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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Yes Lav he is in a very good place even if he does not think so...and yes wine did not help one little bit....

    Newbie's Nest

    Tool Box
    AF 9.1.2013


      Newbies Nest

      Nom nom nom nom. Tom soup. Nice.

      It's nearly 2am. I'm hungerford. But really should go to Bedfordshire.

      Nanette - x-post! Love your card for AF.

      Happy buffday to you, Happy buffday TO youuuu. Happy BUFFday dear Almost FREEEEEEEEEEEE! Happy buffday to you.

      I especially love other people's buffdays.



        Newbies Nest

        Happy ByrdDay Almost free!!!
        Congrats on everyone's Day 1!!! You'll be getting one of Star's Moonies before you know it. If it was easy, everyone'd be doing it! You are in a very elite club...those that ACT, not just talk about it! I am so proud of us all!!
        Off to watch the season finale of Boardwalk Empire!!! Stay safe everyone! We are a team! Give me a T!!! :yougo: well, you know the is a team effort....thank goodness we aren't walking alone in the dark.
        Hugs to all! XO, Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks so much Nanette, for the cake, the beautiful card and the lovely song. I love birthdays so much, too. And thanks RC for the card, too, on behalf of the nest. It certainly made me feel much loved tonight. Something I dearly needed. Much love to all of you. Better go make myself something to eat. Just realized I haven't even eaten today, and it's way past dinner. Had it all going tonight: hungry, angry, lonely and tired. You all have made me feel cared for. Bless all of you for your kindness and love. All of you have a great evening. RC and Dottie, looking forward to Day 2, tomorrow with you. Love to all.
          AF since 12/2/12


            Newbies Nest

            Thank you too, Byrdie
            AF since 12/2/12


              Newbies Nest

              Almost Free, I almost forgot -
              Stella likes to give everyone a little birthday gift

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Oh Lavande, so sweet of you and Stella. Thank you so much! So glad you all are here.
                AF since 12/2/12


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning nesters.

                  Dark out there. Cold too. Burrrrrr. Right off to the posh skool to teach them rotters for a wee while.

                  Have a good Monday peeps.

                  Lav - Stella plucking herself there? She'll be a bald chook if we have a rash of birthdays. :H

                  Back laters...


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters,

                    Sunny & rather mild here today!

                    No worries about Stellla & her girls - they molt naturally & I find those feathers all over the place. Never found a use for them until now

                    Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Dottie ? so glad you stayed strong last night! Those little notches add up ? they build up your strength little by little.

                      Happy Belated Birthday almost free. I do hope that you?re feeling less shaky and sick today. After I did my initial 30 days ? I started in drinking again ? and then came my birthday?.I somehow convinced myself that my family had a huge surprise in store for me ? and I had figured out what it was. (a surprise visit from a family member) As I drank more and more, I just KNEW that they were trying to figure out how to get to the airport to get her ? without letting me know. And then as I figured out that that wasn?t even close to what was really going on ? I drank even more. It really was pathetic?.and even worse that I was clearly disappointed and drunk to find out the much smaller surprise that they actually had for me?.nice. I guess a birthday pity party just made me jump back in time to that awful day. So let?s say it ?that?s the last birthday ? the last day that alcohol is going to take away from me or my family.? :l

                      Dottie, RC and almost ? congratulations on day 2.

                      Nanette, I loved your snow pic. We had some last week but now it?s gone. I really do like it at this time of year.

                      new day ? day 3 today? How are you?

                      Embracing it ? I would drink all day on Sundays. Maybe knowing that my husband was around usually ? and would drive if we went anywhere?I don?t know ? but by Mondays I was usually a mess. So I hope you?re having a marvelous Monday morning.

                      Hey kuya, lav, Byrdie, glad your?e back RC. And all others further back in the thread and anyone lurking?.It?s a great day to make big changes. You can actually enjoy the upcoming holiday season ? if you get the depressant out of your life.

                      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                        Newbies Nest

                        Afternoon all!

