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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    CONGRATS FIN! That is should be proud. I know I'm darn proud of ya!

    Lav - Give Stella a kiss for me! I do believe I was her very first fan! Now she has masses of them! LOL
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Newbies Nest


      Congratulations on your 30 day ACHIEVEMENT!!!!!




      I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


        Newbies Nest

        Congratulations Fin on your 30 days!! And after such a difficult weekend. Maybe some of your former drinking buddies will give AF a go, when they see your incredibly inspiring example. Glad you made it through the challenging weekend.

        Welcome back Andrew. Five days is a lot in our world! And over a weekend, too. Glad you are back so quickly and posting.

        New Day, what do you mean ONLY 6 days? Like I said to Andrew, that's a LOT in our world! The first week is an eternity for us, and every day is a victory! And I truly mean that!

        "I have the urge, but I won't satisfy it; I can't satisfy it" So true..... Got that from Slay.

        Slay, thanks for all of you inspiring posts. About the reading..... God knows I've tried. Book after book after book, every genre, long, short, you name it. No interest at all.
        And we all LOVE to read in our family. Every member, except the youngest.

        Maybe these games ruin their ability to mentally translate from written word to imagination. No concentration?.... or the effort is too the brain? Don't know. But it seems there are a lot of people who game, who also love to read. He's not one. Hope you are feeling better and can cope with that tooth, in addition to the battered heart.

        So glad to hear from you K9.....good luck with the job. We are all rooting for you!

        Hi Star, Byrdie, Lavande and everyone else.

        Welcome back rooni, daisy,

        Over to post on roll call. Day 10 today. Finally starting to feel better.

        I really need to stop smoking, too. I had quit for over twenty years, but felt it was a helpful substitute for quitting alcohol. Actually it WAS a great substitute crutch, (I got 2 years of sobriety using it) but now, it feels really sh*tty and I really want to quit soon.

        I was so impressed with Allan. AF and NF at the same time! Wow, what an impressive guy! Hey, maybe I will want a cig so bad, I will forget about the AL craving! LOL Well, not until this weekend and the big move.........assuming it all happens.

        Everyone have a great day. Will check in later.
        AF since 12/2/12


          Newbies Nest

          Fin - you did it! See - it didn't take long to get back here...I"m so happy for you.

          RC - you too - I read about your party (on my phone, so didn't reply) and while it's always a bit disappointing to not be able to report "I did it! I went out, I didn't drink, it felt GREAT! Had so much FUN!" - it does get easier...Honestly, even at this point, I can't report that it's "easy" all the time - but I do know that's easy-ER...:-) I did love Molly's post in your thread (always do!) and really agree with what she said about different things being more important now... (I hope I've got it straight!)

          Anyway, I haven't even read back other than this page (Hi K9!!!) and for that I am truly sorry...I had a short span where I'm not hanging with my company - so gotta run...

          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


            Newbies Nest

            CONGRATS, FIN!

            Looks like you're making it through without the Grand Canyon goal. Kudos to you! I remember your first day starting again. Love to watch success.

            :goodjob: to everyone here who is racking up AF days. We all feel so much better without the toxic substance flowing through our bodies. Our minds work again, our bodies begin to function a bit more normally, and the lights of life begin to shine. It's easier to grab those positive thoughts vs. those negative thoughts.

            Glad to add, them New Day. I listened to the Cher song. She's a strong woman. I think we all have some music we gravitate toward that can sometimes lend some strength. I have choices for different moods. Thanks for sharing.:l

            Almost Free, you sound much better today. It's great to witness.

            K9, I hope you get the job. It will help get you out of that low place with some change. I was thinking about your quote, "I stopped drinking when drinking became harder than not drinking". That can apply to others things as well. I like it.

            Thanks Lav, for the mind peace post on the 'chook' thread. I worry about posting too much on his journal entries, but I wanted you to know it was appreciated.

