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    Newbies Nest

    moni;1416959 wrote: Hey all, Just something I'm a bit concerned about as I've been doing some online research. Is it safe to say that after 11 days AF, I'm unlikely to suffer any major withdrawals of alcohol now, ie. the DT's, shakes etc.
    Or are these something that could still happen? Sorry, if that sounds like a stupid question.
    No Moni..... Not stupid but you are fine now, if gonna happen will start in first 3 days. You are well over that period and can settle into sobriety with security


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Star.....glad you had good hols

      Hi Allan my friend. 90 days for us Thursday eh? Going fast now, but kinda anxious about Xmas


        Newbies Nest



        Here is Stella at Day 24. Yes we are both at Day 24. :happy:

        I am feeling very good. The intense cravings have subsided and it is much easier to not drink today. I have been checking posts during the week and welcome new members. :welcome::welcome: Coming here alot the first few weeks really helped me focus on something different than AL. I have been getting my good feelings in other ways. I have been spending time with friends again and doing nice things for people whenever I can. :heart:

        I had mailed something to my sister and I enclosed a self addressed, stamped envelope with a letter to myself. I asked her to mail it to me. I got it a couple weeks into my quit. I reminded myself how I was feeling on day 1 and hoped that I was not drinking and if I had the letter reminded me how proud of myself I was that I had decided to quit.

        Well that is my update for today. It is a beautiful sunny, crisp (freezing) day here and it lifts my spirits. Attached files [img]/converted_files/1992612=7195-attachment.jpg[/img]
        AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:


          Newbies Nest

          Nanette;1416968 wrote: :wow:

          Here is Stella at Day 24. Yes we are both at Day 24. :happy:

          I am feeling very good. The intense cravings have subsided and it is much easier to not drink today. I have been checking posts during the week and welcome new members. :welcome::welcome: Coming here alot the first few weeks really helped me focus on something different than AL. I have been getting my good feelings in other ways. I have been spending time with friends again and doing nice things for people whenever I can. :heart:

          I had mailed something to my sister and I enclosed a self addressed, stamped envelope with a letter to myself. I asked her to mail it to me. I got it a couple weeks into my quit. I reminded myself how I was feeling on day 1 and hoped that I was not drinking and if I had the letter reminded me how proud of myself I was that I had decided to quit.

          Well that is my update for today. It is a beautiful sunny, crisp (freezing) day here and it lifts my spirits.
          NANETTE! We were starting to worry.....bout Stella ! :H

          Seriously tho so glad to see you.....tis like comrades in a war , it is worrying when someone doesnt check in as usual


            Newbies Nest

            kuya;1416962 wrote: No Moni..... Not stupid but you are fine now, if gonna happen will start in first 3 days. You are well over that period and can settle into sobriety with security
            Thanks Kuya. Because I started in hospital where they had me on a drip and were feeding me a vitamin via drip also, I probably escaped the worst. Not that I'm thrilled I was in hospital or why I was there but I guess it did help.

            Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


              Newbies Nest

              moni;1416972 wrote: Thanks Kuya. Because I started in hospital where they had me on a drip and were feeding me a vitamin via drip also, I probably escaped the worst. Not that I'm thrilled I was in hospital or why I was there but I guess it did help.
              Keep up the daily vitamins Moni


                Newbies Nest

                Thank you for caring Kuya. I was back to work this week so the free hours were a little limited. In this case not posting was a good sign. I was busy living my life in positive ways. Yay!

                Thank you again.
                AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:


                  Newbies Nest

                  kuya;1416973 wrote: Keep up the daily vitamins Moni
                  Just noticed you're in New Zealand. My grandmother was born in New Zealand. Still have relatives over there but I've never visited (yet!)

                  Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


                    Newbies Nest

                    kuya;1416964 wrote: Hi Star.....glad you had good hols

                    Hi Allan my friend. 90 days for us Thursday eh? Going fast now, but kinda anxious about Xmas
                    Hi Kuya,

                    Look forward to 90 day and then triple digits right after.

                    I don’t think I am anxious about the Holidays. I have had so many opportunities to have a drink over the last three months and yet I am sober.

                    There are so many things I have accomplished: new job, positive outlook, much better fitness, improved mental health. I really don’t think that I would give that up for the holidays... So I am not worried, rather looking forward to the festive season.

                    AF since 1st Sep 2012
                    NF since 1st Sep 2012

                    If you want to feel better visit


                      Newbies Nest

                      I think it is simply that I drank last year after Xmas and 9 weeks sober so have longer this time but will be glad to pass that period TBH


                        Newbies Nest


                        we are going to be fine. I have that fear at the back of my mind too. But I think it’s irrational. We have MWO, which we didn’t know about last time around.

                        We are prepared for the questions and have a plan for the times when we feel low. As long as you have all your basis covered you are ok.


                        AF since 1st Sep 2012
                        NF since 1st Sep 2012

                        If you want to feel better visit


                          Newbies Nest

                          Wow...I feel complete now...Stella (the flower) checked in with her writer, Nanners. Cat has become an amazing voice for the brand newest newbies.... Star is back, Allan needs me (for scarf) and Kuya is making everyone feel like a million. I tell you, 90% of half of what you worry about never happens (my mom used to say that which is 90% of half of why I'm screwed up). Just break it down (not into song, but into parts) there are just a couple of challenging situations to get thru, right? Maybe a couple of parties? We have strategies for those. We can deal! If you don't have my cell phone number and want it I will give it to you. We can text or talk if you have any wobbles. We are all in this together! I tell you, that Lav saved my bacon a zillion times...I had her email in my phone and she told me to use it. I never did, but just having it there helped me...then on my first big business trip, Lola kept checking in with me by text. Things like that you never forget. The people on this site are amazing folks...
                          I made a batch of fudge this afternoon, which I will give neighbors for Christmas....chipping away at the holiday list! Have a safe, sober night....Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Got dad moved to the new place. He was not nearly as mad at me. He didn't like the other place either. Glad he said something. This place is less institutional more home like. His confusion wasn't as bad but memory not so much. But I am glad we could put him there for as long as the money lasts...he deserves that much.

                            Newbie's Nest

                            Tool Box
                            AF 9.1.2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Dottie Belle;1417025 wrote: Got dad moved to the new place. He was not nearly as mad at me. He didn't like the other place either. Glad he said something. This place is less institutional more home like. His confusion wasn't as bad but memory not so much. But I am glad we could put him there for as long as the money lasts...he deserves that much.
                              Dottie .....your dad's problems will continue at some level and will hopefully settle, but when is Dottie going to take care of Dottie?


                                Newbies Nest

                                Kuya, Dottie stopped at the grocery store to stock up on good healthy food so we shall commence with self care NOW...hope I sleep better tonight too..

                                Newbie's Nest

                                Tool Box
                                AF 9.1.2013

