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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi. I'm new to this forum stuff, and new to my committment to stop drinking every night. I will check in daily to get inspiration! I certainly need hope to get through this. I tend to be fine during the day, but come 6:00 pm the bell in the back of my head starts to ring and that feeling of "have a glass of wine, yea, it'll make you feel gooooooood" hits. And I look for opportunities where I can socially drink, with friends, or at events. I look forward to them. I don't feel guilty then. But, at home, alone with just my kids, I still drink, and then feel like a loser. My plan was to make sure I was busy in the evenings. I have decided to train for a half marathon. A few weeks ago I started running with a group at 7:30 M, W. & F evenings. Perfect because there's no way I am going to have a glass of wine and then try to run, and by the time I finished my run I didn't want to ruin it with alcohol. But, kids' homework has gotten in the way and my knees are acting up so I have had to skip alot of the evening runs, leaving me vulnerable to that creepy bell in the back of my head again. I'm a single mother, so there's no one else to oversee the homework, showers, bedtime routine. And I was feeling guilty about taking off to do something for myself and leaving my kids at home (they are 11 & 13). But what's worse? That or plopping myself down on the couch with endless glasses of wine, watching mindless tv and still not helping with homework. Just hollering directions from the sofa? And knowing that my 13 year old knows what I'm up to and doesn't approve. That hurts.... So, how can I be there for them in the evenings and keep myself safe from myself at the same time? The habit of the glass of wine is hard to break. I've tried tea, water, etc. But, the nights when I have not had anything to drink.....ahhhh... I love the feeling of feeling good in the morning!!

    Okay, and here's another thing just to keep you spinning. I sleep better when I have been drinking. I know, it's not quality REM's, but in the midst of a brutal divorce and beginning menopause, the AF nights are so hard. I lay awake and toss & turn and sweat and think about how unhappy I am. Any thoughts as to how I can get through this catch 22?


      Newbies Nest

      :welcome: fig!

      And, a big :l to you. Yes, you are going through hell right now, aren't ya? Divorce is never pretty and sleeplessness is to be expected, I'd think.

      You know, I started the serious wine habit as a means of getting to sleep as well. Later on, at like 2pm. Not good. You're right, in that it is a bit of a catch22... it will take a little while (depending on how serious your habit is/was) to get back to 'real' sleep. Can you try some over the counter sleep aids? Melatonin? Calms Forte?

      Have you read the MWO book yet? Had a read through the Toolbox Thread (found under Monthly Abstinence)? Those are great ways to start and put your own plan together.

      Wishing you strength and unbridled success! Stick with us here.. the support from this community is priceless.
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Newbies Nest

        Me too

        Hi Fig,

        Yes I am approaching my 3rd AF night and I have found it really tough to sleep, tossing and turning and waking wet through with sweat several times during the night. Doe's anybody know how long this lasts???

        I know I am really going to struggle tonight

        I'll keep visiting to see how you are doing!!


          Newbies Nest

          Hi everyone - just wanted to check in & report day 9 AF. - had a couple of temptations over the bank holiday weekend but I rode them out n now I feel so much better in myself - even put on make up for work this am - never heard of in years (probably cos I didn't like what I saw in the mirror each morning.) Anyway still taking it bit by bit n plodding along - but ya know something "I like this plodding" I know its taking me somewhere. Sleep is getting a whole lot better now - really starting to look on the bright side n keeping on the up.
          take care everyone - will check in later


            Newbies Nest

            There ya go, Sonny! And welcome!
            Miranda just answered your question

            Wonderful, Miranda.. you're doing great!
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              Newbies Nest

              Hey everyone, just checkin in.......................still Af and guess what???? Tomorrow is my one week anniversary of quitting smoking! yay......................I cant believe I am really doing this! I feel fantastic...................I have even put away my Prozac Lol. Today I begin on my new workout regimen and am looking forward to becoming Phat (Pretty hot and tantalizing)........................It is amazing what happens when you make one healthy change, soon you start to make another and another and another.....................................I hope everyone else is feeling fantastic too!


                Newbies Nest

                Morning Nestlings!
                All right and bright in this little chook's world! How's everyone alse doing?
                This is a quick fly in,as got Kindy run in about 10 minutes, but will check back in this eve.
                Stay strong,stay healthy!
                Chicken *clucks encouragingly*:l


                  Newbies Nest


                  Won't be around much the next few days with work upon place is coming along, though G did 'christen' the carpet last night, if you know what I mean....and I think you do..............have a wonderful next few days and Labor day weekend safe!
                  Pops & G


                    Newbies Nest

                    Evening Nesters!

                    A special hello & welcome to Fig & Sonny. So glad you flew in, pull up a comfy twig & settle in the nest with us. We will help you anyway we can

                    Sunni, how are you doing up in your chilly end of the nest?? Still pleasantly cool & dry here - perfect!

