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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I am GREAT, Mick!! I'm trying to fish out a joke about the chicken with a pecker on its head!!!!
    Fine looking bird, no??? I think she's done something new with her hair colla....(you know how we hens are with our hair color). Love and hugs to you!!!!!!!!!! B
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Byrdlady;1423906 wrote: Slay the Fear
      I'm sorry to hear
      our poems are not to yer taste.
      We're just havin' fun
      at the expense of a pun..
      It'sa pity our rhymes are a waste......:H:H:H

      LOL!!!! Just having some of my own fun being such an expert poet myself ya know. I was starting a poetry class, but it was cancelled do to low enrollment.

      Poets united
      Aussie, Scottish, USA
      Oh boy, let us pray

      GONG! Eek!
      Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


        Newbies Nest

        Congrats to ya, Almost Free for being AF. Seven days down. I know you've had a tough time.

        You can't quit are just about to feel a bit better. I'm AF, but I have a dry socket developing that is causing some VERY unpleasant pain, so I resorted to some script pain meds the dentist gave me the day of extraction since it is Saturday and I can't do anything about it until Monday. Is anyone out there? I'm not sure where I'm going. Hey, everything is floating or is that me floating...

        Hope this doesn't bring on any AL cravings when it's over. If it does, I'm going to have to get back into my Elecktra costume.

        Good job to Dottie, RC and the rest of the troupers here. Sorry, my head is fuzzy and my computer is acting up, so forgive me for lack of names.



        P.S. - this would not post for quite a problems?
        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


          Newbies Nest

          Cheers at the dentist on to get an anaesthetic.....and my gum cut open and tooth out aaarrgh then stitched up !
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Newbies Nest

   you go :l

            Why doesn't a chicken wear pants? A: Because his pecker is on his head!

            Poets united
            Aussie, Scottish, USA
            Oh boy, let us pray

            Kiwi, English, Irish too
            they can all add lines for you
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Newbies Nest

              Mick;1423925 wrote: Cheers at the dentist on to get an anaesthetic.....and my gum cut open and tooth out aaarrgh then stitched up !
              So much fun! The tooth couldn't be saved and came out pretty easy, but three days later, pain is flaring up. I've had a dry socket before. Sure feels like one. Dentist had given me Vicadin which I don't like, so dug out some Oxycod/Apap from the closet from someone else who had one pulled a few months ago. Wheeeeeeeeeeeee...been awhile since I've been on pain killers. I'll leave directions for you on where to stay on your trip. lol Hope all goes well for you.


              Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                Newbies Nest

                Byrdlady;1423911 wrote: Lav...I'm not weird or anything,
                :H :H :H

                Byrdie - you got me in fits with that opener. Classic. If you're gonna be admiring chooks online...well, let me consult the RC dictionary... hang, on.....thumbing through..... f..g..h.....p....r......v.....aha! here we are - w - Weird

                Weird [weerd] adjective weirder, weirdest, noun
                1. involving or suggesting the supernatural; unearthly or uncanny: a weird sound; weird lights.
                2. fantastic; bizarre: a weird getup.
                3. Strange and uncontrollable urge (mainly by American wimen) to search and look at naked chooks on-line. Often reffered to as 'Chook-porn'. This is an addiction affecting approx 0.01% of the American population. Sufferers should seek professional medical help forthwith

                Wow. Byrdie... MWO does alcohol addiction and has helped peeps with nicotine addiction... I feel we may need to branch out into a whole new area. :H


                  Newbies Nest

                  out bimbling today....took these pics

                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Slay,

                    Is there some law of nature that all toothaches happen on the weekend?
                    Do what you have to for the pain. Personally, pills, (when I've had them for a root canal or something) don't trigger the alcohol beast in me. I've never found an over the counter gel that ever did any good, either. Wish I could recommend one.

                    One thing I did find out the hard way is that AL will GREATLY magnify the pain of an extraction...........just for those wondering if AL deadens the pain. Well, maybe if you are completely unconscious......otherwise it makes it much worse. That time, I only had antibiotics, no pain pills because I was young, poor and was a guinea pig at a dental school. Wouldn't recommend that to anyone.

                    I'll be hanging around, so if you need company.....but, if the pills help you sleep......go for it. Hope something helps soon.
                    AF since 12/2/12


                      Newbies Nest

                      God, I was in stitches over Byrdie's limmerick and post. Now RC, you have me on the floor. Haven't laughed so hard in so long i can't even remember! I am sooo enjoying these verses. So many amazingly talented and witty people here. Not a bad way to pass a difficult Saturday, for sure.

                      Amazing pics, Mick. Thanks for sharing them.
                      AF since 12/2/12


                        Newbies Nest

                        RC...surely I can find a support group for Chicks Anon. :new:
                        Almost...I know, those poems had me in tears, too! We have such a great group of nesters!!!
                        Slay, whatever they are paying you for those inspirational posts isn't deserve a raise!
                        Mick, that is some beautiful countryside!!!!!!!!!!!
                        Wishing everyone a safe evening....I am off to make Christmas fudge!! XXOO, B
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Almost Free. Congratulations on making it to day 7. I am SO PROUD of you!!!! We all are. As you know, one week alcohol free wins a full moon from the newbies nest. You have accomplished a great feat and beaten every day of the week ( that almost rhymed). Now there's nothing that beast AL can throw at you that you can't handle. I am sorry that I can't attach my lovely moon to this message but I am having to post from my phone and the phone can't handle anything that technical. I believe Byrdie will send a real moon you way- and again- CONGRATULATIONS!



                          I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Star, I mooned Dot Bell, Almost AND RC on the Roll Call....I forgot if you did it here in the nest or over there....dang it...sorry you worried that I had slipped in my duties, but I mooned them best I could given what I've got to work with (see wierd arse). Love you hope you are having a fetching time on your roadtrip!!!!!!!! B
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              apologies......WELL DONE AF :goodjob:
                              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                                Newbies Nest

                                CONGRATS Almost Free

                                Mick, the pecker on the head comment :H :H
                                Your pics are lovely but it sure looks cold!

                                Wow, Byrdie is assistant nest mum & a poet

                                I'd better not sit too long or I'll never get back to what I was doing........
                                nothing exciting, just some housework.
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

