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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi all Not been on much over the past couple of days as had a nasty vomiting bug, but starting to lift now - woop woop!

    I'm working tomorrow until 2pm and then spending the rest of Christmas Day with my other half, just the two of us for a cosy dinner. He has never been a big drinker anyway, but he has decided he's not gonna bother with drinking over the festivities at all. I told him I really didn't mind if he had a beer/wine etc as I don't want him to feel like he can't drink because of me, but he says he is honestly not fussed at all as he can't be arsed with drinking anyway. This is gonna make things a bit easier for me.

    Here's to a happy AF Christmas for us all xxx


      Newbies Nest

      Good Morning guys! Good to see everyone, Patrick, Nurdl, Beachcat, RC, and Lav! I woke up singing Christmas Carols this morning instead of jumping out of bed to run away from my crazy bad dreams and then the ever present conversation with myself in the shower about how today I will not drink, I hate the way I feel when I drink and I hate for the better part of this year I have the same conversation with myself in the shower every morning about how I won't drink tonight! GRRRRR. Anyway I did not have that conversation or that guilt this morning cause I am stone cold sober and I will stay that way!

      I was looking up sober and family friendly ways to ring in the new year this morning, you know NYE is a week from today. I am trying to put a plan in place. Hey, maybe I can take the kids to Putt Putt, no bar there, however it is kinda close to a liquor store....but what isn't right. Maybe jumpstreet would be an option also.
      Anyway I am so happy to be here today. I guess I will pull out the christmas gifts and get to wrapping!

      Have a beautiful christmas eve everyone. I know mine will be 10000 times better than last year!


        Newbies Nest

        Morning Nesters.
        Patrick...I can't tell you what your post means to me. As we all do, we come in day after day and post a few words and try to make sense of all the things rattling around in our heads. To think that these posts help someone else get thru a day? Tremendous. Thank you so much for those words. Everyday I check out that roll call and you are the top of the list and racking up serious AF time...and THAT'S how it's done. Here is a special hug for you!! ((((P)))))
        Clear Eyes, I WAS that lady on the train....makes me cringe...the Ghost of Christmas Past there...But the Christmas Present and Future look really good! ODAT, I was also thinking what was different between this year and 2 years ago...back then, I had accepted a premature death...I was sure I wasn't going to live to be an old lady given my lifesytle of AL. But today, I am planning to be OLD, and that feels good! I am hopeful about the future! I couldn't say that 2 years ago when I was in the deepest part of it...I have HOPE, and it feels really good!
        This is THE toughest time of year....and we are doing it! THIS is the time that will define us! Dig your heels in and do not give in no matter what and no matter who! You will never regret not drinking!!!!
        Welcome Beachcat!!! Are you a cat lover??? We are glad you're here!
        Still a little scambled from that egg :yukko:....but maybe that's keeping me from eating so dang much! We're almost thru the worst of it!!! Well done, everyone!!! XXOO, Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning Fellow Nesters.

          Welcome Beachcat. So glad you joined us!

          Patrick, thank you, also, for the kind words. You don't say a lot, but you are a quiet inspiration to so many of us.......just doing it, with very little drama.......always knowing when to jump in to give a word of support or encouragement when it is needed. It always gives me a sense of security, to wake up and see you starting off the roll call. Oh, there's Patrick, our steady rock. (Not to put too much on you, lol) You have added so much to MWO. So glad you joined!

          Don't know what the day will bring for me. Haven't heard a lot from my son for the last couple of days. He was off yesterday, and will be off today and tomorrow. Strange he has Christmas Eve off.....a very busy day for them. Talked to him for a minute on the phone yesterday, but he seemed really 'out of it'.

          There was a mini-meltdown last Thursday in the car, and found out that he had stopped taking his niacin (for the Schizophrenia) and can only hope and pray he resumes on his own.....Soon! I definitely see a difference when he goes off it. Some very alarming behaviors, that remind me of the beginning of it all. Don't know if I will even see him today or tomorrow. And my husband is not going to make it, either.

          Going to just have to make the best of it. Actually, I'm feeling pretty good today, Day 23 So far, anyway...... Thank God I have all of you. Thanks for being here!

