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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning all,
    Going to my dads this morning to look for clue where he might have put things and asking him will do me no good as he does not remember those kinds of things..will probably dump drawers and bring them home.
    Volunteer at the hospital later.
    Gym yesterday did help me sleep...still had some night sweats but I know those will leave with time too..
    Day 3...whew....

    Newbie's Nest

    Tool Box
    AF 9.1.2013


      Newbies Nest

      Afternoon all,

      Still doing ok at this end and not had any cravings since yesterday morning. Something I have noticed over the past week or so, is how my body starts to feel sleepy quite naturally at about 10pm - 11pm each night and how easily I seem to fall asleep and get a good sleep throughout the night. Seem to be going to bed feeling all contented and sleepy in a good way each night. It's a welcome change to what it was like before when I'd fall into bed at silly o'clock drunk or be anxiety ridden due to a hangover. Been feeling pretty energised each day recently and very calm. Nice change. Hope it lasts.



        Newbies Nest

        Went to dads and brought home some papers...hope the dates entitle him to some VA was very sad to look through his scrapbooks. All his promotions and things he did..he was a teacher/administrator in the public school system...I am sitting there about to cry and telling myself that this is NOT an excuse to drink....hard though....

        Newbie's Nest

        Tool Box
        AF 9.1.2013


          Newbies Nest

          :l Dottie- I can put myself in your place and feel your pain and how difficult that is to go through your dad's stuff. Drinking is NOT what you need to do to dull that pain. It may work for a few minutes, but you will feel much worse afterwards. Just try to focus on the good things to come during the rest of your day. I know you are trying to take better care of yourself. Are you going to make it to the gym today? Look forward to that. Dwell on how good you felt yesterday after your trip to the gym. Plan what healthy food you are going to eat/drink for the rest of the day. Stick close to the nest. :l You are doing great!

          :h Star



          I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


            Newbies Nest

            Thanks star we are off to the hospital to run the trains in the lobby. We do this at Christmas..will be until 6pm so that should help..I know drinking wont help it is just my knee jerk reaction to all things that upset me. We are going to attend a support group at dads facility...may help me cope and learn how to handle dad when he calls etc...I am working it...

            Newbie's Nest

            Tool Box
            AF 9.1.2013


              Newbies Nest

              Oh, Dottie,

              How heartbreaking it all must be for you to deal with. All of our hearts are with you. Please hang in there with us and stay close. We all need you here in the nest. Hugs to you.
              AF since 12/2/12


                Newbies Nest

                Good deal, Dottie- about running the trains. And I understand that knee jerk reaction. I guess we all understand that one- but I PROMISE it will get better. It is getting less and less with me. You know this first week is the toughest so just keep remembering that and be EXTRA nice to yourself for the next few days. I am getting those full moons ready!



                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Day One

                  Will try again today.

                  Certainly didn't try very hard yesterday. One of these days I will stop postponing this.

                  It did feel so good to get those 3 days (97 hours, but who's counting) in last week. I can tell I am not in a great frame of mind right now (virtually no sleep last night), but I am hoping regardless I can make it through the day and into bed early AF.


                    Newbies Nest


                    Drum roll please... ta ta ta ta daaaaaaaaaaaaaa Here she is ladies and gentlemen of the nest:

                    STELLA DAY 32

                    Nice bud Stella. Attached files [img]/converted_files/1999672=7233-attachment.jpg[/img]
                    AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hey all. I got to over 100 days this summer - then slid back. Last night I had a bender and want to start over again. This time I am going to grow a beard... I don't know why - buy I am. Decem-beard.

                      Here is to day one of alcohol and shaving free.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi embracing :l Sorry you are feeling rough, but glad that you are ready to jump back in the saddle. Take it easy today and for the next few days. Pamper yourself. Read, post and get a good plan. Be sure to eat well and rest as much as possible. We are here to help you through.
                        Nanette- Stella is BEAUTIFUL and AMAZING! I am so proud of her AND of YOU! :l Thanks for being here for all of us- you girls are doing great!
                        Ambrose- :welcome: back. Congrats on your 100 days (last summer). That is AWESOME. You know what you have to look forward to, right? So let's get busy. What is your plan? If you need some suggestions, you can find some great ones in the toolbox (see my signature line). Stick close to the nest. We are here for you :l

                        :h Star



                        I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello everyone......just came in the door and had to grab something quick to eat.....started getting headache....not sure if that's from withdrawal or hunger. Had a couple of Kudzu along with it, hoping that might help witching hour will start here in about an hour.

                 is sad to see our folks deteriorate with age and become a shell of what they once were. I don't know your Dad's situation, but it sounds like he has changed from how you always knew him. I'm seeing it in my in-laws......and they are becoming to demand a lot of my time and energy. My parents both passed away around 15 years ago, so at least I only have the one set to deal with now.

                          Nanette .....looks like you have a green thumb!

                          Embracing and Ambrose ......I'm just on day 2, so let's get this journey started. Although, Ambrose ...I won't be joining you in the beard are on your own for that!

                          Will be checking in over the helped me last night.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Embracing, Ambrose, New Day,

                            Welcome and welcome back! I'm only on Day 3, along with several others, so I guess we're all in the same boat. Really struggling today. Feel like shit, feels almost as bad as day one. Horrible, horrible morning. Almost ready to throw in the towel, but I know I would feel even worse tomorrow, even though it's a tempting break today. I keep trying to remember what kuya said about alcohol being, for us, embalming fluid. Need to keep that image in my head.

                            It's just such an instantaneous reaction to reach for a drink when things are painful. I've never been the type to try to evade responsibilities, it's just that I have always been able to time or manage things in such a way that I get everything done and then reward myself at the end of the day, or I have everything that's pressing caught up and done and there's nothing on the agenda for a day or so. So I go for it. I could go for a good cry right now, but I have stuff in the building's laundry room and don't want to run into people looking like an idiot. I seem to always run into people when I don't want to, especially when I'm trying to sneak my empties into the recycle can.

                            So I guess I will just try to stay close to the nest for support. Glad you are all here.
                            AF since 12/2/12


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hello everyone.. Hope you are all safe in the nest. Tanks in particular to Lolab and new day for taking the time to comment on my posts. I am checking in- and reading reading. Guitarists said it well- being grateful for what I have and not focusing on what I think I am "missin"

                              I am tucked up on bed now bu am going to skim through Jason Vale again tomorrow. I know some of his stuff was prett thought provoking.

                              Stay safe nesters :-)


                                Newbies Nest

                                Checking In, Again

                                Just checking in, again. it is just 2:30 in the afternoon where I am now. I am exhausted and I cannot sleep. It is my little boy's birthday and I am having company for dinner. I do not feel like drinking now, and I think I'll get through dinner fine. I worry a tad about after dinner, but knowing you all are here makes me feel like I can manage. I just want to get past today, get into bed, actually sleep and wake up fresh tomorrow. I hated this feeling, like I am dragging and irritable and bloated and uncomfortable. Especially when I want to be at my best for my son and our company.

                                Anyway, I have nothing of substance to share other than, yes, I am on again to work with the other newbies here in there first day, week! I will do my best to do my part on this team. Thank you for being here!