            Brydie, I know someone else with that exact cat problem! OMG...they just don't have the heart to stop feeding and letting the population grow. So eventually, it becomes a whole cat world. lol

            To all others, hang tough and grab a hand when you feel weak. Scream a little if you have to so someone knows what you are going through.


            Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


              Newbies Nest

              A little humor for today.

              Attached files [img]/converted_files/2003002=7244-attachment.jpg[/img]
              Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                Newbies Nest

       many cats can I put you down for??? :H:H:H
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thank you all I read all of the advice and sorry to say, I did drink on Sunday, but only six, that's way down from 30! Yesterday was monday and i awoke a little shaky and had four...I MADE IT TO MY SON'S CONCERT!!! Can't say I am sober yet, but I am getting there. tomorrow, I have to pick my daughter up from school and take her to a gala celebration for her acheivement. I will be there, maybe still shaky and fuzzy headed, but I have some xanax to help with that and I can go to be early tonight after work. Christmas is coming and I'm going to do this AF I can't believe how hard this is. I'd rather be pregnant again, which is never going to be possible again, but just saying, at least I knew there was an end.

                  THANK YOU ALL! I will stick close.


                    Newbies Nest

                    CONGRATULATIONS ON 30 DAYS FIN

                    so glad you got straight back to it and have plodded through......keep trucking, it gets easier.

                    Hi K9! Good to see you and good luck with the job. :h

                    NEWDAY....don't downplay these first days, they are the hardest and ANDREW please remember this fact for the next week. Do ANYTHING to avoid alcohol, eat, sleep, cry, shout!

                    That addicted voice must be silenced like a spoilt child screaming for sweets at the checkout..........cos really that is all it is.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Evening all.

                      Have had hardly any time to log on here over the past few days.

                      Congrats to Fin on 30 days When I first joined this site just over 3 weeks ago, when I saw people had made it to the likes of 30 days I really didn't think it would be me any time soon. However, today is my 24th day AF, so I'm nearly there

                      A bit of weird experience happened to me early on. I had popped into my local shops after work for some food things. Was standing at the check out where all the bottles of spirits are shelved and was just looking them. I wouldn't say I became tempted as such to buy any, but my tastebuds were tingling especially thinking about how nice a G&T would taste with a slice of lime.

                      At this point, I was just about to get served, when a girl asked if she could get served before me - she was reeking of stale booze, was covered in sores, looked really dirty and was holding one can of carlsberg and her hands were all shaky trying to get the money in order to pay for it.

                      Needless to say, the thought of that G&T disappeared instantaneously. It was almost like a divine intervention, bang on time, to remind me of the hellish side of it all.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Byrdlady;1425376 wrote: many cats can I put you down for??? :H:H:H
                        LOL!! I'll take crazy cat lady's enemy for one, Alex.

                        I'd say she decided to take matters into her own hands. Whoa! I hope she doesn't live near your family.

              [/video]]woman throws away cat into trash can, poor kitty, girl throws puppies in water in river drown - YouTube
                        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                          Newbies Nest

                          JingleJo;1425424 wrote: Evening all.

                          Have had hardly any time to log on here over the past few days.

                          Congrats to Fin on 30 days When I first joined this site just over 3 weeks ago, when I saw people had made it to the likes of 30 days I really didn't think it would be me any time soon. However, today is my 24th day AF, so I'm nearly there

                          A bit of weird experience happened to me early on. I had popped into my local shops after work for some food things. Was standing at the check out where all the bottles of spirits are shelved and was just looking them. I wouldn't say I became tempted as such to buy any, but my tastebuds were tingling especially thinking about how nice a G&T would taste with a slice of lime.

                          At this point, I was just about to get served, when a girl asked if she could get served before me - she was reeking of stale booze, was covered in sores, looked really dirty and was holding one can of carlsberg and her hands were all shaky trying to get the money in order to pay for it.

