Morning all

Feeling really good at this end. I'm now noticing that I am focussing less on how many days I've abstained for (whereas I was practically counting the minutes during the first week nevermind days) and thoughts of alcohol are getting less and less.
Also feeling a consistency in my days in that I am waking up every day feeling pretty positive (instead of dreading the day ahead even when there was nothing to dread), then I'm going through my day without feeling stressed or anxious about the slightest wee thing which was the norm previously, have loads of energy, a clear head, lots of motivation, and I am going to my bed every night feeling pretty content with a good sleep following.
If someone had told me just 19 days ago (had to count that up there ha) that this is how my general day to day life would be, I wouldn't have believed them for a second. Certainly didn't believe it when people said my life could be great without alcohol - but it's true.
Grateful to this site which has helped loads, my visits to AA (however, I've decided I'm not going to keep AA up as part of my recovery plan even tho I did get something from it during my first week) and the book I am reading Alan Carr's Easy Way to Stop Drinking. Gonna continue with this site and reading lots.
Sorry for waffling on and on. Guess I'm just thinking out loud and what better place to do it than here.