          Hope everyone has a wonderful and AF Christmas Eve!
          AF since 12/2/12


            Newbies Nest

            Day 2 is real plans except to visit my dad tomorrow...short visit...
            Made a turkey breast on Saturday and am going to make white chili with the leftovers today. It is just hubby and I so we keep it low key as he knows this is hard for me. We dont exchange gifts but did get the doggies some new chew toys.....
            Back later,

            Newbie's Nest

            Tool Box
            AF 9.1.2013


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Dottie,

              Thinking of you. Hope you are ok. Low key sounds good. That's what I will be doing. Hope you have a peaceful and AF Christmas.
              AF since 12/2/12


                Newbies Nest

                Hello Nesters! Went to yoga again this morning. I highly recommend it. Our leader today (is there a special word for the one who leads the class? a yogi?) suggested that we each dedicate our practice to someone or even to ourselves. I dedicated my work today to all of you in the nest. Now mind you, I'm not very good, but in my heart I wish us all strength, wisdom, positive thoughts, and pride and love for what we each have accomplished.

                Be well MWO friends and Merry Christmas!
                we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Nurdl,

                  I love your new activity. And I am very happy that you are so excited about doing Yoga. Nothing beats a natural high.

                  AF since 1st Sep 2012
                  NF since 1st Sep 2012

                  If you want to feel better visit


                    Newbies Nest

                    True that Allan! It finally found me and it's just what I needed right now.
                    we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                      Newbies Nest

                      Just hanging around today... I guess friends and family are all in place for all the big doings. Thinking of everyone, wishing you hope and strength. Don't let anything derail you!! Safe, sober, merry hugs everyone!! XXOO, Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Patrick, thank you so much for that gift. It means a lot to me.

                        I'm waiting for my daughter to get off work so we can head out to our Christmas destination, so took a few moments to view the NN. I am sure glad I did because a post like Patricks is a true Christmas gift. It fills me with love and warmth. There is something you get from giving to others and knowing it has helped them in some way that gives back to us.

                        I left a separate post, but it's worth saying again. I wish you all an enjoyable Christmas filled with peace and joy whether alone or with family. Find something beautiful about the day and keep any dark shadows boxed away. With all the bad in the world we can find, there is also good. Taste what's real and leave the illusions and regrets to wander far away.


                        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                          Newbies Nest

                          MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Just wanted to do a quick fly in and wish every one a very Merry Christmas. Last Christmas Eve, I am pretty sure I was drunk/hungover, frantically buying gifts at the last minute - driving home drunk from the mall. It sends chills up my spine to think about it.

                            But this year is different. I am home with some chocolate coffee, making food and wrapping gifts. The gas logs are on, the house is clean, the laundry is done, the animals are fed....and I am sober.

                            Tomorrow will not be a frenzy of waking up late, wrapping stuff at the last minute, driving to my home town with a belly full of nausea, hugging my Dad and hoping he doesn't smell the alcohol from the night before....

                            Not this year.

                            Tomorrow I will wake up feeling good. The coffee with taste wonderful. The drive to my home town will be uneventful but pleasant. The visit with my family will be a little stressful, but not because of a bad hangover. I will enjoy the day and then drive back home feeling satisfied.

                            The beast will not ruin the holidays for me this year. For the first time in at least 25 years, the BEAST IS NOT INVITED.

                            Cheers everyone!


                              Newbies Nest

                              rooniferd;1431748 wrote:
                              But this year is different. I am home with some chocolate coffee, making food and wrapping gifts. The gas logs are on, the house is clean, the laundry is done, the animals are fed....and I am sober.

                              The beast will not ruin the holidays for me this year. For the first time in at least 25 years, the BEAST IS NOT INVITED.
                              My sintaments exactly! Last Christmas Eve I went to my in laws, got pissed at my husbands sister, started drinking, caused a scene and left before anyone could say their goodbyes. This year we will not be going to the in laws house, over this last year our ties with them have been severed completely, and for that I am honestly greatful. It sounds bad but right now those people are poison to my family. When they get their sh$# to gether they are more than welcome back in our lives!

                              Anyway, I will not be drunk tonight. I will not be hungover tomorrow. I will be silly and laugh and maybe even cry tears of happiness should the feeling hit me. Earlier today I started to worry about 3 oclock, however at 3 o clock I thought hey, I don't have to drink today! No Dick Head voice, no discussion, no nothing, I will eat beef stew and home made cookies and watch harry potter with the family and go to bed with peppermint tea and a candy cane. That sounds so perfect nothing could make it any better especially not AL.

                              Merry Christmas Y'all and thank you for being friends! I hope everyone has a happy, peaceful, al free Christmas Eve!:l
                              ALL I HAVE TO DO IS GET THOUGH THIS DAY AF


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good for you, Odat! Isn't it a powerful feeling when we stand up to the beast? Your evening sounds wonderful. I plan to wake up in the morning with a strong peace of mind. It sounds like you will too. Enjoy!

