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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Everyone. My cold is getting a little better -- musta been the soup Lav. But I've got a big mess here Chicken; your Chicago Style Deep Dish seafood pizza didn't make it through the fax. Musta been those lobster claws getting stuck half way. Ha.

    Chops sorry to about the rough stuff again. Sunni, since you're doing well things are going to start going well for you too. Queen, Sooty, Resolved, Skittles good work and keep it going. Keep up the good lavand-ittude everyone.

    Good night all and have a great weekend.
    Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


      Newbies Nest

      Happy Saturday Nesters,

      Everyone sleeping in?
      Looking at yet another day of rain in my neighborhood, how about yours?

      Tranq, guess we'll have to try Fed Ex for the pizza deliveries. I'll be busy cleaning the cheese & sauce off of my fax today, ha ha.

      Well, wishing all nestlings a good, AF Saturday.
      Will check in later
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning peepers!

        Happy Saturday!
        Chops... I'm so sorry, you have to go through that again - sending healing thoughts your way. :l
        Tranq & Lav... you two are nutz! :H
        Chickenlittle... no wonder you're tired! I'm exhausted just reading your posts! :H
        Sooty... still blown away down there? Getting any better?
        Resolved (Gail) - congrats! You're on day 14 now!? You're doing great!
        Teba - welcome! I'll be trying to give up the smokes again, too... shortly.

        Well, my day is turning out completely different than planned :upset:
        I spent 1 hour and a half this morning, trying to load Miss Sophie onto a trailer. No go. Odd, she's usually pretty good about this sort of thing.. I mean, she isn't ecstatic, but will do as I ask. Not so today. I was supposed to be at my friend's place by now, grooming and riding, then getting her hooves trimmed and bum around at the barn. Tonight, I was going to drop her off at another friend's place - they have a pasture that hasn't been used and has lots of grass... to fatten the old girl up a bit before it gets cold *sigh* I'm going to give her some time to regroup now and then try again. Not feeding her now... if she wants to eat, she'll have to go into the trailer (I'm such a hard a$$)!

        Wish me luck! Will check in later!
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning All

          Nice to hear from all of you. :thanks: for the support.
          Day 14 and feeling strong, still only sleeping a little but getting better, no strange dreams at least, so when I sleep I get some rest. Went to 3 stores last night by myself, all had wine isles didn't even think about it. I took back my wallet, feel I can trust myself again right now.

          My husband has let up on AA. He doesn't drink, almost killed himself 20 years ago at party, had to have his stomach pumped, never touch AL again. He is going to anger mangament classes(voluntarily), but getting advice from court order men, who were drugies, alkies, in jail and prison etc....I suggested that might not be the best source of information.
          Although the classes are helping him lots with his verbal abuse.

          Glad to hear everyone doing so well. Sorry for the deaths, it is always hard.
          Well Hubby is sick all week, so my daughter and I are off for errands, library, and pool.
          Love to all, thanks again couldn't do this without all your support and kind words
          PS how do you gt a picture by your name? FYI


            Newbies Nest

            Hi nesters, yes Lav it is cold at night - altho its been quite warn today. Sunny the wind has dropped thankfully. Its surprising how important the weather is to us all isn't it?
            Hope everyone has had a good day, weekend half over for those of us who find the weekends difficult ...
            See you all tomorrow keep yourselves safe in the nest my little chickadees


              Newbies Nest

              Evening Nestlings!

              Hope you all had a peaceful (better) day (than me)
              Finally got the lovely horse on the trailer, hooked up the chain behind her... and she tried backing out before I could flip up the ramp... realized she couldn't.... started bucking.. broke the chain buckles in half... *sigh* Long story short... we never went ANYWHERE today.

              How did you all make out?
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                Newbies Nest

                What kind of bird are you?

                Morning the Nest!
                Let's have a bit of fun on Sunday:
                here is my promised post about the Nickle-Nackle tree nesters:

                The Nickle-nackle tree grows in the Manglemunching Forest (sounds interesting)
                with red berries and twisty branches for a jumbly jam of birds!( sounds like us)

