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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Welcome back Odat! Good to see you again. Good luck.
    AF since 12/2/12


      Newbies Nest

      Welcome Hippyman. You've come to the right place. Lots of support here. Lots of resources and feedback from many, many people who have been where you are.....what's working for them, tips and strategies to succeed. Read all you can, get to know us and let us get to know you. So glad you joined us!
      AF since 12/2/12


        Newbies Nest

        Hey Almost - bloody fecking bejesus, if it it's not one thing it's another. I really do hope that things pan out good for your son and you. And that the new roomie gets of his sorry erse if he needs to get a job - girlfriend or no girlfriend. Keep fuming here if you need. :l

        Welcome Hippyman (Like yer name - like yer avatar even more) Stick around, read, post and tell us about yourself. We're all working this beast together. :welcome:


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks RC,

          God, I just feel like wailing. I am SO tapped out, I just don't think I can go through another move. I'm so tired and discouraged. Just exhausted. Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. And that doesn't even include the move for ME to go home. More fun.

          I'm supposed to decide by the first, whether to give notice where I am and return home, or what? Now everything is unsettled again. Oh, and my husband is not going to make it for Christmas after all.

          So as usual, every time something good happens, before I can even enjoy it, something happens to put it all in jeopardy again. When will it end? I almost hope the Mayans are right. Only hours away and it's all over? Hallelujia! For today, I guess that Armaggedon will have to be Plan B. At least until I recover some strength to deal with more.
          AF since 12/2/12


            Newbies Nest

            odat1234;1430052 wrote: Wow, thanks birdy! I want 2013 to be sober all year. I need to get a running start so I can make it you know. I dont want to ring in the new year drunk.
            Good idea! I started last December 26th because I couldn't imagine drinking even 4 more days...I was THAT tired of it. You can do it too!
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Newbies Nest

              Have to run out to the market.....I will NOT stop at the liquor store, I will NOT stop at the liquor store.........I'll be back in a bit.......need a good cry and don't want to go out later with red eyes.
              AF since 12/2/12


                Newbies Nest

                Morning nesters, all positive stuff which is great. Just keep reminding yourself that you don't NEED alcohol, no one does. Being alcohol dependant just means you THINK you do. It is just a mind game...... And one you CAN win, millions before you have

                THE END OF THE WORLD IS NIGH.......AGAIN

                For you Arsey, cos i know you are worried bout me! :H Yes, the world is still here you will be glad to learn. Here is a list of Mayan gods FYI....... Choices, choices many gods, so little time

                List of Maya gods and supernatural beings

                Ah Cilin
                Ah Muzencab
                Ah Pekku
                Ah Tabai
                Ah Uuc Tica
                Ahau Chamahez
                Ajbit *PV*
                Ajtzak *PV*
                Alom *PV*
                Awilix *PV*

                Bacab *L* [god N]
                Bitol *PV*
                Bolon Ts'akab (Dzacab)
                Bolontiku *CHB*
                Bolon Yokte-bolon yokte k'u translates usually to mean "nine footed god" he is found in discussions of the monument 6 in which the end of the mayan calendar is discussed. he is associated with destruction, war, conflict, and the underworld. however, he is also found present at creation events.
                Buluc Chabtan [god F]

                Cabrakan *PV*
                Cacoch *LAC*
                Camazotz *PV*
                Can Tzicnal *L*
                Chac *L*
                Chac Uayab Xoc *L*
                Chimalmat *PV*
                Colel Cab
                Cum Hams


                Gukumatz *PV*

                Hach?k'yum *LAC*
                Hobnil *L*
                Hozanek *L*
                Hun Batz *PV*
                Hun Came *PV*
                Hun Chowen *PV*
                One of the two stepbrothers of the Hero Twins, one of the Howler Monkey Gods and patron of the arts.
                Hun Hunahpu *PV*
                The father of the Maya Hero Twins Ixbalanque and Hun-Apu by a virgin. Beheaded in Xibalba, the underworld, by the rulers of Xibalba, Hun Came and Vucub Caquix. His sons avenged his death.
                Hunab Ku
                'Sole God', identical with Itzamna as the highest Yucatec god; or a more abstract upper god.
                Hunahpu *PV*
                One of the Maya Hero Twins.
                Hunahpu-Gutch *PV*
                One of the thirteen creator gods who helped create humanity.
                Hunahpu Utiu *PV*
                One of the thirteen creator gods who helped create humanity.
                Hypothetical hieroglyphic reading of the name of the Classic Maya maize god
                Huracan *PV*
                'One-Leg', one of three lightning gods together called 'Heart of the Sky', and acting as world creators.

                The founder of the Maya culture, he taught his people to grow maize and cacao, as well as writing, calendars, and medicine. Once mentioned as the father of the Bacabs. Connected to Kinich Ahau and Hunab Ku.
                A patron god of the Lacandon people.
                Ixbalanque > Xbalanque
                Ixchel *L* [goddess O]
                Jaguar goddess of midwifery and medicine.
                Ixmucane *PV*
                One of the thirteen creator gods who helped create humanity, grandmother of the Hero Twins.
                Ixpiyacoc *PV*
                One of the thirteen creator gods who helped create humanity.
                Ixtab *L*
                Goddess of suicide.
                A goddess of water and weaving.


