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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi New Day,

    It is so hard to break old patterns. Especially on weekends, and the holidays can be so difficult. The champagne commercials get to me the most, for some reason. I, too, had a long-standing ritual, after getting a lot of stuff done, to kick back with some wine. Maybe a nice hot cup of cocoa would be a little 'richer' than tea as a relaxing reward. (I drink green tea all day, so it doesn't feel so special by the end of the day.)

    I always remember someone (I think K9) here saying that a craving never lasts as long as a hangover and that you will NEVER regret the next morning, that you didn't drink.
    I don't know what kind of hangovers you've experienced, but I've had some real doozies. And as more and more damage is done and we get older, it just gets worse.

    I'm only on day 7, (for the umpteenth time), but I have not been able to bounce back as in the past. I am still suffering and don't think I could go through it again. I pray that I never have to go through a week like the last one again. I pray that the insanity is finally over and I will go on to live my life, GRATEFULLY free of the slavery of alcohol.

    Stay close, we are all here for you. Good luck getting through the evening!
    AF since 12/2/12


      Newbies Nest

      Thanks Almost.....first batch is in the oven. While I was preparing them, I was reflecting on the fact that its been years since I did any of the baking during the evening....was just too happy to sit and have my wine. If I did get anything accomplished during the evening, it was always with a glasses if wine to make it feel like less of a chore. That's how I got started drinking too much ....would have a glass of wine while preparing dinner to make it a more enjoyable chore.....and it just escalated from there.

      I'm pretty sure ill be okay tonight now..... It's almost 9:00 pm and I'm over the worst....and now the kids have arrived home, so I definitely won't!


        Newbies Nest

        Great job New Day...and almost done...what a long way you have come in 7 days. I hope you hate AL as much as I do. Stick close to this nest. It makes me mindful of why I never want to go back down that rabbit hole. People come here in such dispair...that's why I stay here, I never want to lose sight of what 'just one drink' will get me. I am very proud of both of you...tomorrow you will be thrilled at your accomplishments! B
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks Byrdie,

          You've been such a help and an inspiration. So glad I'm through the worst of the withdrawals. God, what a horrible week! It's only now, at the end of day 7, that I'm starting to feel the tiniest bit normal. It has never taken so long to bounce back. Maybe that's been the most frightening lesson of all. That it will only get worse. I never want another week like this one. I'm still remembering what kuya said about alcohol being, for us, embalming fluid. A sobering thought. It's just such a sneaky disease. Looking for any weak moment. I, too, want to keep reading, especially my own despairing posts, to remind myself how truly hellish alcohol addiction can be.
          AF since 12/2/12


            Newbies Nest

            WOW ALMOST FREE! You just referred to the SLAVERY OF ALCOHOL




              Newbies Nest

              Thanks to all.....I decided to do the second batch of tarts tomorrow's almost 10:00 and I am so tired. Well, made it through another evening AF.....and you are right, I know I will feel so much better come the morning for having fought it off. I'm going downtown tomorrow with the daughter who lives with me (and my 8 month old grandson) to visit my other daughter. I will be able to fully enjoy the day because I won't have a foggy head and lack of energy. I had to fight through a lot of days before.
              Well done Almost......I hope you feel a lot better by tomorrow. For sure you will feel better than had you had a drink....same as me. But boy, it can be tough at times! ......and I'm just at the beginning!
              Well, nite all


                Newbies Nest

                Night New Day .....and well all gets better from here


                  Newbies Nest

                  I have 12 hours to go to make it to day one. I, again, awoke shaky and dizzy and thought a beer will help me. I opened it, took a gulp and gagged. I hung my head over the sink and cried for ten minutes, just feeling hopeless. I am going to miss my boyfriends parents 60th wedding anniversary because I am too hungover to go. Then I got mad and screamed and cursed (I'm by myself) and poured all the alcohol down the drain. Then I got really scared because it's only 5am on a Sunday and I just got rid of all the booze and the stores don't sell till 8am and I came on here. I know today will be hard and it would be so much better if I had NEVER stopped for that six pack three weeks ago. I have been drunk the whole time and denied every time...what a fool I am. Hell, I'm probably still drunk:upset: Funny, I can't remember what I did when I wasn't drinking to not think about it, but it must have been something..LOL I remember I shopped, I cooked, I cleaned. I like all the posts that say to read our old ones and that's where I'm at. Please pray for me today and tomorrow and Tuesday and from now on. I CANNOT HAVE JUST turns into 30 cans ;(


