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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I'm not giong to overwhelm myself by trying to read back from the past 5 days or so....I"m sorry...:-(

    But welcome Jinglejo and red, and congratulations to all those celebrating with cold bare tushies!!! :-) We have about 6-8 inches on the ground here after yesterday - it's very pretty...:-)

    Dottie, sounds like you are headed in the right direction...probably somewhere deep down, you knew the other place wasn't just right so that was adding to your stress...Good for you for pushing til things felt right.

    Last year, I was still pretty newly sober for the holidays - so this year still has its challenges - but I did ok with Thanksgiving...not too tough - so I think that has lessened my anxiety over Christmas. Plus, without even realizing it when I started it, my workouts are going to help. I started a 90 day program 3 weeks ago - which will carry me through the holidays.

    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


      Newbies Nest

      Good Morning All. Quickly reading over the past few days. Oh Dottie, hope things work out with your Dad. It is so tough. And welcome to all the new people, you are in a great place.

      On Thanksgiving, I cooked dinner, I was sober. It was hectic, there were 19 people. I went upstairs to change for bed, and I started crying because I was so happy and so proud. It was a feeling I can't explain, and then to wake up clear headed on Friday. Wow, just a bonus. I felt as if you guys were with me all day telling me I could do it. And I did. And it was so amazing.

      Friday and Sat, I visited with my brother, oh so tough. But I did it. Watched football. Go Irish!

      Now back to the preChristmas rush.....

      I just want to thank each and everyone of you, you are my lifeline to a sober me. I don't know how I stumbled on this site, but my life has changed.


        Newbies Nest

        Yogamom, what a great post. I can feel your happiness and pride. I'm so glad to know you and to be on the same journey. Imagine how wonderful Christmas is going to be this year!
        we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


          Newbies Nest

          Yoga, what a great post. This place is my lifeline, too. It seems like a victory for one of us is a victory for all of us! I am sharing your gratitude this year....We are sober!!!

          Lola, snow already!! I bet that made it seem even more festive when decorating for Christmas!! Good snuggling weather!!

          Off to check out the roll call to see if we have any major awards to give today! Every day you put between you and AL is a win!!! For all the Day 1's out there, we are pulling for you!!! Do whatever it takes not to give in today!! Hugs to all! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Yogamom, ditto to what Nurdl said. You should be happy and proud! Congratulations to all of us for finding our best selves again.

            "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

            AF since Oct 2, 2012


              Newbies Nest

              Hi folks, I'm new to the Newbie's Nest. Thank you Cat for inviting me. I am hoping to learn how to gain some wisdom and control over this alcohol addiction. I really want to quit, but my mind plays tricks on me and tells me that I can just drink one or two drinks. This is simply not true; it turns into 7 or 8 glasses of wine and I become mean and have limited to no memories of what I've said to who. I see the pain in my husband and children's eyes when they realize that I am drinking! I am truly beginning to believe that I am one of those people who will never be successful! I am open to learning new things; but most of all I hope to meet people like me. My family doesn't understand why I simply can't stop drinking. I need to learn from people who are addicted and are succeeding in their struggle. Thanks!
              Hope :h


                Newbies Nest

                lolab;1416795 wrote: I'm not giong to overwhelm myself by trying to read back from the past 5 days or so....I"m sorry...:-(

                But welcome Jinglejo and red, and congratulations to all those celebrating with cold bare tushies!!! :-) We have about 6-8 inches on the ground here after yesterday - it's very pretty...:-)

                Dottie, sounds like you are headed in the right direction...probably somewhere deep down, you knew the other place wasn't just right so that was adding to your stress...Good for you for pushing til things felt right.

                Last year, I was still pretty newly sober for the holidays - so this year still has its challenges - but I did ok with Thanksgiving...not too tough - so I think that has lessened my anxiety over Christmas. Plus, without even realizing it when I started it, my workouts are going to help. I started a 90 day program 3 weeks ago - which will carry me through the holidays.
                Lola, fresh snow smells amazing and great to hear the crisp when you walk on it.

                Great to hear that you started a workout programme. I would love to hear more. You mentioned 90 days, are you doing p90x?

                AF since 1st Sep 2012
                NF since 1st Sep 2012

                If you want to feel better visit


                  Newbies Nest

                  Have had a bottle of wine on top of my wadrobe for the last 2 months. Most days I forget it is even there. I know many will think its a bad idea to have AL in the house. But I believe it trains my AF muscles

                  Will make a great gift for someone this holiday season.

