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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    moni, CONGRATS to you! 30 AF days ~ awesome
    Remember, moods come & they go. We have to get used to feeling ALL of our feelings now.

    Almost free, it occurred to me that you are dealing with empty nest syndrome on top of everything else going on in your life. It's completely normal to be emotional when the youngest one leaves. It's what we choose to do & how we choose to handle ourselves that matters
    Try to look at your son's moving out on his own as a normal step because it is! He has to move on, it's the only way he is ever going to learn to fly on his own. If he falls he will have to pick himself up again, just like the rest of us. You have done all you can possibly do for him. He needs to stand on his own now.

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Moni...I know why you were a little flat....
      you were deserving, but didn't get yer hat!!!

      On behalf of the entire Newbie's Nest, please accept this small token of a BIG job! 30 Days is one of the real milestones around here, and you've done it. We are all so proud of you!!! Your quiet confidence is's to a lifetime of sober living!!! Well done!!

      Remember if you have a bad day today, tomorrow will be never have 2 bad days in a row!
      Hugs!!!! B
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        Moni-That is an awesome goal you have reached! I can't wait.

        AF since 12/26/13

        "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs


          Newbies Nest

          Overit...don't look now but there's a bag over yer head....
          It looks like you attacked by Mr. Potato Head....:H:H:H

          Just kidding...hope you don't mind a little bag humor! xo, b
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Well my dinner party got cancelled due to everyone being too busy getting ready for Christmas. I'm so relieved. I was actually thinking of making an excuse to bail so I wouldn't have to face the temptation. My husband is on his way home from being gone all week on a business trip so I'm just going to focus on spending time with him this weekend. I just texted him to pick up Chinese food on his way from the airport. I have you to thank for that Byrdie!


              Newbies Nest

              That's great Munro, what a break, or maybe what they call a 'God shot'; a blessing out of the blue. That's a great way to spend the weekend. No temptations, at least for tonight. It's so hard the first few days, because you don't have much time invested and you feel so crappy anyway. I always used to figure, well, I only have a few days, I'll just start over tomorrow, 'when I feel better'. As if that was going to happen. We all know how that goes.......

              Thanks Lavande, you are right. I cried when the others left home, too. With him, it's the mental illness aspect that makes me despair. But what is going to happen is going to happen. There is nothing I can do. I won't live forever, so it's going to happen eventually, whatever I do. I hate being helpless and powerless!

              Well, I prayed for enough energy to get a few things done today and received it, thank God. Unloaded the car, got everything organized for the move and just have to get the stuff our of the dryer in 15 minutes. Now I don't feel like that good cry anymore. Also had something to eat. I know I will be crying tomorrow, but so be it. Better than drinking. Thanks everyone for listening.........again......sorry, just so panicky about it all.
              AF since 12/2/12


                Newbies Nest

                You certainly are not helpless & powerless. It simply is not your job to run your son's life. I mean that with love & respect to you but honestly, we have to let go of our kids or we will drive ourselves crazy Give it some time & urge him to do the best he can do! You have done your part, now let him do his.

                Munro, no dinner party sounds like a good idea
                Fill your plan & ensure an AF weekend for yourself. You'll be happy you did come Monday morning!

                I'm going to try to get to bed sooner than usual. My grandsons return tomorrow morning at 9 am for another half a day of fun
                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks Lavande. You are right. Thanks for putting it in perspective. Have a great night's sleep and a fun day tomorrow with your grandsons. Hugs!
                  AF since 12/2/12


                    Newbies Nest

                    Just a quick check in before through dinner with my cranberry juice and then tea after. Happy to report no wine! Hope everyone is safe in the nest. See you tomorrow!
                    Almost are in my thoughts have a huge load on your shoulders right now....but you can get through this. Keep close.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Why hello Max. Grab yerself a cuppa tea and biscuit and get settled in. :welcome:

                      Morning Nesters. Saturday. Day 14. Two weeks under the belt.

                      Almost, Dottie how are your weekends looking? Almost, although I so do feel for you with your struggles just now with your youngest, I am also glad that you feel able to release some of the frustration, worry, angst, anger here on the boards. And if you have a good cry today - well, GOOD, better out than in. BOTH you and Dottie are having to tackle such big things in your life at the very time you try and quit AL. And although we all say there is no time like the present to quit, I sure acknowledge both your situations are a wee bit more stressful for having to quit.

                      Big hugs :l to you both and to all nesters, especially those of you who are struggling or have other stressful events in life at this time.



                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello fellow nesters,

                        Also checking in before bed. Past midnight, so it's day 14 for me, too, RC. Somehow, when you say two weeks, it sounds more impressive. I can't believe it. Two whole weeks! Thank you for your kind words. Glad you got your exam over with. What a relief. Hope you can enjoy your weekend and relax.

                        Better get to bed, the big move is tomorrow. Finally got the energy late this afternoon to get a lot done. Hopefully it will help things go more smoothly tomorrow.

                        Thank you so much for you kind thoughts and words, New Day. Glad you got through another day, too.

                        Welcome, Max. Look forward to getting to know you. There is so much to read here and so much help available. So glad you are here.

                        Dottie, I hope you are able to relax and enjoy your two weeks off from your stressful job. You have so many other things to deal with right now. Who needs that extra pressure on top of it. Plus the holidays to deal with.

                        Good night everyone. Will probably be checking in later tomorrow,(actually today,now), after the move.
                        AF since 12/2/12


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning Nesters,

                          Hope everyone held on tight overnight

                          Almost, will be thinking of you today. Remember, launching our kids out into the world is something we all have to do, just part of the parenting process.

                          Wishing everyone a terrific AF Saturday.
                          I'll be busy the first half of the day chasing grandkids

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Morning Nesters!
                            I am crafting myself to death. I bought a loom and some loops and made 4 pot holders last night. I have knitted enough scraves to drape a small nation...and I'm thinking of taking a pottery class??!!

                            Otherwise...I'm fine.

                            Hope everyone has a peaceful day....all you gotta do is get thru this day!!! Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Off to run a few errands. May buy myself a flowering plant to dress up the room. No Christmas tree this year just too darn depressing for me. But I will enjoy looking at others decorations. May drive around tonight and look at the lights. So beautiful if I don't have to do any work...
                              Back later,

                              Newbie's Nest

                              Tool Box
                              AF 9.1.2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning nesters,

                                Wow, when I came on a minute ago, nobody had been on here since I signed off last night.

                                Hi Lavande, glad someone is up and about. Moving day. Turns out that my son is off work tomorrow, too, so I told him (he seems very nervous) we can just have the bed, etc. delivered today and that once he has the keys, he can bring the rest over either today or tomorrow. No pressure to do it all today. Trying to stay calm and not transmit my feeling of panic. He gets very hostile, when nervous and afraid, and I can see he is nervous about the move. He also gets high. I just don't want him obviously stoned, when he goes over to get the keys and give them the check. God, what a mess!

                                I DO understand about kids leaving the nest. I've done it twice, not a big deal, except for a few tears afterward......But with this guy, there is the mental illness and the substance issue. He can barely manage and can't seem to focus enough to learn and retain anything I try to teach him. Just the most basic stuff that everyone else takes for granted. Common sense things.......Sooo frustrating!

                                Just praying that all goes well today......
                                AF since 12/2/12