                    Newbies Nest

                    Oh struggles- I wish I could give you a hug but am posting from my phone and can't attach icons. You are describing actions and feelings that we ALL have had. You are not alone. We understand how you feel and are here for you.
                    You can't do a thing about what has already passed. What you can do is work on your future- starting today
                    Just for today, just take care of yourself. Just try to stay at home and rest. Do NOT go to the store where beer is sold. Do you have plenty of food at home? Eat like a pig, drink lots of lemon water, read and post, take your supplants if you have any. Stick close - you CAN do this!



                    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters,

                      Kind of quiet around here, hope everyone is OK.

                      Struggles, you need to break this viscious cycle. Make today AF! Change your routine, eat well, stay hydrated. You can not change the past so it's a waste of energy worrying about what you did or did not do. Focus on today! Today is full of opportunity for you, make good use of your yime

                      Star, it's true that we all probably arrived feeling helpless & hopeless but we have the power to change that. The best possible thing we can do for ourselves is make a good plan. The Tool box is invaluable

                      Wishing everyone a good AF Sunday. Rain over my portion of the nest today, oh well I will turn my attention to inside projects.

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Struggles - you're doing the right thing. You dumped the booze. You post here. Your read back on what you've written previously. Read back on others struggles. Read the tool box... I'm very SLOWLY reading that, or to be more precise, DOING much of the tool box. Bit by very little bit.

                        Forget about EVERYTHING else, but getting through THIS day AF. Tomorrow's something else to deal with tomorrow. Today, just get through today. And follow that wise Star's advice. You CAN do this.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thank you all

                          First I want to thank those of you who helped me through my worried state last night. I needed that extra support to make the right decisions. If I was only accountable to me at that point the results may have been different.
                          Even though I had a horrid time getting to sleep (natural sleep aids didn't work, had those "jumpy legs".... so ended up having to take a sleeping pill)...... at least I feel good this morning. Such a nice feeling that I want to hold on to that.

                          Struggles .... you've got it in you do get yourself healthy. As others have said, stay close to MWO for a few days and get some healthy food into you.

                          Have a great AF day everyone..... I'm so thankful I am here:thanks:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Sunday morning!

                            I can't believe the last time I woke up this early on a Sunday morning. It feels great. Have got a busy day but I'll try not to overdo and get overwhelmed. Massage yesterday was awesome and the day ended great with lunch, and a little bit of shopping at a nearby boutique. Another day AF! I feel good. Happy Sunday everyone.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Mornin all!!!
                              New Day...Hot Dam! I'm so glad to see you this morning all bright eyed! AND with a stash of pecan tarts! That's how it's day at a time.

                              Struggles...I remember one night there near the end that I didn't know what else to do...I was literally in the GRIPS of AL and didn't know where to turn....I went into my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror...glassy, heavy nose....and just began to sob. I got down and on my knees and prayed to God to help me find a way out of this hell. Like Star said, we've all been down in the depths of dispair, just where you are. But you can change the ending of what happens today. Whatever it takes...just get thru this day. The link to the Tool Box is in my signature line below, like RC said, there are some real gems of information in there...written by people who have been there and know what they're talking can be done. It takes work and comittment. There's no middle ground and nobody can do it for you. You can do this....I know you can. If I can do it, you can, too!! Take the leap of faith....Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Nesters! Attention, everyone! Today is a very special day!!! We have 2 folks who have MAJOR milestones today! Kuya and Allankay have achieved 100 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TA DA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait, we need more than that...we need an award! :finger: The Fickle Finger of Fate Award!!! For telling AL to get the hell out of their lives! I remember when both of them posted for the first time! And now, 100 days later, they are both extending their wings to help others. Well done, you two!!! Well done, indeed!!! Congratulations ....and here's to a lifetime of giving AL the byrd!!! XXOO, Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

