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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters!

    We have a bright, sunny, less humid day on hand here today, so nice for a change!

    A warm welcome to krazykatt & gin! Congrats on your 3 days krazykatt, that's a major accomplishment, keep going! gin, have you made a plan? Are you going to attempt to go AF or moderate? Tell us a little more about yourself, look forward to getting to know you!

    openheart you have to be smiling - 7 days, awesome! Bet you have a whole new outlook now!
    chops, know you're busy but stick with us
    Sooty, you've brushed yourself off and are back in the driver's seat - the sober bus needs you! Keep your head high and your eyes open, ha ha.

    I heading outside to try to straighten up my garden which now is looking more like a jungle!
    Have a good AF Tuesday everyone.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      thanks Chicken and Lav, I'm back in the drivers cabin and this bus is heading straight through to September - only stopping to let people get on!
      Have a good day everyone to come
      love Sooty


        Newbies Nest

        Gooooooood Morning peeplings!

        Phew... I had plans to work till later in the evening yesterday... but my humble plans were thoroughly spoiled! Mr. Wonderful came home from work early and dragged my son, his g/f and myself out on to the lake for some tubing :eeks: Unfortunately, the boat engine had a case of the hiccups, so we dropped the youngsters at the beach, he drove me home, and then headed back to the boat, tools in tow. Came back around 7pm... reported the engine was running fine now. That evil man, instead of letting me get my work done, insisted that him and I go for a little sunset cruise on the lake. That lasted until 9pm and since we still hadn't had dinner by then, he instigated picking up some smoked cajun trout , crackers, and a movie to finish off the night! The NERVE! I feel so abused :H

        And since we got to sleep rather late (or early) :blush: - I slept in this morning *sigh
        So, I better hop to it here.

        Sooty... glad you're back in the driver's seat... you know the drill. (almost typed 'dill' - speaking of which... where's Dilly-dally???) Lav, it's cool here the past few mornings... like fall is in the air I love fall, don't get me wrong... but damn, I'm still waiting for SUMMER! :H Chicken, my goodness... I get dizzy just reading of your neighbourhood adventures! LOL, I must be getting old... in my days I've also been known to have up to 12 kids in tow, heading to some lake, forest, or the likes. It's exhausting, but it's fun, too, isn't it??? In any case... it's SO good to hear you clucking over there! Chops... good morning! I must have missed the reason for your absence? Have not 'seen' you much lately? Hello Tranq, Gin, and Krazy... Welcome gin, yep, you can still socialize with the drinking population!

        Pops, good morning to you and G... are you peeking out under boxes yet???

        Ok, I will leave this nest in all your capable hands.. and finally get to WORK! Yes. That's the plan. And I'm sticking to it. I think :H
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          Newbies Nest

          Afternoon everyone - just wanted to introduce myself. I am female, 44yrs old n been drinking since I was around 16. Developed into everyday drinking around 9/10 years ago. I managed to stop for a whole month about 2yrs ago then started again. Anyway I wish to stop again - in fact I have. I did not drink at all yesterday (last drink around 11pm Sunday) but am sat here at work feeling very ill, feels like I got flu - headache, freezing (got 2 jackets on) n generally not very well at all. I understand this is probably the withdrawal but does anyone have any advice on things I can take to help me along the bumpy road??? Many thanks Miranda


            Newbies Nest

            :welcome: Miranda! I'm very glad you found us

            Lots of fluids, some good solid food, have you got some multi vitamin at hand? Can you go for a walk at lunch and get your circulation going?

            The first few days are tough :l but the good news is... it gets SO MUCH better, thereafter! Are you planning on reading the MWO book and design your own plan?

            Congrats on Day 2 AF (alcohol free)!
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Sunshine - thanks for the welcome. No I have no vitamins to hand - don't know which I should be taking or all of them or........ I do understand it is the withdrawal & hopefully I will be better soon. I can do this - I am determined. :new:


                Newbies Nest

                Good Morning Nesters! Everyone looks to be busy and happy

                Welcome to Miranda, Krazy, Gin and all the new Nesters :welcome: I will get to know your names, I promise!

                Openheart ~ congrats on 7 days!! That is absolutely marvelous!

                Lav ~ Hello to you. I will be sticking with you all. I am making myself slow down a little bit. Still plugging away at school, as two new classes started, but I am going to do some things for me too.

                Sunni ~ Mr. Wonderful sure treats you right. A sunset cruise sounds divine! How is your mom doing? I was absent a lot recently due to the death of my stepdad. Also, work and school were insanely busy. Congrats on your AF time!!

                Sooty ~ glad you have dusted yourself off and jumped back on. Onward and Upward my friend. We are all here for you!

                Chicken ~ please send me some of your energy :H I remember the days of running my son and all his friends about. Never a dull moment. I sometimes miss it.

                PR & 'G' ~ hope you have a pleasant day. PR, are you still working your marathon days?

                Hello to other others, and I apologize for missing any others. Have a wonderful AF Tuesday! :l


                  Newbies Nest

                  Topamax for sale

                  Hi everyone - I have Topamax 50mg that I no longer need. I would like to see it. Anyone interested?


                    Newbies Nest

                    Oh, chops... I'm so sorry! My heart felt condolences :l

                    My mom is getting a little better each day... still very weak.. but things are definitely looking up - thank you!
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Midway through Day 7 AF and passed through my first weekend successfully. Can't wait to be able to fall asleep at 10 or 10:30 without the assistance of a prescription med brought on by alcohol abstinence.

