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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks a million Kuya. I haven't mastered the art of mooning and driving yet!



    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


      Newbies Nest

      Thanks for the welcome and messages of support everyone and Happy Thanksgiving to all who are celebrating! I've made it through day 4, had a massive wobble this afternoon at work but it passed, and reasonably quickly I thought too. I think have been helped by having the most awful throat virus/flu type thing though so I've not even wanted to drink, until today. Really glad the thought didn't manage to take hold. In the past though I would've thought, well I feel rough anyway, so it won't matter if I feel even worse tomorrow, how insane is that!!

      Keep smiling everyone


        Newbies Nest

        moni;1415113 wrote:
        Just got the results back of my first assignment in Uni (I'm back part-time as mature student). I submitted it the other night under immense pressure as I'd been in hospital for 3 days.
        I did really well. 69% and a raving report. This week is looking up already!
        Fantastic job Moni and massive congrats on your seven days


          Newbies Nest

          Hi All, and welcome again Newbies.

          My strategy is Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, and Zinc every day, based on advice from the book, "Potatoes, Not Prozac." The author asserts AL dependency is the related to sugar dependency, and if sugar dependency is untreated, the recovering AL will relapse at an alarming rate. The good news is you can balance sugar issues by eating regular meals with protein (yeah Kuya) and taking those supplements. They work wonders for everything from energy, mood, brain function, tissue healing, detoxification, and balance sugar metabolism. Wow!!!

          I also take L-Glutamine and Kudzu, in the morning and mid afternoon (say, 2-4pm). I notice a HUGE difference in cravings if I forget.

          Hope this helps!

          "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

          AF since Oct 2, 2012


            Newbies Nest

            Starfish1;1415127 wrote: Thanks a million Kuya. I haven't mastered the art of mooning and driving yet!


              Newbies Nest

              Red Riding Hood;1415129 wrote: Thanks for the welcome and messages of support everyone and Happy Thanksgiving to all who are celebrating! I've made it through day 4, had a massive wobble this afternoon at work but it passed, and reasonably quickly I thought too. I think have been helped by having the most awful throat virus/flu type thing though so I've not even wanted to drink, until today. Really glad the thought didn't manage to take hold. In the past though I would've thought, well I feel rough anyway, so it won't matter if I feel even worse tomorrow, how insane is that!!

              Keep smiling everyone
              Those masochistic f**k it thoughts kept me drinking for years, tis poor self esteem methinks.
              Day four means you are nearly over the worst physically. Week two is easier......just make sure you eat plenty of protein and veg/salad and try to avoid sugar hits if you can.
              If you have Glutamine use it, if you don't, buy it


                Newbies Nest

                :H :H Kuya
                You are thinking more like me everyday!!!!

                Truly, we must arm ourselves with all the weapons we need to win this battle.
                Hi Red, hope you are comfy in the nest! Help yourself to all the butt velcro you need to stay put

                I'm going to try to get to bed a little earlier than usual ~ we'll see how that works....
                Tomorrow will be a long day for most of us I'm sure!

                Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  went to visit my dad today...he looked like he was over medicated...looked at me like he was not sure who I was...I am so at a loss as what to do....I am so sad....need to do more research and seek answers..found a really nice assisted living place but I think he is too combative to live there...aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh

                  Newbie's Nest

                  Tool Box
                  AF 9.1.2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello Fellow Nesters,

                    Oh, Dottie, I so feel for you! Nothing is more frustrating than being unable to help a loved family member. And being hampered by their physical and mental 'handicaps' from finding what should be a normal, simple solution. I'm right there with you, with the primal scream of frustration.

                    I, too, am at my wits end and simply don't know what else to do. It doesn't matter what I say or what I do, I simply can't seem to do anything to move the situation forward. God knows what's going to happen when my hub comes for Christmas and discovers the son whose progress he was so proud of has relapsed to a full-blown pot head......even comes home from work at lunch to do more. I'm afraid my husband is going to kick him out, then there goes the job (a MIRACLE that he got it at all).......everything lost. He has nowhere to go, no friends......Won't that be a Merry Christmas for all! Any discussion of reality brings nothing but extreme hostility. And time is ticking away. God, what to do? What to do?!

                    I was within a heartbeat today, (during my AA meeting, of all places!) of leaving and getting a large bottle of wine. The discussion, unfortunately, focused on family estrangements, of which I have many, and I just felt myself welling up with tears. I was soooo close to one of the 'f#ck it' moments. And the meeting was only half a block from the liquor store. Why I didn't go, I'll never know. I was planning on it as soon as I left the meeting. I guess you'd call THAT a major 'wobbly'!

                    Just trying to get through to bedtime.......Sorry to go on and on again..........
                    AF since 12/2/12


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Almost Free,

                      It's you and me again, although I hope you've gone to bed; I'm overdue. I'm not sure what your husband does; how is it that you are shouldering this alone, and staring down a Christmas blow-up? It sounds like you need help now.

                      I know so well the need for immediate relief from the pain. I wanted to do the same today. Once the holiday started, I had time and space to stop functioning, and just rest. I didn't, but boy that desire was strong.

                      Oldies, does this go away or lessen?

                      Be well, everyone. Night night.

                      "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                      AF since Oct 2, 2012


                        Newbies Nest

                        Catbuddy;1415162 wrote: Hi All, and welcome again Newbies.

                        My strategy is Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, and Zinc every day, based on advice from the book, "Potatoes, Not Prozac." The author asserts AL dependency is the related to sugar dependency, and if sugar dependency is untreated, the recovering AL will relapse at an alarming rate. The good news is you can balance sugar issues by eating regular meals with protein (yeah Kuya) and taking those supplements. They work wonders for everything from energy, mood, brain function, tissue healing, detoxification, and balance sugar metabolism. Wow!!!

                        I also take L-Glutamine and Kudzu, in the morning and mid afternoon (say, 2-4pm). I notice a HUGE difference in cravings if I forget.

                        Hope this helps!

                        Couldn't agree with this more. The last time I stopped I just moved onto eating cake and biscuits - I would eat a whole cadbury's chocolate log in one sitting.

                        I'm nearly at day 30 and apart from major emotional issues early on I've had no cravings at all for alcohol.

                        I now 'balance' my meals and yeah, everything should be based around protein. Exercise has helped me also, in fact just on way to a class now so must dash, lol.

                        Have a great day everyone x
                        Honour Thyself


                          Newbies Nest

                          Catbuddy;1415358 wrote: Hi Almost Free,

                          It's you and me again, although I hope you've gone to bed; I'm overdue. I'm not sure what your husband does; how is it that you are shouldering this alone, and staring down a Christmas blow-up? It sounds like you need help now.

                          I know so well the need for immediate relief from the pain. I wanted to do the same today. Once the holiday started, I had time and space to stop functioning, and just rest. I didn't, but boy that desire was strong.

                          Oldies, does this go away or lessen?

                          Be well, everyone. Night night.

                          Hi Cat, I don't know what the oldies will say (LAV will be along soon LOL.....don't smack me LAV) but do you know what the most immediate pain relievers is?


                          When you are dog tired, emotionally drained, saddened by events......let go and cry. You don't need a drink, you need to cry. After five or so minutes the pain will go and you will either feel better or sleep.

                          We have forgotten how to cry for ourselves, trying to be strong, tough, invincible......but we are only human.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Well put Kuya. A good cleansing cry can work miracles.
                            we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                              Newbies Nest

                              emily;1415369 wrote: Couldn't agree with this more. The last time I stopped I just moved onto eating cake and biscuits - I would eat a whole cadbury's chocolate log in one sitting.

                              I'm nearly at day 30 and apart from major emotional issues early on I've had no cravings at all for alcohol.

                              I now 'balance' my meals and yeah, everything should be based around protein. Exercise has helped me also, in fact just on way to a class now so must dash, lol.

                              Have a great day everyone x
                              Forgive me if I have said this to you before, but chocolate blew my last quit. Within two weeks I was eating two chocolate bars in bed EVERY night. I was frantic if I didn't have them (and prior to quitting I never touched sweets at all). The sugar replaced alcohol and I did not allow myself proper food cos I was paranoid that I would gain weight eating all that chocolate. On the night I drank I had only eaten two pieces of toast and a few potatoe crisps ALL day.....thinking back ....what the f**k was I doing?!?!

                              This time I EAT...and I eat well, no sugar except fruit and yoghurt .......even got it in my
                              signature as a constant reminder.

                              We are only exercising the same wisdom from years ago when alcoholics were given three solid meals a day to help their recovery.

                              I also reckon there are more women alcoholics today because of the pressure to stay thin. I think the brain learns that the only way we will willingly take calories is as alcohol.


                                Newbies Nest

                                I use an app called My Fitness Pal. You log in your food and exercise by using an extensive database. It's great to keep you honest and to track sugar salt fat carbs weight etc. I've found that I pretty much use all of my sugar on my morning yogurt and fruit. Tea and a square or two of dark chocolate keeps me sane if I'm desperate.
                                we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking

