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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Tiptoeing into the nest. Beginning day 2, have the book, have kudos, have vitamins. Here i come 2013, watch out.

    Byrdie - sorry to hear about your dad. my thoughts are prayers are with him and your family.


      Newbies Nest

      Byrdie I am thinking about you.

      Newbie's Nest

      Tool Box
      AF 9.1.2013


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning Nesters!

        Hello & welcome to Tavistock!
        Congrats on your decision to take back your life, you can do this

        Byrdie, thinking of you & your family, sending lots of love & hugs:l

        Wishing everyone a great AF Wednesday. Let's all stay focused on our plans & goals!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning Nesters!

          Hello & welcome to Tavistock!
          Congrats on your decision to take back your life, you can do this

          Byrdie, thinking of you & your family, sending lots of love & hugs:l

          Wishing everyone a great AF Wednesday. Let's all stay focused on our plans & goals!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Well – I am back.. I know that realistically, I can only look back a couple of days to catch up….I did see that RC has 30 days! Congratulations – that’s wonderful.

            Kuya, your NY party sounds perfect….and congratulations to you on the beginning of a sober year! You have 4 months? WOW – fantastic!

            Overit, your hubby’s support is a wonderful thing. Your pride and happiness is just oozing from the screen. ☺

            Dottie, rooni, jennie, new day, fallen angel, believe, tavistock, - you’re all at the start of this trek – whether it’s your first attempt our your 100th – don’t let even let a teeny tiny thought remain in your mind that maybe, just maybe you will drink again. For today, decide that you will not. After a few days, you will be able to see things in a clear light and see and feel that it is so not worth it.

            Pinecone, I love that description….I was a walking contradiction, too. Take supplements, eat well, exercise all while drowning myself in alcohol…

            Belles, sober since Christmas – no easy feat….way to go!!!

            Odat, nurdl, -hello !

            Almost free – woo hoo – 30 days!!! Fantastic!

            Hello star….how are you doing? How were the holidays for you?

            Slay – a chinchilla??? Wow, that’s a new one – LOL! Happy new Year!

            Lav, that is beautiful…thanks for sharing that quote.

            Wow, limonada, congratulations! I wondered where you went.

            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning everyone! Birdie.....your post struck a chord with me.....yes it days like you are going through now that ate better dealt with sober or without a foggy brain. Thinking of you and your family.

              Welcome to Tavistock.......several of us on day 2 again......we will be taking a corner of the nest up!

              Yes, AF Wednesday! I won't have to worry about sneaking wine! YEAH!


                Newbies Nest

                Nanette, and cat, good job on not drinking ? sometimes you can be tempted to escape things, but they are always there waiting for you?.

                Moni ? glad that you can close the book on 2012 and look forward to a brighter 2013.

                Allan, last night I saw something you wrote in roll call that I liked?.I have to look that up.

                Hippyman ? I have been MIA since you started posting ? but congratulations on 100 days!!!

                Tess, I love it ? MWO is a gift that I did not see coming?.that it is. Fumbling my way through ? never knowing how to stop the daily nonsense?.the risks I was taking and the regret that I felt. But through the support of the people right here, I finally WAS able to stop it. This holiday was far from perfect ? but I do know for sure, that drinking would have only made it worse.


                As for me - I'm back to my routine - which is comforting to me. as I got up and went through the morning routine today, I thought a bit about 2 years ago. This time of year was my "rock bottom" . It was a chore putting one foot in front of the other trying to get my family out the door. I had usually already had a good swig of vodka by then- knowing that there would be no turning the day around once I did that. It was a terrible trap that I felt that I was stuck in- funny, looking back, I was intentionally keeping myself there....for the short term, it was easier to stay in the trap than it was to put myself through the discomfort of walking away from it. It makes me so sad to think of that person that was me.

                kuya, what's your famous quote about staying there for how many years just to avoid one fecking week of discomfort...???? I know I've got it wrong....but in theory, you know what I mean.

                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                  Newbies Nest

                  4 Months exactly (How good does a New Year feel sober? its like being clean after being dirty, like a new beginning!)
                  - that was it Allan!~ Congratulations to you!!!

                  Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                  Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                    Newbies Nest

                    Efternoon Nesters,

                    Alright in here I hope?

                    Lola - SO lovely to see you back again at the ol' routine. I've missed ya hun.

                    Byrdie - as ever love and prayers right atcha. :l

                    Kuya, was so close to making a darn cheeky comment about your awesome new avatar but realise your whip and chains can stretch 12,000 miles right across this planet :b&d:

                    I'm VERY slowly gathering my thoughts for returning to work. I have kind of unintentionally spent most of the holidays with my folks. Which has been OK. But has been good inasmuch as it is physically away from the town I work in, the flat i live in (with young un's who like a drink regularly - as I did, so i certainly don't hold it against them AND they don't drink like I did - every night, habitually, addictively) ... So perhaps, deep down, this has been a little bit nourishing to be away from work n stuff. But as I say, slowly weaning myself back into that place...

