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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Well Lav, you did teach me better than that...I do not usually have it around and I haven't bought any in 2 years.... I couldn't believe that I got that assignment. Hubs bought it and stored it downstairs. Even tho I have a strong hate for AL, I do not keep it in the house. Those bottles grow heads and start talking, so I do not tempt fate. I would like to think that I could keep some on hand and not be tempted...but I'm not willing to flirt with something that tried to kill me.
    Hope everyone is having a safe and sober Christmas!!! XXOO, Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      I still think you're a brave one Byrdie

      I'm prepping leftovers for today's feast. DIL & kids coming back for dinner. My son is at work for the next 24 hrs. He's a good kid
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Merry Christmas dear friends. What a busy day spent cooking, eating and visiting with my wonderful family. Wow- did it feel great to do all that while stone cold sober! Thank you all for helping me be that way.
        And lav, that cake was awesome ! It definitely brought out the kid in me just looking at it!

        Good going, Almost free !

        Love to all



        I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


          Newbies Nest

          Merry Christmas Everyone,

          Hope you are all enjoying a beautiful day. I am still af and living quite a different life thanks to this site.
          A huge thank you to Lav who literally helped me turn my life around when I thought there was no hope.
          Thank you Lav and Merry Christmas!
          THOUGHTS become THINGS
          choose the GOOD

          AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


            Newbies Nest

            Thank you, Star. Hope you had a great Christmas.
            AF since 12/2/12


              Newbies Nest

              Hope you are all having a lovely day.......mine was awesome!

              Boxing Day here....had a lovely long lie in now off to a party.

              Almost free.....well done surfing that urge.....remember they get so few and small as time goes on and if you can do the Christmas season you will be fine from there on.

              I slipped and drank between Christmas and new year last year......wasn't eating right, got hungry, felt sorry for myself, thought I could have ONE night off........ It took me EIGHT MONTHS to get AF again......and I was drinking MORE than before and it was terrifying.

              Please let my hell be a warning to you have worked hard to get sober, don't blow it for ANY reason. Eat well, rest and be grateful for this new chance at life.

              There is nothing in the bottom of a bottle of alcohol except MORE alcohol.


                Newbies Nest

                Amen, Kuya. No drink tastes better than being sober feels!!!
                Just got in from my second party today. I was the only non drinker there, too. This doesn't bother me at all. I laughed and was loud just like the rest of them. From our breakfast this morning, the lady that hosted it had been napping all afternoon and had just gotten up for this second party. Two years ago I was sinking to my lowest is totally different today, and 1000 times better.
                Barbara! I remember you! So glad to hear that you remain AF! There really isn't any middle ground is being sort of pregnant! So happy for you!
                I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Thinking of everyone and sending AF vibes your way! XXOO, Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  Byrdie ..... Thank you for being you. Who needs Christmas cheer when we get to have little nuggets of wisdom from you to unwrap every day.

                  Luv ya Hun ...... Off now to watch the a txt from friend at party to warn that BS talk well under way. She is 11 years sober and is BEGGING me to come rescue her cos is birthday of her DH and she can't run. It is my Christmas duty every year which I always do sober as my gift to her.



                    Newbies Nest

                    Merry Christmas Nesters! Ready for a nice relaxing sleep and back to work!
                    Started living again 2/7/2015


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thanks, Kuya. Glad your Christmas was awesome! Yeah, that little 'break' I took from my two years of sobriety has taken me three years to overcome. Three long years of struggling, to get back. And still struggling.

                      Man, last night was frightening, to see how easy it can be to go back out, if you don't remain vigilant. So glad I didn't throw caution to the winds and find myself back home half an hour later with a big bottle of wine, and wondering how it all happened. Im sooo glad I didn't do it and that I don't have to start over again today.
                      AF since 12/2/12


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good evening kids!

                        Nice job there Almost Free

                        Kuya, what a difference one year makes, huh?
                        I just know that I don't have another quit in me so this one has to be the one

                        Barbara, so nice to see you!
                        Great to hear you are doing well, I am very happy for you!

                        Greetings to everyone & wishes for a safe night in the nest.
                        I am worn out but totally pleased that this was my 4th AF Christmas - feels good
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi FD...... Good to see you over your bump in the road matey

                          And lav me too.......don't EVER want to go through a quit again..... So easy to forget the hold that addiction takes .....weird really ...... But I am done....finally (sorry FD LOL)


                            Newbies Nest

                            Well done to all for getting through xmas day AF! :goodjob:

                            I think yesterday was the first day I saw the difference in personality between drinking and not drinking. I was at my relatives for dinner and those that were drinking were in great mood early in the day but by evening time I could get zero conversation out of them. It was nice to be able to drive back last night and have time to myself.

                            It's St Stephen's Day here and I have some friends calling for coffee later. It's so nice not to have a hangover.

                            Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters,

                              Hope everyone had a good night!
                              Awaiting loads of rain here today ~ oh well.

                              Moni, I'd rather the non-drinker any day

                              Wishing everyone a great AF Wednesday!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Yesterday was one of the best Christmas Days I can remember. Some of that had to do with the fact that everything is going pretty well with my Dad and siblings right now, but I think a HUGE part of it is the fact that I wasn't hungover like I usually am on Christmas Day. I felt good. We laughed, ate, opened gifts, and truly enjoyed the day.

                                I really hope all that drinking crap is behind me now. I can't believe I got through Christmas without drinking! But I did it! I did it!!

                                Next obstacles will be New Years and my trip to California. But I know I can do it!

                                Hope everyone is doing OK today!