                          Needless to say, the thought of that G&T disappeared instantaneously. It was almost like a divine intervention, bang on time, to remind me of the hellish side of it all.
                          You've been having some AMAZING experiences JJ. Just read your cutest compliment thread. You will be at 30 in no time :l
                          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                 tool box
                 newbie nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thank You!

                            Hey Crew,

                            Thank you SO very much for all your nice notes. My head and heart are soaring in the clouds...

                            Thanks again. I seriously never would have gotten here without all of you! This CAN be done, folks/newbies. Go for it. It's beautiful up here in the clear headed sky!

                            Here's a tune to celebrate: Goodbye AL.
                            Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                            Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                            Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                            Go forward boldly and unafraid


                              Newbies Nest

                              Kradle, left a reply on your challenged thread. I didn't see it until just now.

                              Wow, Fin, you are larger than life. lol That inspires me to go on an adventure. Future goal maybe for this coming spring.
                              Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Everyone,

                                Welcome back struggles. Jingle, so glad you reminded me where it's going to end up if I cave today. Was feeling a lot better, more optimistic, feeling like I can definitely do it and then I had a pretty bad morning with my son, Mr. Toxic, complaining about how the OJ had expired, the computer wouldn't let him download something, getting very verbally abusive, irritable, because he just bought some much stronger pot, which affects him badly.

                                I thought I was making some headway, and asked him to please not buy this new, (stronger) stuff again, and he seemed agreeable, but today, no cooperation on anything. "Why should I pay twice as much, etc........." Very argumentative.

                                There's the danger not only of triggering another schizophrenic episode, but he's supposed to move this Saturday to a room close by. Another attempt to help him be independent. I guess they are cool with some pot, but this new stuff stinks to high heaven. And he's invested in eye drops and cologne, so I don't know if someone said something to him at work. It's a job he's damn lucky to have and it took forever to get.

                                I need to buy at least a bed for the new room, and other things to get him set up,(and out of here!) but now I feel it is all going to be for nothing! I know he is going to jeopardize it (not to mention his job!) when they discover he is stinking up their house with this new, really dank pot. Did I also mention he is a slob. He presented himself well, because he just came from work, looking all neat and tidy.

                                It seems no amount of nagging, begging, pleading to please not ruin everything we've worked for.......please just be a good tenant and try to not lose the place it took so long to get........the job it took so long to get......It just provokes verbal attacks and hostility.

                                One option: send him over with the air mattress and the sleeping bags, and tell him that when he demonstrates some responsibility, I will pay for a real bed. He can just tell them that he still needs to have his stuff delivered or something. But, then, it's just an excuse not to try to be better, because he is just 'camping there' and it doesn't feel like a home, or his own place anyway. No incentive. Why even try to keep it when it's so uncomfortable......not really anywhere he would want to call home.

                                I just have this sinking feeling that everything is about to fall apart again and it terrifies me. Sorry to go on and on about the same problem. I just want to escape what I can see easily turning into the worst case scenario. I've exhausted myself for years to prevent my biggest fear from happening and now it is clearly staring me in the face. There is nothing I can do to stop it. It has to come from him and he's not doing it. He's not even trying.

                                I tried to impress upon him that if he has another 'episode', he will be stuck here forever. He won't be able to leave, (he hates it here) and he'll be on that merry-go-round of legal/medical/bail appointments again. We just finished with months and months of all that. They won't be as lenient the next time and dismiss the charges (after months of compliance with dozens of appointments.)

                                And this time he'll be on the street, if he loses his room and his job. My husband is not going to continue to pay rent, food, etc. any more. We built the bridge and he won't go across it. In fact he is undoing endless months of expense and effort to get him on his feet. Nothing else can be done, except to get him out of this apartment, give notice and go back home. I guess that's worth the price of a bed. It's up to him from now on.

                                .......Just trying to stay strong......thanks for listening.........again!
                                AF since 12/2/12

