their 'protocol', they automatically keep everyone on the meds for two years, and if all goes well, then they will slowly take them off. I found out that there is an 80% relapse after weaning off, (IMO because they are not addressing the central problem outlined by Dr. Hoffer). So basically, their way meant a lifetime of drug dependence and never being able to function normally, ending up on the street, in a downward spiral. Not to mention the horrific side effects from the meds. I wanted to give him a chance for a normal life, before giving up.
Well, enough about that.......thanks so much to everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers. I'm praying for some way to reach him (including my own sobriety as an example) to help him give up the pot.