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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Evening all,

    Star - really, that was an awesome post.... I admit that my cravings have ebbed up the scale - and the voice that says "really, is this sobriety actually worth it?" and "Don't you ever get tired of my whiney voice telling you about all your foibles and insecurities? You do know that if you have a drink, I'll bugger off and it'll all be ok?" :H If only. If fecking only! :H Anyway, it was good to read about the simple struggle of the urge and how you overcame it - one moment, one action at a time.

    BTW - new avatar was found for me by Zenners, so have it on while she's in re-hab for the next few weeks - kinda like a good luck charm for her (and me)... (not that we should rely on luck mind you!)

    K9 - great to see you posting again here. Yiv been missed, lass!

    Overit - by 7 days! Well done. You're doing great.

    Lav :hallo: Hope you are well! And Byrdie - keep sucking dem lozenges or whatever it is you need to take to ride yerself of the cold :l

    Off for a gander...

    RC (not the lovely RingingCedars who has just done 30days! AF)


      Newbies Nest

      Evening Nesters.

      Star, that was a great post!!! Seems to be inline with a couple others lately concerning our responsibility to our children. If you haven't read Skendall's, please do so.

      Brydie...I threw out two dozen eggs a few weeks back because they seemed so strange...just didn't look or smell right. All this reminder of food poisoning makes me very glad I did. It's just not worth the chance.

      Overit, love the bag. I may want to borrow it sometime. :goodjob: on the 7 days AF. It's a bit strange, maybe because I have so much on my plate lately, at times I have a memory lapse of what I was feeling like on my initial withdrawal.

      Lav, a choice it is, just like most things in life. They may be tough ones, but we do have free will to choose.

      Mick, if you are around, I hope your dental visit went well and wasn't too much pain. Meant to ask about it and then got all tied up in my own mess.

      K9, the phone story I can relate to. I carried around a piece of garbage for a long time while my daughter had the best. I tend to be practical anyway where she doesn't.

      Update: Spent several hours at the doctors today as my back pain continued to get worse from the body slam. My doctor retired this month, so had to see a new guy as an emergency walkin. He was an older doc. and so gentle and kind...I really needed that today!!!! No broken bones, but bruising and inflammation. He explained it as the trauma causes some internal bleeding which then stimulates more inflammation and bruising which is why it has gotten worse since the moment of impact. It felt good to stop protecting this man and opening up about the abuse. It's strange what we do when we love someone. You don't want to hurt them even though they are hurting you until it comes down to this and you just have to let go and stop protecting them. He has managed to twist my mind for over two years. I am finally drifting over into acceptance of the problem being him and letting go. The doctor had a serious talk with me about getting some counseling. I am so determined to do everything on my own, it's no wonder my moods flip flop all over. I have never been good at asking for help and felt a need to present a strong front. Maybe I will finally find a way to heal and I won't feel the need to escape so much. A positive in all this evil? I know it sounds so simple from the outside, but it's really a difficult issue to have to turn someone in for this behavior when you were/are in love with them. Doctor was more concerned over how the mind heals than the body. Smart doctor! Anyway, I have decided I may need this place more than I thought the other day. Flip flop, flip day I feel strong, the next not so much; however, I wasn't expecting the event this weekend.

      It was strange as I was driving home, I was looking in everyone's car wondering does she drink, does he drink? That's a new one for me.

      Ok, done blabbering. Doctor put me on two meds, so no critiquing my posts please. Daughter came in mid steam and I lost some of my focus.


      Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


        Newbies Nest

        Have had 250g of Swiss chocolate. Now dealing with a major sugar rush

        love you all


        AF since 1st Sep 2012
        NF since 1st Sep 2012

        If you want to feel better visit


          Newbies Nest

          allankay;1429068 wrote: Have had 250g of Swiss chocolate. Now dealing with a major sugar rush

          love you all


          Aww... you getting mushy on the sugar Mr Allan?!


            Newbies Nest


            Damn holidays

            There is so much chocolate going around the office. Today I was given a box as a gift... and yesterday I was given 800g of jelly babies. I ate half, yes, half and decided to throw the rest away.

            There is also a danger of consuming one of those liquior chocolate so I have my guard up.

            What are you doing for Christmas and New Year? The school is out, right?

            AF since 1st Sep 2012
            NF since 1st Sep 2012

            If you want to feel better visit


              Newbies Nest

              Aye - schools out. Got one more day at me main job then - 2 weeks off! And boy am I looking forward to that. What about you - on hols from work? Much time off?

              Never did like choc liquers - but yeah watch out for them. Can be sneaky devils.

              And 400gm of jelly babies down yer gullet? That's a lot of baby eating :H

              Well, if you've got your running, I reckon you can allow you allow yourself a bit of indulgence.


                Newbies Nest

                Allan & RC -
                Now you've got me wanting to search for chocolate :H
                And if I eat chocolate then crazy Stella is going to want some too :H

                Slay, glad you got to see someone for your back today. Hope you feel better soon

                Hey Byrdie, are you OK?
                Please don't dehydrate or anything, get some fluids in yer gut.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Nesters, just checking in to say Hi and lend some support to you all. I have been sicker with the flu than I have been in 15 years. After being hangover free for over a year plus now, I had forgotten what it is like to feel like total crap. It sucks! I'm on the mend though. I remember that I used to drink even when I was sick. Then to celebrate getting better, well you know what...Pure nonsense from this side of the fence.