                Ballyhoo birds -are big noisy birds with pink & blue feathers and a purple face!
                Scritchet birds- are tall,thin purple birds with long twiggy legs and do alot of sqwaking!
                Tittle Tattle birds- are bright pink with twirly/curling tails (think lyre bird)
                Yuk Birds- are sly,lurking green birds that resemble vultures!
                Blush Birds- are a soft,downy pink plump bird with long thin beaks and are very bashful.
                Snooze birds- resemble red & yellow stripey owls and are very sleepy and snorey
                Huffpuff birds-are haughty with blue & green plummage and very hoity-toity smiles!
                Chizzle birds- are cheeky little pink & white striped birds that live in cheerful chirpy piles
                Natter birds- are friendly, busy green birds with red beaks that are always busy building nice new nests!
                Fissick birds- are fluffy yellow things with pink wings (think a baby chick) who are very fussy!
                Throstle birds- are tall and orange birds who sing alot and have rings around their eyes
                Tweek birds- are tiny little round blue birds with red beaks
                Grudge birds- are big purple birds with huge orange beaks and grumpy eyes that are grouchy and grouse at all the fun!
                Fandango birds- are tall,pink flamingo like birds with pale blue wings and beaks that dance in the sun!
                Book is by Lynley Dodd called 'The Nickle Nackle Tree'.

                Right then, I think I am a.......Natter Bird! sow hat are the rest of you! (Make one up if you want to).
                I reckon the Yuk birds are the personification of AL!heheheh!!!!!!!
                *clucking like mad*:H


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi all. Of course I'm nutz Sunni, I thought you knew that already - maybe that's why I never could stop drinking before huh. I'm doing fine, no drinks all week so far.

                  Resolved way to go on 14 days -- yeah I think you've earned the right to trust yourself -- it's all about you wanting it. Perhaps you're right about your dh's information sources as well - I got a chuckle out of the way you put that! For a pic, I think it's the Quick Links menu; Edit Profile; Edit Avatar or Edit Photo.

                  Hi Sooty, Lav, Chick. Way to go Skittles -- and everyone else!!!

                  Take care!
                  Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                    Newbies Nest

                    Tranq-what type of bird are you?


                      Newbies Nest

                      Evening Nesters,

                      OMG Chicken - whatever you're on - I want some
                      I'm not sure but I think I could either be a Ballyhoo or a Scrtitchet bird. How do you tell for sure? How do you tell the difference between the boy birds and the girl birds Tranq sounds like he could be a Throstle bird.........

                      Resolved, it's good to hear some confidence coming from you, does my heart good Stay strong, you're doing great!

                      Sunni, Miss Sophie apparently has a mind of her own! If you didn't know that before, you certainly do now, ha ha.

                      Our son, daughter-in-law and grandbaby showed up this afternoon and suprised us with a trip to a big old indoor flea market we always used to go to and a nice dinner out! It's truly amazing when your grown up kids do stuff like that........makes you proud It was a good way to spend a Saturday and ignore the relentless rain............

                      Well, I wish everyone a safe, comfy, rain free night in the nest, will see you in the AM.
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi. Chicken, I missed your post earlier on my way out for dinner. Sounds like a fun story. Yep Lav I could be a Throstle bird - funny, I was gonna pick that one for me, except those ring around my eyes are where I got hit by the pepperoni that flew out my fax machine when your pizza arrived thank you very much.

                        Lav, so nice you were able to get out with the family on a rainy Saturday. They're predicting record lows in the 40's or 30's for Monday night here. What the heck happened to summer - I wasn't finished with it. Feels like October already here. Shees.

                        And yeah Chicken, you gotta bottle-up and share some of that secret sauce you've got, huh. You're just dishing out a ton of fun here!

                        Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                          Newbies Nest

                          I'm sorry to say Lav..that this kind of madness doesn't need any help!It's all natural..with maybe a wee remnant of post-natal amnesia thrown in! LMAO


                            Newbies Nest

                            It's all good Tranq-Throstlebird! They are cute, I have pictures of them.Too bad I have to take the book back to the library tomorrow.May try to buy it for Loren though.. its great fun!!


                              Newbies Nest

                              I'd like to think i was a chizzle bird but sometimes a bit of grudge does come creeping in!
                              Its raining yet again in Sootyland - oh well we did have one nice day yesterday so shouldn't grumble.
                              Still feeling good tho and so so so glad to be part of this crazy nest.
                              Nearly september now - what are we going to do when the leaves fall off the trees has anyone thought of that? Have to build the nest walls up even higher I guess!
                              See you all later


                                Newbies Nest

                                The Chizzle birds are WAY cute Sooty! The grudge birds are a lil bit scarey though!
                                B'day party went good,people were drinking around me,but I just ignored it and chatted to whoever! Felt quite good..even if I did have a moment where my thoughts strayed to a craving or two!
                                Off to bed in a few so just checking in to say Goodnight from this chook!
                                *cluck cluck*

