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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    :dancingskel::dancingskel::dancingskel:I love a party!!!!

    Newbie's Nest

    Tool Box
    AF 9.1.2013


      Newbies Nest

      AF since october 8th 2012:new

      How to get Alcohol free in 6 minutes :H


        Newbies Nest

        White Knuckling, Not Exactly

        I thought I would check in again. It is 5:15 now and while I am not exactly white knuckling, I don't feel as strong as I did last night. I think because I am too tired to be very active and am bored. Thank goodness I am full (and planning to eat more). That does seem to help a lot. I feel so silly having just one day and working so hard on 2, but I am doing it and i am very glad you all are here for the support party this evening!! It is so fabulous to have well wishes that I can tell are sincere! Did anybody else say they are in their first few days? I'd love to know how you are doing and just to share that we can do it! It helps to know others are in the exact same spot! Let's co-encourage each other!


          Newbies Nest

          The first day is a HUGE achievment, well done on that,just think how good you'll feel in the morning achieving day 2 ,it does get better.As k9 says(I think)you wont wake up sober tomorrow wishing you had drank the night before so stick with it there are lots of us here with you.
          AF since october 8th 2012:new

          How to get Alcohol free in 6 minutes :H


            Newbies Nest


            Following in the steps of the successful, I have poured myself a Pelligrino over ice with a slice of lemon. Tastes good, but just putting ice cubes in a glass without Maker's Mark to follow it is completely foreign to me. I figured I should just do it and not overthink it.

            Whoever said their mantra is "I don't drink" that has helped me some today. Thank you.

            Thank goodness I have not been a go out on Friday nights girl for about 8 years, so I am not missing that tonight. In fact, this online party is the most social interaction I've had on a Friday night in a long, long time.

            My boy (5) is totally plugged into PBS kids playing a Martha Speaks game (vocabulary focus). I guess that is o.k. as I take a little me time to just work on getting through the evening AF.

            Sorry to post so much, but it is keeping me occupied.


              Newbies Nest

              Thank you

              Thanks, Patrick! It is true, I will never feel guilty not having drank the night before...


                Newbies Nest

                And remember absolutley everyone here has been on day 1 as well and thought it was impossible,but that first step will change your life for the better in ways you cannot imagine ,so in the morning give your son a big hug and whisper "guess what mommy did for us yesterday"in his ear
                AF since october 8th 2012:new

                How to get Alcohol free in 6 minutes :H


                  Newbies Nest

                  didn't mean to leave the party! I know it helps to know that you're not sitting there alone - there ARE other people who are struggling at the very moment that you are...and there are others who are making it through those struggles, just like you will.....while some of us aren't on our first few days, we sure remember them like they are yesterday...I try to keep that feeling fresh, so I remember that I don't want to have to go through it ever again....

                  :l to everybody...

                  Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                  Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                    Newbies Nest

                    The kudzu really has to be good quality. The full spectrum kudzu recovery from vitamin shoppe works the best for me. There are many preparations, from what I read and also experienced, that didn't work. The kudzu from mWO is supposed to really good too so I plan to try that next. Everyone has different reactions to different stuff. So if you tried the good quality kudzu before and didn't have any effect on you, then maybe it won't work for you. I have taken very few kudzu lately, I think the l glutamine reduces my craving more than kudzu. I think kudzu just reduces the amount I do drink if I do drink. So it would be like an extra protection. But since w l- glut I haven't been wanting to drink, I just have not cared to bother w kudzu, but I still have many bottles of it, just in case!
                    Alcoholic (or Ally)

                    "Only a fool knows everything.
                    A wise man knows how little he knows."

                    Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Ally, are you trying to be AF totally or moderating? As you know, we are trying our darnest to get those first 30 AF days in here in the nest. You've been here a while, and I've never been quite sure of your it AF?
                      Good luck with your trip to Lost Wages...tell my nickels I miss them. Travel safely! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest


                        My goal, like most people here, is really not to drink.

                        however, if I were to cave in to temptation, I have protection against going back to drinking everyday and excessively. It's kind of like abstaining from sex, if you can't abstain, it's better to have protection kind of thing.

                        So, I've never really understand the division between moderating vs abstaining . People who "moderate" their goals are actually the same: they don't want to drink, but if they do cave in to their cravings, that they force themselves to have 1-2 drinks.

                        And for some, abstaining for life is too difficult to fathom, they will give up before even trying to start. I'd rather try and fail and try again (to some people that's moderating, to others it's like going AF but fail at times.). So to me, it's just terminology that has little meaning to me. Sorry if I offend anyone.

                        I want to stay at the nest mainly because I like hearing stories about people striving to stay sober, and the stories of cautionary tales of not going back to drinking. That way it's an extra protection for me to avoid alcohol.
                        Alcoholic (or Ally)

                        "Only a fool knows everything.
                        A wise man knows how little he knows."

