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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Starfish1;1432440 wrote: Hey ODAT- Listen here- you gotta hang in there- just for today

    ODAT, take a look at the saying in your avatar....I think what is happening here is "several days are attacking you at once"-you got thru Christmas and all the hectic junk and now you are either tired (a major trigger) or you think you deserve a lil reward. Ya think?

    You CAN get thru this day. Take the l-glut, if it helps, but be sure you get something good and nutritious to eat
    Thank you so much for this info star, I did not make it but I does not matter, that was my mulligan, I am getting a running start on the new year because I will make it through 2013 sober! 365 starts on my calendar! On christmas day on the way back from my parents I started despratly wanting liquior. I googled for any store open but there were none and that is why I made it through, I was angry that I could not find and vodka and woke up still wanting some and that led to my down fall, now the question is how do I stop that from happening when it starts to happen again? I don't know the answer but I will try to find out.
    I did drink last night but I was really ready to stop as soon as I started. I was back here by 8 reading and ready to get back on this ship. I really thought about just lying and saying I didn't drink and I made it to day five but why? That does not help me and everyone here knows how I feel, yall have been there.

    Do not go softly into that good night, rage rage against the dying of the light! I will not go softly I will rage. Alcohol will not get me! I am not a drunk! I refuse! I am better than alcohol and I will be getting off this merry go round NOW! NO MORE GROUND HOG DAY! NO MORE VOICES! NO MORE PITY PARTY I AM HERE AND READY FOR BATTLE! BRING IT ON!

    sorry needed alittle battle cry!

    Thank you all for your help and I will not disappoint again! 5 oclock is coming though and I have to figure this out by then! I am pretty sure the answer is get in your truck and drive home, do not stop for anything, no matter what no matter who, just get your butt home and lock the door and stay there. Ya that's the answer.


      Newbies Nest

      Get a beautiful meal.....your favourite .....pig out and get to bed, full and can do this


        Newbies Nest

        Alcohol is just not worth it anymore.

        Have any of you noticed how our addiction changes as we get older? I'm not sure if my situation is like yours, but for me, when I drink, it almost always turns into a multiple-day bender. Here is my usual cycle. I drink that first night (to excess, of course), wake up the next morning feeling hungover, start drinking again to ease to physical and mental pain, end up passing out drunk again, wake up the next day feeling hungover, start drinking again.....

        You get the picture.

        I mean, that just sounds awful, doesn't it? I used to hear about people drinking in the morning, and I was disgusted. How can they do that? What an alcoholic!

        Now that person is me.

        Wait, let me rephrase that. That person USED to be me. I am no longer that person. Coffee is my drink of choice in the mornings, not a mimosa or a bloody mary.

        I had to "admit" to some friends over the holidays that I wasn't drinking, and it felt good. I was prepared for sarcastic comments, but I didn't get them. Even my hardcore drinking buddies understand that drinking is not very compatible with Weight Watchers (each drink is four points), and they also understand that I just have a drinking problem in general. Of course, I'm sure they all think this is temporary and I'll be back to my old self soon after the new year.

        I plan to prove them wrong.

        Have a wonderful, sober day!


          Newbies Nest

          I knew you could do it Rooni,well done,keep at it.:wd::wd::wd:
          AF since october 8th 2012:new

          How to get Alcohol free in 6 minutes :H


            Newbies Nest

            Thank you, Partick. I see you way ahead of me on this path to sobriety. You are far ahead, but you are still in sight. I won't lag behind, promise!!


              Newbies Nest

              Good Morning, Nesters....and a good day it is because WE ARE SOBER!!! Yeah!!! (Thanks for starting that, Roonie!

              Hey ODAT- we are not disappointed in you :l- we understand that beast! That's exactly how it happens. One little seed of a thought gets its foot in the door, just like the experience you had on Christmas Day, and it won't let go. That happened to me over and over again until finally, somehow, I was able to dismiss the thought before it really got hold of me. Can't really explain it any more than that. It is the power of addiction is what it's called and unless we come up with a plan to beat it, we are powerless over it. That is why you need to get your plan together before you leave work today. Make sure you are not hungry. Have something (juice, water, chocolate milk, soft drink) in your hand to drink on the way home. And no matter what, no matter who- DO NOT STOP on the way home. Once you get home, if you are like me, the battle will be won. You can do it. Call or text if you need me :l We are proud of you!

              Hey Byrdie- you had me spewin' coffee this morning with your note to Dottie about the Christmas Vase and fake rose! Yep, Dottie, men are just like that...So here's some real sure 'nuf flowers for you gals. :heartsnflowers: I think y'all have had enuf frootcake:H

              Cat!!! We are SO Happy to see you :l

              Gotta catch up with what else is goin on- back later!



              I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning! Cat, I didn't get the memo that we had to leave the nest after 30 days either - LOL....

                nice to see you

                my little family is still very much close by as we are buried in almost two feet of snow since's nice. but with a new phone that I don't know how to use very well yet, and people around, not much time to check in.

                I have had a series of disappointments this holiday - but also some really wonderful times - the low ones have made me think of drinking - but I'm not following through. yuck.

                Sending hugs and strength to each and every one of you....

                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Everyone!

                  Oh Byrdie...the fake rose...I'm so sorry. I'm curious how you even pretended to be impressed by that :H I guess it's the thought that counts right? Even if the present did come from the aisle right next to the Preparation H. LOL

                  Happy Sober Thursday everyone! How come "short" weeks seem so LOOOONGG??? I am taking next Monday off, turns out I really like 4 day weekends!!

                  Last night I was thinking of some of my more embarrassing drunken antics. I've found that the only way to get past them is to look at them, admit they were stupid, be thankful I don't do them anymore, and move on. I guess in a movie it would be quite entertaining, but in real life...not so much.

                  My daughter has been at her dad's since last Saturday and even my nephew has abandoned me to stay at his GF's house...but the quiet and alone has not hit me like normal...I'm really enjoying it this time. My last drinking episode (one year ago ) was entirely out of boredom and loneliness. This time I'm dreading them coming home. LOL

                  Enough ramblings for now...just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing. Have a great day everyone!!

                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Rooni-good to see you. I always look for you since you are just 2 days ahead of me. I feel like we are battling together.
                    Belle-excellent words from Byrd. It?s hard to think of the other person when our feelings are hurt.
                    ODAT-bummer. But, I know how hard it is. I got tire of battling that mind war so that is when I got a prescription for Antabuse. Now, there Is not argument, EVER, AT ALL.


                    AF since 12/26/13

                    "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs



                      Newbies Nest

                      Memories...just think Nadia in Blind Date. Oh Lord!

                      Hang tough, nesters.

                      Out to file my criminal charges. I certainly need to hand 'tough'! Nervous, but straight into the battle for justice.


                      Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                        Newbies Nest

                        Oh, Slay, I can only imagine the nerves, the conflicting emotions.....especially when it's someone you care about. The broken heart. All the exhausting efforts to make it work. And the anger that they've pushed you to this point of no return. Sending prayers of strength for you to get through it all. We are all with you. Let us know how it went. Hugs!
                        AF since 12/2/12


                          Newbies Nest

                          Praying for you, Slay :l



                          I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Off to do a little shopping. Blizzard was short...hope it is over for now. I dont like being trapped in the house.

                            Newbie's Nest

                            Tool Box
                            AF 9.1.2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Half way through the day and I feel positive. I am practicing mind quiting stuff that I read online. It say to try to stop thoughts before ypu think them. Wow that sounds weird, but it seams to work!
                              ALL I HAVE TO DO IS GET THOUGH THIS DAY AF


                                Newbies Nest

                                I had planned on visiting a friend this evening but she's not well. At a bit of a loose end now and slightly aggitated. I'd love something nice to eat to help surpress the momentary craving I have for a Baileys Irish Cream (no idea where it came from - but had dinner in a relatives earlier and the trifle was laced with alcohol so could be that). A nice salad would do the job but I've limited food in the house

                                Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