                    Hold tight folks to the velcro here. There's a lot of good vibes around these boards at new year - try and bottle some of it... new years doesn't last all year, and the hum drum of daily living soon takes over, so do try to capture that real sense of WHY you want to quit, of WHY you did quit of WHO you really can be if it were not for that tiny little thingumebob... whatisface... yeah, you know what i mean... AL, aye that wee shite... So, better a sunny sober hum drum day than a dumb drunken bummed out day.

                    Orf into toon.



                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning Nesters.

                      You know it is just great waking up without a hangover and looking forward to the day instead of dreading it because you feel so awful.

                      The song may be talking about another subject, but 'Wasted Days and Wasted Nights' comes to mind.

                      For all of those just starting out on your first week, hang tough though the transition. You make it through the flu to the other side, you can make it through this. Plant the thought I don't and won't drink and keep watering it. In your mind pull out a sword and slay the demon if that helps every time your mind wonders to wanting a drink. Shred it to pieces and move on to a better thought.

                      I am posting a daily encouragement thread off the NN so anyone can read it. Even non newbies and others need encouragement or reminders that we deserve to take care of ourselves and life can be good. We have other issues in our lives and thoughts that often trigger us, so if you feel a need for some positive thoughts, have a read. Soon there will be plenty to choose from or read daily. If you feel the need to vent out something you don't feel is appropriate here, throw it on the special call out thread.

                      YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Make the decision, put your mind to it and grab some support threads. One day at a time and you're there before you know it.



                      P.S. -'s officially named Chewy now. This animal takes the chew on everything award. I guess I've adopted a new kid. I'm leaving one (husband) and I jump right into another one? No Freud comments, please. lol
                      Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                        Newbies Nest

                        I'm here saying hello to everyone.
                        Day 2. Can't believe I'm saying that and it feels good.
                        I hope to get to know you all and travel together into a sober future.
                        Sobriety is its own reward


                          Newbies Nest

                          :welcome: Kairos :hallo:

                          I love your name by the way.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Morning Everyone :l

                            And Lola- What you said :H All of it! :H
                            You did an AWESOME job of playing catch up and mentioning everyone :goodjob:
                            My holidays have been very nice, but very busy and I have been having to try to grab bits and pieces of what's going on in the nest, when I can. I apologize for that and will try to do a better job now that the holidays are over.
                            I do want to welcome all the newcomers and say that you have landed in the best possible spot EVER, if you are ready to get sober for good. There is a ton of knowledge and support right here at your fingertips any time of the night or day and wherever on this earth you live. We have all been where you are and know how badly you want out. Take advantage of the opportunity you have found.
                            Also, I was in roll call last night and noticed that we have several of us who have been around a while, but are ready to make a fresh start with the new year. I think that's great and am so proud of you for sticking with it. You know what to do, and if you forget, just pop in the nest and read and post. And EAT-, like I always say! You can do it!!
                            R.C. I am so proud that hootenany didn't get the best of you!!! You are doing Great!!!
                            I am going to try to call some names, but will prolly leave someone out, and I apologize but: Byrdie, Lav, Lola, K9, Allen, Kuya, Nanette, Cat, Nurdle, Slay, Overit, OneDay, Almost Free, Moni, Hippiman, Pinecone, Limonada, I just want you all to know how much I care for you and look up to you and thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your example! Hope I didn't leave anybody out!
                            Byrdie :l:l
                            XOXO Star



                            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nest.

                              I am back at work today and in my normal routine for the first time siince Christmas. I think I had it pretty easy stopping drinking from Christmas as my routine was off - I was off for the Holidays and there was lots of distracting activity. Today, for the first time, I thought about my old routine. Go to work - around 4:00 think of how nice a glass of wine would be - stop at the liquor store on the way home and get some - and maybe a little bottle or two of flavored vodka just to mix it up - then I'd squirrel away my stash and drink through it slowly behind my husbands back in the evening and then pass out. Hopefully before he noticed that I was drunk. (I got pretty good at hiding it). Around 3:00 a.m. I'd wake up, feeling awful and guilty with my heart racing and I'd swear I was going to stop drinking until about 6:00 a.m. when I'd fall asleep for about an hour - and then have to go to work feeling like crap. My eyes were puffy and red, and I felt awful every morning.

                              What a wonderful life! I wonder why I don't want that anymore....!!?? Why did I ever want that? It's really sad to think of what I was doing to myself - now I'm faced with some questions - such as WHY?

                              I hope you all have a wonderful AF day in the nest.
                              Life is better without Alcohol. 5/26/13


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Kairos, and :welcome:

                                Big Congrats on Day 2 :goodjob:

                                As I said above, you will find tons of love and support right here on this site- and plenty of tools to help you in your new way of sober living. Take a peek at the "toolbox"- see the link in my signature line. You should get some great tips by reading thru and seeing what others have found helpful. Have you ever read the MWO book? I believe you can download it from the MWO website, if you need to. We always like to advise coming up with a concrete plan for the day (write it down if you need to). Think about avoiding or ways to overcome all your usual pitfalls and triggers. Make a commitment to staying Alcohol Free for 30 days, but achieve this goal by meeting mini goals. You have already achieved one day (great job), now try to make it for 3 days, then 7 days, etc. You can do it, Kairos, and we can help!!
                                Read, read, read and post, post, post on this site and be sure to get plenty of liquids and good healthy foods. Welcome again, and good luck, Kairos!



                                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.