                Kauil (Kawil, K'awiil)
                Assumed to have been the Classic name of god K (Bolon Dzacab). Title attested for Itzamna, Uaxac Yol, and Amaite Ku; family name; probably not meaning 'food', but 'powerful'.
                Kinich Ahau *L*
                The solar deity.
                Kinich Kakmo
                A solar deity represented by a macaw, patron of Izamal (Yucatan).
                The plumed serpent. A Mayan aspect of the Mesoamerican traditional God Quetzalcoatl.

                Nacon: God of war

                Oxlahuntiku *CHB*
                'Thirteen Gods', possibly sky gods, opposed to Bolontiku. Mentioned in an eschatological passage.

                Qaholom *PV*
                one of the second set of creator gods.
                Q'uq'umatz *PV*
                Feathered Snake god and creator. The depiction of the feathered serpent deity is present in other cultures of Mesoamerica. Q'uq'umatz of the K'iche' Maya is closely related to the god Kukulkan of Yucat?n and to Quetzalcoatl of the Aztecs.

                Tepeu *PV*
                A sky god and one of the creator deities who participated in all three attempts at creating humanity.
                Tohil *PV*
                Tohil was a patron deity of the K'iche'. There was a great temple to him at their ancient capital of Q'umarkaj.

                legendary ancestral deity, Chiapas.
                Vucub-Caquix *PV*
                Bird demon, severs arm of Hero Twin, wife is Chimalmat, sons are the demonic giants Cabrakan and Zipacna.

                Xaman Ek
                god of travelers and merchants, who gave offerings to him on the side of roads while traveling.
                Xbalanque *PV* [god CH]
                War Twin, one of the Hero Twins, companion to Hunahpu
                Xmucane and Xpiayoc *PV*
                A creator god couple which helped create the first humans. They are also the parents of Hun Hunahpu and Vucub Hunahpu. They were called Grandmother of Day, Grandmother of Light and Bearer twice over, begetter twice over and given the titles midwife and matchmaker.

                One of four Mopan 'Grandfathers' of the earth and chief lightning god.
                Yum Caax
                God of the woods, of wild nature, and of the hunt; invoked before carving out a maize field from the wilderness.

                Zac Cimi *L*
                Bacab of the west.
                Zipacna *PV*
                Demonic personification of the earth crust.




                  Newbies Nest

                  Ok, I'm back. Did not get any booze. Just tea and lemons. Love those lemons!

                  Oh Kuya, did you have to ruin my Plan B? I am fresh out of solutions today and was counting on Armageddon as a back up plan. Oh, well, back to the drawing board......tomorrow......
                  AF since 12/2/12


                    Newbies Nest

                    almost free;1430110 wrote: Ok, I'm back. Did not get any booze. Just tea and lemons. Love those lemons!

                    Oh Kuya, did you have to ruin my Plan B? I am fresh out of solutions today and was counting on Armageddon as a back up plan. Oh, well, back to the drawing board......tomorrow......
                    Humour matey....... Love it !

                    Enjoy your lemons, think I might join you


                      Newbies Nest

                      Man, those lemons were driving me nuts. Especially when it's post after post. Thought I'd like that avatar. Lemons everywhere! They have to go.....
                      AF since 12/2/12


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Glad to see you checking in Kuya. I guess that means I will have to get up & go to Curves as usual in the morning

                        Almost, hope you are relaxing with some tea & lemons!
                        Please try not to worry about all of the 'what ifs' with your son. There just isn't a damn thing you can do to make life perfect for him, right? Focus on yourself tonight. If you haven't already try to pick up a copy of 'The Power of Now' by EkhartTolle. His message is simple but it really helped to settle me down & calm the bazillion fears I had when my husband ran out on me. Give it a read, I think it will help you :l

                        It's chilly & raining here tonight. I hope everyone has a safe & cozy night in the nest.
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Checking in and out. Had a terrific day in NYC. I can enjoy a nice sleep in tomorrow morning, yay! Nighty night Nesters.
                          we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                            Newbies Nest


                            We still all here?

                            Kuya - i thought the first two Gods were me and Mr Rick The Dick having an argument about whether I should have a drink: Acann, Acaant... Acann, Acaant.... Acann, Acaant.... but then I checked the spelling... turns out it was jist two folks oberving the world:

                            GOD 1: Oh look! A can!

                            GOD 2: Oh lookie indeedy! A Cat!

                            GOD 3: Ah cilin

                            GOD 1: Eh?

                            GOD 3: Ah cilin - am ill an' the doctor gave me ahnacilin.

                            GOD 4: Ah Muszencab

                            GOD 2: A whit?!

                            GOD 4: Ah Muzencab

                            GOD 2: What in god's name is a muzencab

                            GOD 4: Same as a Christian cab but for Muslims...

                            Better stop now.

                            Have a lovely last day folks



                              Newbies Nest

                              Arsey, you are nuttier than a squirrel's fart !


                                Newbies Nest

                                kuya;1430200 wrote: Arsey, you, my dear, are nuttier than a squirrel's fart !