                      Also looking forward to the cravings subsiding. Still don't have my cleansing kit yet and it's been almost a week!

                      So far so good


                        Newbies Nest


                        Appreciate the welcoming home..........No, Sun I'll be buried under boxes for a while yet.....Chops, great to hear from you again as you always bring a smile. FYI, yeah still working my marathons....only now, it's a longer commute.....oh well, won't worry about that till Thursday. Chicken, thanks for the kind words and I am soooo happy 'the nest' is the comforting place for you that it was designed to be. Well, gotta get back to boxes.....'G' is hiding in a kitchen cabinet where he will stay most of the day. Then he'll be up all night crying in the bed with me while I try to sleep. CANNOT wait till he gets settled in and I have 'my G' back.
                        Have a great day my little ones.
                        Pops & G


                          Newbies Nest

                          Today is day 20 AF. I had the thought today that I am thinking about AL less. My insomnia seems to have returned just as i go back to work..(must be work related) I had been sleeping like a baby until last friday and monday was my first day back after summer vacation..I started to drink a lot 2 years ago to unwind, relax, take the edge off after an extra stressful year..Then it became a habit every day even when i was home alone and i saw my tolerance go up and i was drinking more to get the same buzz. For me the first few days AF was the hardest then you get used to feeling so much better clear-headed, more even tempered etc. I do not know how long i will go but last weekend i was around friends who were drinking and i drank water and noone said anything about this which was cool. The few people i have been honest with have been nothing but supportive telling me about others they know who share the same struggle..So hope I can stay strong no matter what happens at work and in life.this winter my youngest son will be sent to Afghanistan and i am heartsick about that would be real easy to drink those feelings away...........
                          take care all
                          stay strong
                          this might sound stupid but when i was with the drinking friends i actually had the thought that if i drank then i would have to start all over with the AF count and i did not want to have to tell all you friends here that i slipped and that helped me to stay AF..I have never met any of you but you are like friends and i thank you for your ecouragement, advice, support and help..


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello everyone. I've been working on my mod'ing skills after 30 days af. I've also managed to get through last Wednesday to Sunday with only 8 beers. I had two 'one-beer gift days' in there as well, and it was all social/summer fun. Quite pleased, but treading cautiously, and feeling a little unsure about the whole mod thing at the moment -- looking forward to some af downtime, esp since I caught some sniffles in the cold and rain we had a few nights back.

                            Queen, it's funny that I was just paging through my journal-entries for the past few weeks today - I wrote just about the same as "I am thinking about AL less" right around day 20. I thought it was a good sign! And 20 days af is absolutely fanta-bulous!!!

                            I also loved your comment "I have never met any of you but you are like friends"; the feeling is mutual and goes out to all from me too. I feel very fortunate to have found this place. I know this is a long road to travel, but being able to share thoughts and get support makes each step a little easier.

                            Coach - wtg on a week af. Big Congrats! Chicken, you must be energized again - take those batteries out at bedtime.

                            Hi Chops and Renewal, glad to hear your lives are settling a bit, and sorry to hear about the rough spots.

                            By for now. Take care all.
                            Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning Chirpers!

                              Well a quick one before work..hubby woke me this am at 4:30am for cuddles etc!so am well ahead of time today! Actually, for the first time in a long time I did not just roll away from his arm when it came across my waist and groan incoherently about tiredness (aka hangover!) So its been an early start for us..but a good one!
                              Two coffees under belt already (not so great-but hey I have a long day ahead) and it is not yet 7:30am here in Oz!

                              Hey Tranq!-I think you could be right..I forget to take the batteries out in the pm -duh!*smacks self in head* Your modding sounds like its going well...just stay determined huh!
                              Queen- all our well wishes to your must be proud of him! It would be hard to wave them off knowing where they are going...but I'm sure all of us here will send some prayers alog with him! I'm sending a bright/glowing energy sheild of protection around your boy right now infact! (Corny-but hey,it makes me feel better!)

                              Pops-pardon my ignorance,but is 'G' a dog? I never quite found that one out LOL
                              Coach & Openheart -yay for day 7, hip hip hooray for you, *shakes pom-poms madly at you both*

                              Chops-how goes the study! I think childbirth has fried my brain too much for that anymore...and the alcohol!

                              Sunni- what you up to?Glad your Mum is gettiing better too!
                              Sooty-drive safe and Lav thanks!

                              Miranda- welcome with big hugs and heaps of pats on back for the effort!
                              That's all for now folks, have a good one and will catch you all later!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good evening Nesters,

                                Sounds like it was a good Tuesday here - wonderful

                                Hello & Welcome to Miranda! Glad you're here & congrats on your 2 days, keep going

                                Chops, glad to hear you're going to save a little time for yourself this semester!

                                Coach, a hearty congrats on 7 days, excellent!

                                And Queen, wow 20 days........fantastic for you. Have you noticed time seems to be moving a little faster these days??? I currently have a niece and a nephew serving in Iraq, think about them all the time. Will be thinking about you & your son, stsy strong.

                                TranqWilly, summer colds really stink, don't they? Feel better soon.

                                Chicken, please bottle up some of that excess energy and share it with your elder nestmates

                                Pops & G, hope you have a restful evening. Unpacking is a bore........

                                Good night all, stay safe.
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

