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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello and welcome Kimberly;

    Glad you found the Nest. Tell us about yourself.

    I've just been here now 2 months? I can't remember. We are all on a journey to fight against this addiction. There are lots of tools and suggestions to show how others have quit or reduced their drinking. Hope you find your way out!

    Good luck!
    Alcoholic (or Ally)

    "Only a fool knows everything.
    A wise man knows how little he knows."

    Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


      Newbies Nest

      Yea, I find these addictions very weird. I once bought 50 cans of macadamia nuts to lose weight, wigs and hair extensions worth over $1000 (I don't wear wigs!!!), dozens of cross word puzzles I had no time for, spice collection worthy of for any gourmet restaurant... Just one obsession to the next. The obsessions don't interfere w other aspects of my life (except my bank account) but the alcohol was one that did have negative impact compared to the others. I'm glad to finally get rid of the withdrawals and know a solution to get rid of cravings. But the other obsessions are still a huge issue which I don't think are alcohol related but may be related to obsessions/ addictions in general. Just thinking up a theory....lots of bipolar people drink when they are manic, wonder if some OCD people inadvertently get hooked on alcohol that way too.
      Anyway. Have a good AF day!
      Alcoholic (or Ally)

      "Only a fool knows everything.
      A wise man knows how little he knows."

      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


        Newbies Nest

        Fin;1417446 wrote: 12 lbs? Whoa. That's awesome. I'm down 5 lbs fat pounds and my percentage body fat (measured in hydrostatic water tank after 6 weeks) dropped 2 full percentage points without losing any lean muscle. In fact, lean muscle increased by a 10th of a percent!

        That P90x program is a lot like the CrossFit methodology to fitness - "constantly varying, high intensity, functional movements". Both will get you wicked strong. I'm gunning for another 9 lbs off the fat lbs and then bringing the lean muscle mass up 5 lbs. That's a good goal for a supreme Grand Canyon level fitness and it's only possible having given up the dreaded AL!

        you have an amazing plan. I am aiming to do the same - reduce BF while increasing lean muscle mass. Was advised to eat protein like a pig for two days while weight lifting and then eat very little with lots of HIT, and then repeat.

        Grand Canyon is majestic. Planning to see it on my next trip to the States.

        AF since 1st Sep 2012
        NF since 1st Sep 2012

        If you want to feel better visit


          Newbies Nest

          Alcoholic;1417755 wrote: Lolab:
          Yea, I find these addictions very weird. I once bought 50 cans of macadamia nuts to lose weight, wigs and hair extensions worth over $1000 (I don't wear wigs!!!), dozens of cross word puzzles I had no time for, spice collection worthy of for any gourmet restaurant... Just one obsession to the next. The obsessions don't interfere w other aspects of my life (except my bank account) but the alcohol was one that did have negative impact compared to the others. I'm glad to finally get rid of the withdrawals and know a solution to get rid of cravings. But the other obsessions are still a huge issue which I don't think are alcohol related but may be related to obsessions/ addictions in general. Just thinking up a theory....lots of bipolar people drink when they are manic, wonder if some OCD people inadvertently get hooked on alcohol that way too.
          Anyway. Have a good AF day!
          Allie, I tend to put my all into things I do. I really can put my all into a night out drinking AL. lol Full bore, baby!!!!! They don't call me wild thing for nothing. Aaarrrrggghhh! Anyway, in some ways the obsessive nature can become a positive. If you put me on something, I don't stop until I've ripped out every corner and found my answer...if it's something I want to do, it gets done well. I tend to replace one thing with the next, too. I will say, I have improved over the last few years, though. I think trying to be the perfect mom with a crazy teenager and messy husband finally broke me down to say, oh hell, just give me a drink! That's easier!!! I think anxiety accompanies the just can't stop until it's done or perfect...leads to drinking to calm down. IMO

          You may find this guy interesting on this subject.
          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


            Newbies Nest

            Ally, I think we are all kind of obsessive...someone posted about that, Kuya, was it you? It had to do with personality traits and such. We all seem to share that, so must be something to it....