                    Miranda, you sound great, congrats on your 9 days. You have to love feelin so good
                    Skittles, you sound wonderful, I'm very happy for you too!
                    Chicken, you're busy as usual............keep on clucking!
                    Wishing you, Pops & G aka the Great Sage & Paprika, a good night. Sorry about the carpet but accidents do happen, ha ha.

                    Be well everyone, see you tomorrow.
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello peepers!

                      Just got home (9:30pm - gosh, it sure gets dark earlier now)... had an impromptu invite to go riding - couldn't turn it down! LOL Actually, it's the friend that is offering to put Miss Sophie on her pasture for a few weeks (if I ever get her there) - she needs a riding buddy. She won't go out on the trails by herself and her hubby hasn't got the time. Sooooo... if I want Sophie to stay there I HAVE to go ride her hubby's drop dead gorgeous Morgan. I have such a rough life, don't I? LOL Anyways, tonight was the first time I rode him and he was just a darling. What a horse! Oh.. and did I mention? My dinosaur of a horse went into HEAT after a day around him! :H At least she's got good taste (lil hussey)

                      Well, day 26 is drawing to an end - it's been a trying week - and it's only Wednesday. But, I loitered around her a LOT these past few days and made it through. Thank you to all of you.

                      Now, tuck your lil beaks under your wings and go to sleep! Lights out!
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        Welcome Triton, Fig, Sonny. Things do get better and the MWO supplements and hypnotic cds do help to ease the struggle. Like sunni said check out the book and hang-out, ask questions and make yourself at home -- nothing but good friends here. Things get a little easier with every af day.

                        Hi Skittles! Welcome back and glad to hear you're doing great. Yep, one healthy move might just turn you into a "health nut". Doesn't sound so bad from here -- keep it rolling you've got some good stuff going!

                        Chicken, Sunni, Miranda, Sooty you guys are rockin' too!

                        I'm af for all of September so far ;}, and actually had a zero I couldn't record on 8/31 too. Yes Sunni, I'm trying to move my thinking on to solving other problems and trying not to get hung up in AL thoughts. It seems like thinking about AL as the cause of problems kind of gets in the way of finding non-AL solutions for the problems (make sense?), so I'll be aware and cautious of urges and temptations, but really want to look beyond and find real lasting change. Hope I'm not moving too fast.

                        Chooks, were you asking about the football game? The Chicago Bears beat the Denver Broncos, I think 27-17 in a meaningless but fun pre-season game. Sports is a passion of mine and football season is the best (except it brings on winter and shuts-down my golf season which leads to my SAD and six months of winter wall-climbing -- I hate cold -- but can't wait for football. LoL!) Football is a little different down-under huh? Do you watch?

                        Good night all. Take care.
                        Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning Tranq you make good sense to me - and I don't think you're going too fast - you need to do stuff at your own pace and only you knows what that is.
                          Sun shining here, lots of cleaning to do. Hope everyone has a good day.
                          Skittles- I like PHAT - come on gang we can all aim to be pretty hot and tantalizing!
                          Way to go
                          See you all later xxxxx


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning. Or maybe not so good. Had a nice night playing mah jongg with the girls last night but drank 4 glasses of wine. Ugh. As I was driving home I realized how much I have become accustomed to double vision and have worked out methods to manage it. Stupid! Well, today is a new day. Tonight I have a school function so definately no drinking. But friday night I'm having dinner with friends: danger rears it's ugly head.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Morning AF World!

                              Hi Fig. Welcome to a new day - as you say. Deal with today and tonight first - sounds like a perfect setup for an AF day. It's good to collect those like dollars no matter what happens tomorrow or the next day.

                              Social functions are a challenge and others may have a better handle on those than me - my advice is to have a plan for dealing with whatever fallout and urges you might expect. Me - I lied and told people I was dealing with some medical tests/drugs/etc... and they bought that.

                              Thanks Sooty. I guess there is no schedule - part of this is really rolling with the punches and making it up we go along huh.

                              Take care all.
                              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning fellow Nesters,

                                Waking to another fine morning in the end of the nest - I'm still smiling!

                                Spent 5 hours watching my 9 month old grandson yesterday - boy was that ever a workout! He is a little, happy ball of energy I guess he will be part of my new fitness plan, ha ha.

                                Fig, Tranq was wise to tell you that you need a plan to help you get through social situations. Driving home with double vision is not a good idea, give that some serious thought, please.

                                Sooty, how are you today? I hope your bus is jam packed with riders today!
                                Tranq, pace yourself comfortably - I like a 'slow & steady' pace myself.
                                Sunni, looks like Miss Sophie has her own agenda going on........that's so funny. Maybe horses are a lot more like us than we ever knew!

                                Enjoy your day Nesters, I'll be back later.
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

