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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi All,
    Thanks for all your support. I get such inspiration reading everyone's messages.
    Day 11 AF for me, feel great, lots of water, supps, healthy diet with plenty of protein.
    Increasing exercise today at the gym, up until now just a couple of walks a day.
    One big plus lost 10 pounds not drinking...yea with no meds.
    Stronger and stronger everyday. Only thing is can't sleep, that's way I started drinking wine years ago.
    I plan I staying up 24 plus hours, hopefully to finally sleep tonight, but I still feel fine, not stressing about the sleep, if I doze off really weird dreams LOL....
    Good day to all


      Newbies Nest

      :goodjob: on day 11, Resolved!

      I had really weird dreams the last time, too... but I associated that more with the Chantix I was taking (for quitting smoking) - This time around I sleep like a baby (when I'm not stressing over something) and no weird dreams.. phew.

      Have a happy day 12 tomorrow, Resolved!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Newbies Nest

        quiet here on the nest tonight, hope that means everyone tucked in and content.
        A good day for me - lovely to be here and AF again!
        Sunny I'll send the lottery numbers over in the morning!!!
        Good night one and all


          Newbies Nest

          Hi all. Way to pimp that bus! I'm a sucker for Hagen Das ice cream, so please order up a truck load of that.

          Hey Sunni - what kinds of cold drinks do you like. I don't drink diet anything - never liked lite beer - figured why pay more for less. ha. I pretty much stick to water now - gave up soda pop about two years ago. But there don't seem to be many healthy soft-drink choices besides h2o.

          Coach, Queen, Resolved -- way to keep it rolling! Chicken I know you're rolling too!

          Take care all.
          Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


            Newbies Nest


            Morning all! It's Thursday and I am getting ready for the usual Kindy run & then swimming lesson for Dani!
            How are the twitterers??? Nosisy critters aren't you? :H
            Loren (4.5 yrs) has a book that she loves,its called 'The Nickle Nackle Tree' and it is a divine story about lots of different types of birds all roosting in this rickety lookiing tree...I kind of think that maybe our nest could be on the Nickle Nackle Tree? What you all think?
            Tonight I will post a list of the different types..will give you a laugh I think!(hope)

            Anyway, Pops I am a cat person too! 'G' sounds lovely. We have a cat, Merlin who my husband 'got' for me when we met to entice me to move up north to live with him (had told him I 'need' a cat in my life where-ever I might be).Hubby is a dog person, doesn't like cats, but he got this cat & drove 1800kilometeres to see me with this kitten on his shoulder! Needless to say I fell in love with the tiny black & white thing...but what hubby did not realise is that in the few days he had Merlin, Merlin would fall in love with him! Now Merlin is Daddy's boy!I think it is so funny..they have a real love/hate relationship,but of a night they cuddle! I lost my princess about 8 years ago..she was my soul mate in feline form...called Mina! Haven't had a bonded familiar since then!

            Sooty- crossing everything here that you get a win! Luck to you my friend!
            Sunny- I have epical dreams...sometimes they will pick up from the night before etc! Lucid dreams as well..always have,very freaky! Well actually Sunny I've decided that my plush seats will have big Frangipani flowers on them..cause they are actually my fave flower!
            Resolved-your plan sounds strong! We are all behind you,what kind of plush seat do you have on our Sober bus?

            Chops- coffee is a must!!! I shudder to think what a bus ride would be like without choc or coffee! *shudders violently*

            To bus ride today "ALL ABOARD"!


              Newbies Nest

              Just wanted to say good night. Looks like the nest was quite busy today

              I've been talking about Tomato Jam - made more today. If anyone is interested here's a link to a good recipe: Tomato Jam - Spicy Tomato Jam
              Sooty, I would call this jam tangy, spicy.........

              I would love to have my seat on the bus resemble a huge field of lavender (of course) with some real good aromatherapy surrounding it Can I sit next to chicken?

              Heading off to bed, see you all in the morning
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning Nesters,

                Where is everyone this morning???
                The shades are up, the sun is shining..........time to get the day started.
                I need to fly out for a while, have an appointment this morning, will check in later.

                Wishing a great AF day to one and all!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest


                  Hi Everyone,
                  I just registered today and hopefully today is going to be the first day of my new life. I have decided to give up alcohol. I have no idea how as I have tried many many times before. I can get through sometimes up to a week of abstaining but then I crash and binge. I did last night and I am sitting here with the worst hangover ever. I even stayed home from work (again). I am feeling rotten and guilty as I have two teenage children who have to live with my binges. I have no recollection of what happened last night....I do however remember that I had my music blaring at 12.30 this morning. My son is in his final year of school and begged me to go to bed so that everyone could get some sleep. I wish I could stop drinking. I need help.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Today is Day 1 for me and I am tired of Day 1's. I joined this site a a couple days ago and know the support here and accountability will move me in the right direction. I am so tired of lying to myself, hiding and sneaking drinks. I have a purpose in this life and I want to discover what it is.

                    Hugs and Blessings to all.


