Slay, my dear, take comfort in the knowledge that ALL relationships are a trade of some sort. I don't mean that in a negative way, only that the most healthy relationships involve a mutual weighing of benefits.
Now the unhealthy relationships are the ones you and I tend to form. They are not really the fault of that other person but due to our own lack of self worth. We allow ourselves to be used in a way that healthy people would not. This man saw this in you and chose you over another person, and may have done so subconsciously.
I went to a counsellor for a short period of time about four years ago to start to deal with my drinking. My ex and I were reaching the point of no return and in one session she said 'my dear, he is a narcissist'. And I asked WHY I would choose such a person and she said ' you have described your mother, what word would sum her up?' And at that moment I realised that I had ALWAYS chosen narcissists. Even though I loathed my mother, ( she is the MOST narcassistic person I have ever met ) and, even though I would claim that all my relationships were completely different personalities ...... They were in fact ALL narcissists.
She explained that, subconsciously, we are drawn to the familiar regardless of whether we dislike that trait on an intellectual level.
This is why we must get sober and grow up before we start dating again.
This is also why battered women choose men that batter them, it is NOT conscious, it is conditioning