                  I hope everyone is doing well or at least hanging in the best they can. K9, good luck with your job.

                  Starfish, liked your post about fending off the urge.

                  Byrdie, Get Well Now!

                  Have a great AF night everyone.
                  "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                  AF 11/12/11


                    Newbies Nest

                    I've been grazing on the chocolate too! It's everywhere! We have cookies, candy...and someone ordered a huge pizza. I did pass on the pizza...BUT I ordered one (ok...two) to pick up on the way home...I want it fresh, not their dried up leftovers. LOL

                    Everyone have a good night...enjoy your food and family and being sober!

                    Byrdie...get well soon! Mama Bear is sick too

                    Lav...give crazy Stella some chocolate, she deserves it.
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Why is it so hard to get back on the wagon? My first AF experience (after many years) was relatively easy. But then I tried to (unsuccessfully) moderate and now I'm back where I started. The supplements don't seem to be working this time around. I can't believe I blew it. I had an easy quit, and now I'm finding it difficult to quit at all. For anyone out there that is AF and thinking of trying alchohol again... Please don't do it!!! . I wish I could turn the clock back and make a different decision.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Mom2JTx3;1429131 wrote: Why is it so hard to get back on the wagon? My first AF experience (after many years) was relatively easy. But then I tried to (unsuccessfully) moderate and now I'm back where I started. The supplements don't seem to be working this time around. I can't believe I blew it. I had an easy quit, and now I'm finding it difficult to quit at all. For anyone out there that is AF and thinking of trying alchohol again... Please don't do it!!! . I wish I could turn the clock back and make a different decision.
                        Thank you so much for posting this. This seems to be a common mistake a lot of people make this mistake. We have to remember that this is just AL brain talking to us. Good job for trying, no not trying, doing this. If you read back a lot of people are experiencing the same things you are. Today I was telling someone about quitting drinking and she said,"Well quit for a while, drink some tea for a while, and then maybe try just drinking a little." For a second I thought maybe I will! Whoa, Al sometimes uses other people to get his message across. NICE TRY AL!!!!!!!! IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!!

                        thank you again Mom.
                        AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning all

                          I've got a couple of days off work and me n my other half are going to a hotel up North for a wee spa day and overnighter. It'll be my first jaunt ever where alcohol won't be the main feature which'll mean - no fall outs; no embarrassment behaviour from me; we will actually use the spa facilities as opposed to me hitting the vino upon arrival and losing interest and then being too hungover in the morning; I'll enjoy and remember the experience; I will be able to face breakfast in the morning without vomiting; I'll be fresh in the morning and up for a forest walk (walking boots packed); the car journey home won't involve regular stops for me to vomit. Christ, sickening to think that's how the proceedings would normally go because of alcohol :-/

                          Have a great day all xxx


                            Newbies Nest

                            Mom2JTx3;1429131 wrote: Why is it so hard to get back on the wagon? My first AF experience (after many years) was relatively easy. But then I tried to (unsuccessfully) moderate and now I'm back where I started. The supplements don't seem to be working this time around. I can't believe I blew it. I had an easy quit, and now I'm finding it difficult to quit at all. For anyone out there that is AF and thinking of trying alchohol again... Please don't do it!!! . I wish I could turn the clock back and make a different decision.
                            Great post, Mom! I had to learn the hard way and it was NO FUN. And I mean NO FUN!!! It was 4 years of torture, trying to get past day 1 or 3 or 4. I just couldn't do it. The supplements never worked for me either. The things that have worked for me this time are: using the help here in the nest, honoring my commitment to my friends here to stay AF, keeping my blood sugar stable and just not letting those AL thoughts get a foot in the door. By that, I mean, by quickly and totally dismissing the thought that I CAN Drink. I CAN NOT Drink! Pure and simple. It's worked so far and I am on day 80.

                            Jingle- That vacation sounds like so much fun. Glad to see you planning for an AF time and not wondering how you will make it without the AL. Good Thinkin':l

                            Byrdie- So Hope you are feeling better today. Like Lav said, please take care and don't let yourself get dehydrated :l



                            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Oh yeah, and one other thing that has helped me is always remembering the information that is in my sig line. "I am one drink away from never being sober again for the rest of my life." BELIEVE IT!



                              I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Jingles, did you have to mention vomit twice in the same message? Just kidding...(not really).:eeew: I hope you have a wonderful time on your spa retreat! It is exhausting to think of all the energy and time it takes to make AL #1 in your life.

                                Pinecone, I'm sorry you are ill, too. I used to mix vodka with TheraFlu to feel better...(I hope normal people aren't reading this...who would understand being in that state but us?). As I was laying over the toilet, the only thing I was thankful for was that this wasn't AL induced!!! So there's a silver lining in all things...even wij your head in the loo....

                                The chocolate assault hasn't hit us yet...but I feel it coming. I've lost 3 pounds so I feel entitled to some. I'm like Allan, I am mindful of what may have liqueor in them...I know it's not much, but you know how Dick Head operates....he is sneaky. (imagine sneaking in on CHOCOLATE, our most sacred food group!) I take my queues from first I questioned her extreme position, but then came to appreciate it.... she is the most sober person I know in terms of longevity...she is doing something right, and I want to be like her, so I will listen.

                                My tummy is gurgling like a volcano....surely this is flushed out by now...(I am flushed out..:toilet:....signed, your little green friend, B
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

