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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks, b!!!
    And congrats to RC and Dottie too!!!! Yeah, after I posted above, I went over to roll call and saw that everyone had been properly mooned.



    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


      Newbies Nest

      I'm going for full coverage, are the awards:

      On behalf of the Newbie's Nest, (and filling in for Starfish) it is with tremendous pride that I bestow these coveted awards for 7 days of kicking AL's arse. You have mastered every day that a week can throw at you...and succeeded!
      Will the following persons please step forward:

      Dottie Bell....
      Running Courage....
      almost free....

      I hope that you are as happy with this achievement as I am! In our world, this is a huge accomplishment. You came, you saw, you conquered. Well done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Byrdie (for Star)

      The MOONS aren't showing up!!!! Nanette, did you use up all the icons???? B
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        CONGRATS to Dottie & RC as well :yay:
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks Mick, Byrdie, Lavande, Star. I appreciate it. The moons did show up on roll call. A triple moon event, great! Congrats to RC and Dottie, too.
          AF since 12/2/12


            Newbies Nest

            Hi nesters,

            Well did I ever screw up big time after three weeks blissful sobriety

            It's so stupid, I can't even remember why now, all I know is it tasted disgusting and I didn't remotely enjoy it. Even as I was opening the bottle I was thinking 'I don't even want this'. How insane is that?? I'm so annoyed because I was doing so well, I only really had two really intense cravings over a three week period. Maybe I was testing myself because it was too easy? Bizzare. Anyway I am back with a vengence and will NOT fall down again!!

            Well done to Dottie, Almost Free and Running Courage on your 7 day moons - I fully intend to be joining your ranks (again..) next Thursday because I WILL NOT be drinking again. In as much as anything good has come out of it, at least it didn't awaken 'happy' drinking memories, completely the opposite in fact, so I'm very thankful for small mercies... xx


              Newbies Nest

              You know, me crazy...but I had similar events. Upon reflection, it was self sabbotage! Like I was afraid that I was succeeding?!!!
              Whatever happened to you, chalk it up to a learning event, and move all of us, this whole thing has been something to learn for ourselves. I wish I could pour all the tries and fails into Newbie's heads, but it's a thing we have to find out for ourselves. If I finally got it, I know you can, too, most people aren't as thick-headed as I am. We are glad you're back...Star will have a fresh moon ready for you next week! B
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Hey Red Riding Hood

                As much as you are a tad disappointed in yourself, don't be too hard on yourself, it's just one wee blip and nothing compared how well you are doing - your attitude re being back with a vengeance is spot on too

                Today is my 3rd week AF and I'm still feeling really good. All of the fears I used to have any time I thought about life without alcohol have been unfounded and I so wish I had've done it a long time ago. But, no point thinking like that I suppose. My time is now and I am soooo grateful to be getting this chance.



                  Newbies Nest

                  Welcome back Red Riding. It is indeed a cunning, baffling, and powerful disease. It defies all logic. Oh well, another lesson learned. Glad you are back on board so quickly. I could never stop in mid-bender, no matter how much I wasn't enjoying it.
                  AF since 12/2/12


                    Newbies Nest

                    stunnning pics Mick.Whats bimbling?
                    AF since october 8th 2012:new

                    How to get Alcohol free in 6 minutes :H


                      Newbies Nest

                      Patrick;1424013 wrote: stunnning pics Mick.Whats bimbling?
                      sure you really want to know? This is Mick we're talking about...


                        Newbies Nest

                        RunningCourage;1424021 wrote: sure you really want to know? This is Mick we're talking about...
                        AF since october 8th 2012:new

                        How to get Alcohol free in 6 minutes :H


                          Newbies Nest

                          Little bit it is Saturday night and I can't remember the last time I hadn't had a drink (rather a lot of drinks)..... Could say that about almost every day, but somehow because it's the weekend and leading up to Christmas, I'm feeling the pull more right now. Have had kudzu and l-glut, have eaten and even had a piece of rich fruitcake. Just made a cup of herbal tea before I start making my pecan tarts for Christmas. So I'm keeping busy too......just trying to ward off these feelings

                          I'm afraid that by the time I finish these tarts I will feel just like putting my feet up and relaxing....and I always did that with wine.

                          How is everyone doing?


                            Newbies Nest

                            New Day, just like your name implies, you are forming new ways to reward yourself and relax. Try not to entertain the thoughts of AL...push them out. Do whatever it takes to get thru this day. Tomorrow morning when you get up, you will be so proud you did. One drink is not going to do us any good... We drink with purpose, and it's not a good one. You did the right thing in coming here. Well done, and try to be mindful of what you are trying to accomplish...starting new habits and establishing a new, healthier way of life. You can do it....Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thanks byrdie......I'm going to make those tarts now and then come back and read and retread your comments. Thanks


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey Byrdie,
                                I think Patrick & RC are ganging up on Mick ~ should we do something to stop them or just sit back & enjoy the show? :H

                                New Day, forming new habits & a new way of thinking is all part of the process. Enjoy the baking & when you're done, sit down with another cup of tea to relax. Are you using the Hypno CDs? Boy did they ever help me

                                Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest. More fog rolling in tonight, just glad it's not snow yet!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