                  AF since 1st Sep 2012
                  NF since 1st Sep 2012

                  If you want to feel better visit


                    Newbies Nest

                    Byrdlady;1416551 wrote: RedRiding and Dogwood!! I just saw on roll call that each of YOU have earned a moon also!! Gosh the moons are flying today! Here is your major award: :moon::moon: Well done to each of you for conquering each day of the week, INCLUDING a holiday! I am so proud of you both. This is not easy, but that's how it's day, one minute at a time. Good job!!! Byrdie
                    Ahh, thank you so much Byrdie and congrats to Dogwood and Jinglejo also and Emily for 30 days :goodjob:

                    I can't honestly take credit for making it through a holiday though, here in the UK :H Strangely enough, holidays and weekends were almost always AF for me anyway, as was any other time I was with other people, so they were never much of a problem. My wild binges were more likely to be home alone on a Monday... Not any more though Am really looking forward to the week ahead and getting into AF double figures.

                    Wishing everyone a safe and sober Sunday xxx


                      Newbies Nest

                      HopefulMom and have landed in the best possible spot if you are ready to shed the monkey that's been getting a free ride on your back. I didn't think I could do it either, until I finally did it. That first night AF was a doozy...but if I could do it for one night, I could do it for 2....and so it goes. Just hop in and share with us, I bet there isn't a story you could tell us that we haven't seen/heard/done. So glad you are with us, we have lots of success here!
                      Allan...that reminds me of the time I checked into a hotel and there were 2 bottles of wine sitting there for purchase. I put a bag over them so they wouldn't sprout heads and start talkiing in tongue. Whatever you are doing is working! So proud of you! How is the new job going? (3 weeks old now?) Is there a good bit of snow in London? It always looks cold and rainy on tv! I feel as if I should be knitting you a scarf! It's chilly here today....50* but beautiful! Wish I had a fireplace to cozy up to!
                      Have a happy AF Sunday! B
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Welcome from me too, Hopeful Mom and Red Riding,

                        The nest is a great place to be. Buckle in with some butt velco, as the nest moms say. We have people from all over the world here, so there is always someone to respond to the posts. I bounce around and read different threads but come home to the nest.

                        If you haven't already, check out the Toolbox (found in Byrdie's signature). You need a plan to support whatever goals you set for yourself, and there are many great ideas there.

                        "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                        AF since Oct 2, 2012


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning nesters....another beautiful day here in NZ. Sunny and warm......sorry you northern folk!
                          Lovely post Yogamum, you kinda internalize this place and knowing there is somewhere for support means you don't need it so much....a safety net so to speak.

                          It's Monday morning here so posting between clients. So good to wake up sober, even if a little tired, nothing seems overwhelming nowadays.

                          Still get low moments like last night but they are short now and you accept they will pass and tomorrow will be OK.

                          I have added a link in my signature with more nutrition advice for any who missed that discussion.

                          Hi Hopeful, like you I was a biatch on wine, ok on vodka so I spoiled the last ten years drinking that! :H. You CAN do this. Read, read, read, post, post,post. The act of engaging in words is speaking to your mind and this is all about changing your mind


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi there Byrdie,

                            I could use a scarf Can you really nit?

                            It snows once in a while but generally we have very mild weather. Had to look up 50 F. It is about the same temperature as it is over here at the moment. Today I went to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park and had a very lovely day. Ice skating, candy canes, cotton candy, hot dogs, all kinds of rides, a market, among other things.

                            Now have to get back to starching my shirts for tomorrow. Have a wonderful week everyone.

                            AF since 1st Sep 2012
                            NF since 1st Sep 2012

                            If you want to feel better visit


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hello everyone! I have missed you very much and am so happy to have a minute to check in. I had a wonderful holiday but am worn out from all the visiting, eating, shopping and driving.
                              I still am having to read and post from my phone but will be back in the mooning business tomorrow. Congrats to all those who earned awards while I was out and thanks so much to Byrdie and all for keeping the support and awards on track. I have not had time to catch up with everyone but will work on that next.
                              Welcome to Hopeful- we are so glad you are with us!
                              Great work everyone for sticking with the program. It is SO worth it!

                              Xoxo star



                              I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey all, Just something I'm a bit concerned about as I've been doing some online research. Is it safe to say that after 11 days AF, I'm unlikely to suffer any major withdrawals of alcohol now, ie. the DT's, shakes etc.
                                Or are these something that could still happen? Sorry, if that sounds like a stupid question.

                                Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

