ODAT, take a look at the saying in your avatar....I think what is happening here is "several days are attacking you at once"-you got thru Christmas and all the hectic junk and now you are either tired (a major trigger) or you think you deserve a lil reward. Ya think?
You CAN get thru this day. Take the l-glut, if it helps, but be sure you get something good and nutritious to eat
I did drink last night but I was really ready to stop as soon as I started. I was back here by 8 reading and ready to get back on this ship. I really thought about just lying and saying I didn't drink and I made it to day five but why? That does not help me and everyone here knows how I feel, yall have been there.
Do not go softly into that good night, rage rage against the dying of the light! I will not go softly I will rage. Alcohol will not get me! I am not a drunk! I refuse! I am better than alcohol and I will be getting off this merry go round NOW! NO MORE GROUND HOG DAY! NO MORE VOICES! NO MORE PITY PARTY I AM HERE AND READY FOR BATTLE! BRING IT ON!
sorry needed alittle battle cry!
Thank you all for your help and I will not disappoint again! 5 oclock is coming though and I have to figure this out by then! I am pretty sure the answer is get in your truck and drive home, do not stop for anything, no matter what no matter who, just get your butt home and lock the door and stay there. Ya that's the answer.