            Star, I was going to say, gosh, what good advice you are giving! Bah! I say beg, borrow or steal the words, just use them if you think they'll help someone! Nice to know you were listening! :l I'm with you, maybe you and I can be the walkers in the group! I can do almost a mile in under 30 minutes...beat that! ehehehe....

            Kimberly, settle in and make yourself at home! You've landed in THE best possible place if you are serious about getting sober! We are so glad you're here! Is this your first serious quit?

            Have a safe afternoon, nesters! K9 great to see you back, we have missed you terribly...the moons just aren't the same somehow!! eheheh....xo, B
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              Thank You All and Help in Day 1

              Thanks to everyone for acknowledging my joining posts. I feel like I am standing at the bottom of Mt. Everest, even to just get through today without alcohol. I know I need one day to get more and to start to build any kind of belief I can do this. I will take what some of you have shared to heart. Eating is a big one. I know I would be way less likely to drink if I actually ate dinner with my son, instead of just sitting with him trying to make it to his bed time before picking up a drink. I don't feel much like drinking after I have eaten. It is so simple, but by evening I struggle and say - I'll start tomorrow. I appreciate the advice to go to the toolbox and to make a plan, to even go to bed at 8:00 or 6:00, as the case may really be, in the beginning just to get a day AF. Those are good reminders. It doesn't have to be pretty or perfect in the beginning I suppose. I can polish how I spend my sober evenings later!

              Any additional ideas are welcome. Thank you so much for everyone's support. I can feel it and that it is genuine already and I am hopeful it will help me through the tough times to certainly come.


                Newbies Nest

                Welcome Embracing It! Even your MWO profile name shows your commitment. Read back and get to know us. We are a dedicated group. No matter what kind of day you may be having just check in here. There is plenty of love and support for all our needs.

                Star and Byrdie - I want to be a walker too! Let's show those marathoners what they are up against. It's not always about speed. Sometimes it's just getting your big butt up off the sofa. These boots are made for walkin' lol!
                we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Friends, I hope everyone is doing well.

                  Jenniech, it is good to see you back here! I remember your thread about the joys of AF weekends from long ago. That was a very helpful thread for me because it helped solidify my thoughts about truly embracing the joys of AF life.

                  Moni, fantastic job on your nearly two weeks! Loads and loads of great things are headed your way!

                  Catbuddy, that is a very touching story, thank you for sharing it.

                  EmbracingIt, you ARE in the right place. Just keep posting here and reading as much as you can. There is always room for one more and we all help each other here, even without knowing it. You are correct about eating and its relationship to drinking. Keep thinking of ways to mess with your drinking, and you will have a good start on a plan!

                  Kuya, loved the post about hating alcohol. Thank you.

                  JingleJo, I'm sorry your feeling down today. Try to not focus on the highs and lows too hard. Like Byrdie always says, you'll almost never have two bad days in a row. For me, being AF at first was such a relief, I expected to hear angels singing every freaking morning. When I had an "off day" it kind of played with my head. We are still allowed to have bad days, just be good to yourself.

                  Welcome Kimberly! Please stick around and tell us about yourself.

                  Have a great AF day, friends.
                  "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                  AF 11/12/11


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello Nest,
                    Quick hello- and just to say- went over and didn't even register- that it has been over a year since I started AF lifestyle (minus the blip in Florence) WOW- a year and not even noticed! Didn't think that would have happened this time last year.
                    I hope I can bring some hope to those starting out. Starting out really isnt the word as I feel like most days I am starting out- I am still so tempted at times and it is hard to say no and not have a couple (as mentioned- Florence).
                    Off to speak to a client but will be back soon.

                    hope everyone is safe


                      Newbies Nest

                      Slay: great video! I totally agree w Dr. Mate. Thank you for posting it.
                      Alcoholic (or Ally)

                      "Only a fool knows everything.
                      A wise man knows how little he knows."