                        Have had a bit of a strange morning. My older brother texted me first thing this morning to remind me that it is the anniversay of my big sisters death (she died suddenly 5 years ago today, only 39). I had totally forgot it was today, but when I read the text and my emotions ran high, I suddenly had an overwhelming urge to drink - not only drink, but to get pissed. It just came over me instantaneously and caught me unawares.

                        Luckily I was on my way to work and managed to shake the feeling off eventually, but I'm not so sure if that is what would have happened had I been sitting in at night alone. It was such a powerful feeling in synch with me feeling sad about my sister.

                        Wooah, I'll need to watch out for trigger moments like that in the future. It really scared me tbh.



                          Newbies Nest

                          JingleJo;1421025 wrote: Afternoon all!

                          Have had a bit of a strange morning. My older brother texted me first thing this morning to remind me that it is the anniversay of my big sisters death (she died suddenly 5 years ago today, only 39). I had totally forgot it was today, but when I read the text and my emotions ran high, I suddenly had an overwhelming urge to drink - not only drink, but to get pissed. It just came over me instantaneously and caught me unawares.

                          Luckily I was on my way to work and managed to shake the feeling off eventually, but I'm not so sure if that is what would have happened had I been sitting in at night alone. It was such a powerful feeling in synch with me feeling sad about my sister.

                          Wooah, I'll need to watch out for trigger moments like that in the future. It really scared me tbh.

                          :l at ya JingleJo. Stay strong. It's a hard day for you I'm sure. Thinking of you. If you need to chat use us. We're here for you :l


                            Newbies Nest

                            Jingles~ Don't feel bad....that's how we handled things in the past...we drank over them so we wouldn't feel them. Happy, sad, lonely, whatever, that WAS our coping mechanism. Like Lola says, it takes PRACTICE to work the muscles that say NO, NOT this had a distraction to help this time...that's what I do when a notion hits me, I stop in my tracks and change direction...I have to get my mind out of that loop or down the hole I'd go....
                            I am so sorry about your sister...December is riddled with land mines for many of armed for them! You are doing great! You have quite an investment in your quit already! It will start paying you back, too!! Well done!
                            Stay strong everyone! Dick Head is everywhere! Don't invite him in! XO, B
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Sorry to have to report I'm on day 1 again. I had felt so strong yesterday and was doing all the right things. Come time to prepare dinner I poured myself a cranberry juice and soda and was content. Problem one was we were doing a steak BBQ which always called for wine (even for hubby who is not a big drinker). The shocker was when he came and poured himself a LARGE glass of wine....he never does that! When he realized I only had cranberry juice in my glass, he offered to give me his glass and he'd get another one. I said No, just pour me a small one and he did. Well it sat on the counter while I finished preparing dinner. (I haven't told hubby about my attempt to go AF, so it wasn't his fault.....only mine for not being brave enough to confide in him). So I drank the glass with dinner and topped it up once. This in itself is still a positive achievement for me.....(I'm trying to stay positive, and not get down on myself as I know that will only lead to giving up totally).
                              So even though I didn't drink to excess, I still have to start counting all over! I think I need to develop a secondary counting plan......where if I do cave, but limit the amount to what a normal person would do, I can still feel somewhat rewarded.
                              Has anyone done this......or does it just set me up for total failure?


                                Newbies Nest

                                Woah- this thread moves so fast. I say it every time. Lol.
                                Hello Nesters. I hope you are all staying strong :-) I am feeling weak and want to give in to drink. Had a sip pd DH whiskey (medicinal) and straight away I wanted more. Managed to go through the weekend without but afternthisyear mark I'm caving in :-/
                                Ay tips from old timers is welcomed. Seems my resolve has lessened. Do I need another goal?
                                It's like the evil is saying you done a year you can have a few sessions here and there. Then oh the other side it's a No Way! You know where that will lead to .. Been there and remember how it feels. At the momement the latter is winning but I am scared my resolve won't last. Especially as I am off to Perth for Holidays later on this week over the festive period.

                                Help appreciated :-)