                        Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Welcome to the nest EmbracingIt, MyWayIn, Andrew and Milly. :welcome:

                          I guess with four weeks under my belt I am not such a newbie anymore but I still am going to hang out here because I enjoy it and it helps me.

                          Dottie it sounds like things are still tough but going better. Everyday will be a little better as your dad gets settled in. :l

                          Kuya and Allan wow 3 months good job.:goodjob:

                          Star...Day 61. WOW You go girl! :banana:

                          Well thank you for the 30 day congratulations'. However I have them sitting in a box beside my computer for Sunday. Today is four weeks which is only 28 days. However Sunday will be 30 days so I will keep the hats and claps for Sunday. Thank you again.

                          Stella is well and I will post a 30 day picture on Sunday.

                          Have a great night everyone. Bedtime for me. Ok one dance first.......:dancin: :rockband:
                          AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Alcoholic;1419793 wrote: Byrdie:

                            I want to stay at the nest mainly because I like hearing stories about people striving to stay sober, and the stories of cautionary tales of not going back to drinking. That way it's an extra protection for me to avoid alcohol.
                            Hey Allie,

                            While I appreciate your finding comfort in the nest and their heartfelt stories and struggles that help keep you AF, you want to be careful that you are not in any way leading people down the path of thinking that it's ok to just have one, or having them think that if they relapse, one or two wasn't that bad a relapse. With great love and admiration toward you, let's remember that most folks at the nest are struggling very hard to make it not only one day at a time, but for some one minute at a time. A few of us had a friendly debate over here (which you were a part of my friend) and it was my understanding we all agreed we were going to try to be more supportive of the nesters who are really struggling to be AF and not talk about other options. Just saying...with great love ofcourse Allie!

                            "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                            ~Jack Welsh~:h

                            God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Eve11;1419806 wrote: Hey Allie,

                              While I appreciate your finding comfort in the nest and their heartfelt stories and struggles that help keep you AF, you want to be careful that you are not in any way leading people down the path of thinking that it's ok to just have one, or having them think that if they relapse, one or two wasn't that bad a relapse. With great love and admiration toward you, let's remember that most folks at the nest are struggling very hard to make it not only one day at a time, but for some one minute at a time. A few of us had a friendly debate over here (which you were a part of my friend) and it was my understanding we all agreed we were going to try to be more supportive of the nesters who are really struggling to be AF and not talk about other options. Just saying...with great love ofcourse Allie!

                              I hear what you are saying.

                              Again, I am not advocating drinking 1-2 drinks once awhile, but merely that it's a good idea to try to climb right back on the wagon if you do fail. Not to feel like a failure, not to be ashamed, but jut get back on and try again. And if someone does crave that drink, which we all do at one point another, use kudzu and l glut or Antabuse or whatever out there to help support your goal. I think that's basically all our goals, to stop drinking and to help each other quit, and if they have trouble w their cravings, suggest ways to reduce cravings and damage control if the willpower fails.

                              Just to make sure I make myself clear so all newbies and others can hear: do not drink. Alcohol is bad for you. It's bad for the body and mind. It can cause problems w your family and friends. It hurts every organ in your body. It can lead to loss of jobs, dignity, and drivers license.
                              Alcoholic (or Ally)

                              "Only a fool knows everything.
                              A wise man knows how little he knows."

                              Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Nanette;1419803 wrote: Welcome to the nest EmbracingIt, MyWayIn, Andrew and Milly. :welcome:

                                I guess with four weeks under my belt I am not such a newbie anymore but I still am going to hang out here because I enjoy it and it helps me.

                                Dottie it sounds like things are still tough but going better. Everyday will be a little better as your dad gets settled in. :l

                                Kuya and Allan wow 3 months good job.:goodjob:

                                Star...Day 61. WOW You go girl! :banana:

                                Well thank you for the 30 day congratulations'. However I have them sitting in a box beside my computer for Sunday. Today is four weeks which is only 28 days. However Sunday will be 30 days so I will keep the hats and claps for Sunday. Thank you again.

                                Stella is well and I will post a 30 day picture on Sunday.

                                Have a great night everyone. Bedtime for me. Ok one dance first.......:dancin: :rockband:
                                Nanette well done on your 4 weeks.... It will add up so quickly.

                                I stay close to the nest, well actually I post nearly everywhere, but the nest is my first check in......why? Because this is where I learnt, this is like popping into yer mums place to check out that life is still fine.

                                Don't feel there is a 'time' you must leave, there will always be people who will value your help. There will be the odd day you may need help.yourself. You don't have to be on day 1 to come fact peeps should be back here on day1 - 1 if you get my drift.