                      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Wow, Day 16 and struggling. So many cravings and "the voice" creeping in. I will NOT CAVE...I WILL NOT.

                        Now listening to Dr. Gabor.
                        Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                        Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                        Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                        Go forward boldly and unafraid


                          Newbies Nest

                          kuya;1417627 wrote: What strikes me about this is what you say about checking in here, and talking 'out there'.

                          I have neglected most relationships, except family , since I got sober. I can't imagine how many hours I have spent on MWO. :H

                          This IS my addiction for now, living sober, thinking sober, talking sober, reading sober, BEING SOBER.

                          If you met me you would not, for one moment, think that I had drunk half a bottle of vodka daily for 23 years. I look fine, have a good career, a nice home, a good business, lovely kids and am a naturally happy person. Yet I honestly doubt I would have kept ANY of these things for more than another year.....tops, if I continued.

                          I was a high functioning alcoholic, we are numerous and invisible.

                          I was quietly drinking myself to death, no dramas, just a quiet suicide.

                          I can only talk and think negatively about alcohol for now, and probably forever. I will moderate my tone for the REAL world, but here and now I HATE the stuff.

                          I NEED to hate a violent partner, it was KILLING me.

                          Heck I can't even tolerate reading much talk of moderating ATM, it makes me wonder uuummmmmm, could I ?

                          I KNOW I can't ..... I am an alcoholic, and alcoholics CAN'T drink. Period!

                          I have been to parties, since sober, where folks have been drinking and I have enjoyed myself and come home happy, and somewhat relieved. But I couldnt be around people talking about drinking in a positive way every day. I am a strong person, but I am not that strong.

                          I will be out and about soon, no doubt. After twelve weeks sober I am feeling stronger, and my friends will say.......'where have YOU been? You look well!' And then they will get on with their lives as before. But I am hoping MY life will NEVER be the same again, because I will be sober, for the first time in nearly a quarter century!

                          One day, the 'old timers' promise me, I will be indifferent to alcohol, but until then this place IS my life.....and will, hopefully save my life.

                          For those of you with fewer years of alcohol abuse let me tell you, those years went by soooo very, very fast. I can never get that time back, I will ALWAYS regret drinking, the harm to my kids emotionally and myself physically.

                          If any of this helps even ONE of you save YOUR years, then some of this waste of life will have served a purpose.
                          Yup, this does help. Good to read. Thank you Kuya. Great post.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Have been having relapse dreams almost every night this week. Usually it involves me consuming alcohol by mistake. Going to bed now. Wish me a good dream.

                            AF since 1st Sep 2012
                            NF since 1st Sep 2012

                            If you want to feel better visit


                              Newbies Nest

                              Pinecone;1417865 wrote: JingleJo, I'm sorry your feeling down today. Try to not focus on the highs and lows too hard. Like Byrdie always says, you'll almost never have two bad days in a row. For me, being AF at first was such a relief, I expected to hear angels singing every freaking morning. When I had an "off day" it kind of played with my head. We are still allowed to have bad days, just be good to yourself.
                              Thanks. Yip being AF did bring a sense of relief and I also "expected to hear angels singing every freaking morning" lol. Was on such a natural high for a few days.

                              Not feeling too bad tonight now, just a bit edgy, but nothing compared to what it was like when I was drinking/hungover, so for that I guess I'm grateful.

                              Went to my 2nd AA meeting tonight and spoke at it after the share which I was proud of as had been psyching myself up to do it. Not sure if I'm gonna stick with AA in the longer term tbh, will see how things pan out over the next few week.

                              Argh, head has been sooooo busy over the past 10 days, quite exhausting tbh lol.

                              Glad to have found this site, it has really helped xxx


                                Newbies Nest

                                Going to Vegas this weekend! Last time I went I blew several thousand on coin slots. of Course while drinking. This time I wonder if I will still lose that much sober if I have that obsessive compulsive problem?! I guess it will be an experiment.
                                Alcoholic (or Ally)

                                "Only a fool knows everything.
                                A wise man knows how little he knows."

                                Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.

