Good morning Nesters!
We have a bright, sunny, less humid day on hand here today, so nice for a change!
A warm welcome to krazykatt & gin! Congrats on your 3 days krazykatt, that's a major accomplishment, keep going! gin, have you made a plan? Are you going to attempt to go AF or moderate? Tell us a little more about yourself, look forward to getting to know you!
openheart you have to be smiling - 7 days, awesome! Bet you have a whole new outlook now!
chops, know you're busy but stick with us

Sooty, you've brushed yourself off and are back in the driver's seat - the sober bus needs you! Keep your head high and your eyes open, ha ha.
I heading outside to try to straighten up my garden which now is looking more like a jungle!
Have a good AF Tuesday everyone.