                      Newbies Nest

                      KatKins, nice to meet you. Hope to see you more of your posts. You'll find so much support here. I'm an old timer (ha, ha Day 8). And fox, I so know what you mean about Day 1s. It's partially the dread of having to say Day 1 yet again that has gotten me to Day 8. Last night, I was especially sad and exhausted and tempted. But I try to keep reminding myself that in the long run, AL will only intensify those feelings even though it sounds so comforting at the time. Wishing everyone a good day.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Welcome Katkins!!! :l

                        I've done the very same thing in the past... and had my kids begging for the music to be turned down Thankfully, that isn't happening anymore. You've found a wonderful place for support, advice, and encouragement. You can do it!

                        Good morning, Lav... I did oversleep a little - thanks for the wake up call! Ya know..? I still can't wrap my head around tomato jam!

                        Chicken, I had to google Frangipani flowers... never heard of them.. very purdy - good choice! My seat will be covered with Hibiscus, I think. Or maybe Amaryllis. Or Ixia. Or Canna. :H

                        Foxtrott... it may take a few runs at day 2 and 3, then 4 and 5, then 7, etc... We didn't develop this habit overnight - and we sure aren't going to get rid of it that easily. Just keep at it - don't give up. This IS a process.

                        Tranq... I'm coming to really enjoy all sorts of ice teas, sparkling grape juice.. anything tangy, really! How about you? Oh.. and NO diet drinks :eeew:

                        Sooty.. our trusted driver... where's them lottery numbers!? :H

                        Well, I really have been spinning my wheels a little (a lot) this week... today I'm going to get things DONE around the house, with work, the yard, and whatnot. Mind you, in my defense, Mr. Wonderful is still sabotaging me daily... yesterday afternoon, after he got home from work, we took my son and a friend of his tubing on the lake (I had a few turns, too.. wheeeeeeee.. what fun!), then home to make dinner, then back to the lake for coffee and a drive. How CAN I get things done here??? :H

                        Alrighty then.. off I go! You all have a fabulous AF day... it's day 20 here!
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good afternoon everyone, hope you've been managing to drive the bus without me - my internet is being really erratic (that's what my teachers used to say about me in school) and has only just come on.
                          I dont know yesterday it was plush seats, now they're flower covered - people are getting very demanding on this bus but I don't mind!
                          Thanks for tomato jam link Lav - sadly I don't suffer from a glut - only had one tomato on 3 plants so far - got quite a lot of beans tho!
                          Sunny and Chicken I didn't get one single number last night so its back to the drawing board - or driving seat!! If I'd won I'd have chartered us a private jet.
                          Anyway going out for tea with friends soon, will be back later - have a good day friends


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Morning Everyone! Looks like we are all getting a late start this morning....better late than never, huh? :H I have actually been at work for an hour now, and just dropping in real quick to say hello to everyone!

                            Lav, thank you for the link to the tomato jam. I am going to have to give this a try!

                            :welcome: to Katkins! Glad to have you in the nest. Pull up a twig and settle in!

                            Foxtrott, how did day 1 go? We are all here to help you on this journey. We have all had a lot of those day 1's.

                            Maisie, congrats on reaching day 8!!! That is fabulous!

                            Sooty, you sound in good form today Hope your internet gets resolved. I do not like it when the internet misbehaves. Plus, we need our bus driver :H Hope you enjoyed your tea.

                            Hello Tranq, how are you today? I am really enjoying iced tea lately. Starbucks has my favorite...Passion Tea slightly sweetened. It is very good.

                            Sunni, how goes getting the house work done? When you are finished, can you come do mine? I am glad that Mr. Wonderful is being just that...wonderful!!!

                            PR, don't work too hard over the next few days. We all will make sure that 'G' is loved and comforted. Is it still unbearably hot there?

                            Well, I better get back to work. Hello to anyone who stops in or that I have missed. Take care and see you later!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi All

                              Just joined your "nest"
                              - though AF day14 need to feel connected with others
                              -nice to know am not alone, may be lonely, but not alone
                              -just keep up all the great support I've read and thank you :new:
                              Do not go where the path may lead: go instead where there is no path and leave a trail-Emerson


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey Sweet - Welcome, I've found that this is a great place to be connected to. Congrats on day 14!!! You too Maisie, and everyone else. BTW - day ones are ALWAYS a fantastic place to start!

                                As for drinks, I like iced-tea as well I've not tried anything fancier than an Arnold Palmer - iced-tea and lemonade. Pretty refreshing. Gotta try a passion tea at starbucks chop, sounds great. I might have to expand my iced-tea horizons. Also, in the hoity places, I'll do San Pellegrino with a splash of cran and a twist please, and thank you - sounds flipping classy huh. Nope no diet nuthin for me either - and I've cut way back on anything fizzy/sugary. I keep fresh berries in the freezer for a quick smoothy. Oooh, gotta try some sparkling grape juice.

                                I'm still laying low and fighting this nasty cold. Yep, bad time of year to get sick, but it's been pretty cold and wet here for about a week now.

                                Bye for now. Enjoy!
                                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -

