I'm in mental health business and yes, lots of self medicating going on. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm a fellow self- medicater. I'm in denial of what my true mental illness is though (my husband thinks I have bipolar, he's probably right, but I'm not ready to admit to it yet!). I have no family hx of drug/alcohol addiction, but lot of anxiety in the family and many undiagnosed possible bipolars. My aunt could talk until you ripped your ears in front of her, my workaholic family: dad is 74 still working 6 days a week, lots of famous artists, architects in the family. And I go on huge spending sprees. Bought a 20,000 piano when I play at 2nd grade level.
But anyway, instead of seeing a therapist, you may want to see a psychiatrist who can play around w your meds and find the best for you. Find a good one though. There are many crappy ones out there.

Find a good one? lol I've seen some real bozos in the past. Much of the medical profession has turned into a three ring circus motivated by profit only and time is short. When I saw a doctor this week, she just handed me a sheet with all the psychologists listed from this center and said give them a call and see who you can see. There were about twenty of them on the list. lol In my area, it is hard to see a psychiatrist...limited availability I assume and they will only see you for initial diagnosis then pass you on to a psychologist. Everyone has problems today. The doctor said she would work with the psychologist and since I do so much of my own research, I figured I could live with that. (My regular doctor retired just like that. No longer available.) I, also, feel that if I see a psychologist, maybe they can arrange for a psychiatrist if the need arises. They don't dole out those cards easily around here. It's like an inefficient production line. It's not my first crazy go around with the medical establishment. I've learned to look out for myself by doing my homework. I will miss my doctor because he trusted my judgement and would do things to work with my research. Back to the drawing board for me.
In the past I saw one psychiatrist twice who I absolutely loved, but she had a family issue pop up and had to stop her practice and move. However, it was interesting to listen to her say it's like playing a little game with patients. We do a lot of practicing trying to figure out how to label a person for insurance, etc., but it's often about just finding what works for that patients symptoms. There is so much overlapping. Look at all the labels they have today for kids. I think insurance companies have ruined medicine. I often wish they would have been non profit organizations. I, also, think there are many many people with undiagnosed issues. They self medicate to cope. Many don't want the stigma of a diagnosis and others have other reasons.
Personal responsibility has never been so valuable!