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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning all

    Feeling really good at this end. I'm now noticing that I am focussing less on how many days I've abstained for (whereas I was practically counting the minutes during the first week nevermind days) and thoughts of alcohol are getting less and less.

    Also feeling a consistency in my days in that I am waking up every day feeling pretty positive (instead of dreading the day ahead even when there was nothing to dread), then I'm going through my day without feeling stressed or anxious about the slightest wee thing which was the norm previously, have loads of energy, a clear head, lots of motivation, and I am going to my bed every night feeling pretty content with a good sleep following.

    If someone had told me just 19 days ago (had to count that up there ha) that this is how my general day to day life would be, I wouldn't have believed them for a second. Certainly didn't believe it when people said my life could be great without alcohol - but it's true.

    Grateful to this site which has helped loads, my visits to AA (however, I've decided I'm not going to keep AA up as part of my recovery plan even tho I did get something from it during my first week) and the book I am reading Alan Carr's Easy Way to Stop Drinking. Gonna continue with this site and reading lots.

    Sorry for waffling on and on. Guess I'm just thinking out loud and what better place to do it than here.


      Newbies Nest

      Patrick;1422703 wrote: actually I 'm a devout athiest since the age of 12 the only part that remains is the eternal guilt
      OOOOOO Arsey got SERVED !!! :H:H:H:H

      Kuya and Patrick sittin in a tree

      c. u. s. s. i. n. g.



        Newbies Nest

        JingleJo.....tis amazing how quickly the body recovers and the mind follows.

        That removal of anxiety over nothing is, as you say, the best!

        i have worries at the moment, financial, but they would be overwhelming if I was drinking.

        I certainly wouldn't have the energy to joke around with these two RC's !!:H


          Newbies Nest

          JingleJo;1422740 wrote: Morning all

          Feeling really good at this end. Tick.

          I'm now noticing that I am focussing less on how many days I've abstained for (whereas I was practically counting the minutes during the first week nevermind days) and thoughts of alcohol are getting less and less. Tick.

          Also feeling a consistency in my days in that I am waking up every day feeling pretty positive (instead of dreading the day ahead even when there was nothing to dread), Tick.

          then I'm going through my day without feeling stressed or anxious about the slightest wee thing which was the norm previously, Tick.

          have loads of energy, Tick.

          a clear head,

          lots of motivation,

          and I am going to my bed every night feeling pretty content with a good sleep following.
          Double tick.

          If someone had told me just 19 days ago (had to count that up there ha) that this is how my general day to day life would be, I wouldn't have believed them for a second. Certainly didn't believe it when people said my life could be great without alcohol - but it's true.

          Grateful to this site which has helped loads, my visits to AA (however, I've decided I'm not going to keep AA up as part of my recovery plan even tho I did get something from it during my first week) and the book I am reading Alan Carr's Easy Way to Stop Drinking. Gonna continue with this site and reading lots.

          Sorry for waffling on and on. Guess I'm just thinking out loud and what better place to do it than here.
          Waffle away. It's good for me and others to hear your thoughts. Really enjoyed reading this and being re-reminded of the positives.



            Newbies Nest

            kuya;1422752 wrote: JingleJo.....tis amazing how quickly the body recovers and the mind follows.

            That removal of anxiety over nothing is, as you say, the best!

            i have worries at the moment, financial, but they would be overwhelming if I was drinking.

            I certainly wouldn't have the energy to joke around with these two RC's !!:H
            Dear whatsyerface in the sky... aye, Capt'n Kirk,

            Gonna blast a ray gun of lightening onto Kuya's back garden to scare the sweeeeeet bejesus outta her?

            I know you got a few bejesus' up there to spare.



            RC (Religiously compromised)


              Newbies Nest

              RunningCourage;1422755 wrote: Dear whatsyerface in the sky... aye, Capt'n Kirk,

              Gonna blast a ray gun of lightening onto Kuya's back garden to scare the sweeeeeet bejesus outta her?

              I know you got a few bejesus' up there to spare.



              RC (Religiously compromised)

              You missed! AGAIN. :H:H

              KUYA. (Kick Up Your Arsey). RC (Really Cool)


                Newbies Nest

                JingleJo...well done you..youre doing really well keep going at it :goodjob:
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Newbies Nest

                  jinglejo, I loved your post. Congratulations to you on 19 days. I know my life is for the most part pretty boring right now. But I've had to remove so much drama from it in early sobriety, that I think I kinda like it this way and am going to do my best to not invite it back!

                  I know that if I were still drinking, I'd be avoiding so much (with a teenager in the house) - and in the hugest sense, I'd be inviting some terrible drama into my life. I'd first be setting a terrible example for him - I wouldn't be "aware" of what he's doing all the time - I wouldn't be able to help him with his homework - I wouldn't be interested in what he has to say - I wouldn't want to take the time to get him to hear what I have to say - I wouldn't be spending time in the car with him, telling him little tidbits of wisdom about driving (for the future) - and I wouldn't be able to talk to him openly and honestly about alcohol and drug use.

                  And without doing those things - oh yeah - can you imagine the drama that would result? I'd have an unhappy kid - who didn't respect his mom - who saw that substance abuse is a great escape - and would seek out attention somewhere other than home doing something that I hadn't taken the time to tell him or show him was wrong. And then I'd drink more because there is so much drama in my life. because I have such a rotten kid.

                  ah well, see? You're not the only one rambling a little...:-) Have a great day.


                  Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                  Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                    Newbies Nest

                    Just checking in again- hope th nest is warm....brrrrhhhhhhh


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters,

                      Very frosty here but the sun is back

                      Very happy for you JJ, sounds like success to me

                      Greetings to everyone this morning & extending wishes for a great AF Friday. I hope everyone has their AF plans nailed down for the weekend!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        I am appalled at the amount of smut that has showed up here in the nest! Appalled because I didn't get a crack at it!!!!!!!!!!! :H:H

                        RC, I was watching the news this morning and there was a terrible tornado near Kuya! I thought Holy Crikie's (or whatever yall say)....better be watching yer Godly language, He nearly got one of us!!!!!!!!!!! Hope all is well, Kuya!

                        Have a safe day in the nest all...traveling today for work...xxoo, Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Travel safe Byrdie! I know - it's very silly around here lately...and like I said - sillier than even I know. :H

                          Hi Lav - your kids and grandkids are so very lucky to have you...

                          Kuya - hope you're ok!

                          Hi there minstar - what's going on? When do you leave - and how are you feeling about things?

                          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                            Newbies Nest

                            My goodness the Nest has been busy! Will try and catch up later.....just wanted to say good morning /good day/good evening to all. Happy to report I didn't give in to the cravings last night. Start of day 4 here.
                            Have safe travels Byrdie.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Wow, lots of reading to do from last night!

                              Just glancing through- And Jingle- SO HAPPY for you! You have passed Byrdie's magical day of 13 and just look at you! You go, with your bad self!:goodjob:

                              New Day- Day 4 is AWESOME! In my opinion, days 3 and 4 were the hardest. I hardly ever made it that far without caving. You are in good shape to get your full moon in just a few more days!:goodjob:

                              And Mr. Patrick! When I do this :moon:
                              Please don't kick me :upset: I'm just doin' me job.

                              That R.C. now HE needs the boot oke:

                              Sweet Byrdie, fly safely :l we will miss you!



                              I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Has anyone seen Allan? I miss him.



                                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.

