Happy Sunday morning Nesters!
It's actually dry & sunny here this morning kids!!
Good, can't wait to get outside, feel the need to putter around the yard today

Chicken, I think I'm going to look for a copy of your book. I'll save it for my grandson, I picture the two of us enjoying that book together someday.
Looking forward to the fall colors here too Sooty. We have a heavily wooded area just behind our home that explodes into color each Fall, very pleasant to look at

Tranq, you go ahead and send that chilly weather this way - that's what starts our Fall color explosion!!
I'm probably going to start my Fall house cleaning in the chicken coop. It takes a while to get things tidied up in there......... we're down to 18 hens now, lost 2 over the summer. They're getting older now, we're not getting as many eggs. I guess at this point they pretty much turn into pets!! Might think about increasing the size of the flock next Spring. Receiving day old hatchlings in the mail is really a trip. They are so cute

Well, have a wonderful day one & all, will check in later!