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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good Morning my fine feathered friends! Hope everyone's Saturday is going well. It is typical Oregon day here....RAIN and a TON of it :H We only have two seasons here...rain and some sun!

    Chicken, hope all is well at home for you. Great job staying's not easy during tough times, but so worth it!!! :goodjob:

    Tranq, enjoy the wedding today. Having a plan is place is great, and I am sure you will be fine. We are all rooting for ya!

    Lav, how are you? How goes business? I am glad you got to have time with your grandson. I am missing mine tremendously. Enjoy dogsitting today!

    Sooty, I love the Beatles!! Play all their tunes!!!

    Fig & Raven, welcome to the Nest!!! How are you both doing?

    Sunni, I am thinking of you during this time and praying for your mom, you and your whole family. Know that we are all here for you :l

    Pops, I know you are in the midst of your marathon days! Don't work to hard, and take good care of yourself. 'G' of course is being well loved. Big hugs to you both :l

    Hello to all others, and I am sorry if I missed anyone. Will check in later. I am going to go watch some college football's football season. Take care all


      Newbies Nest

      Afternoon Chops, our day started off sunny but has become progressively more dull and cold thru the afternoon!
      So glad you like the Beatles, there's a big thing about them in the UK because all the music is being re-released - what shall we start with - I get by with a little help from my friends?
      That sounds rather apt to me!
      Lovely to see you on the bus have a good weekend


        Newbies Nest

        I just found MWO on the internet. I've been worried about the amount I drink for some time. I have no desire to attend meetings, so this sound like a great option. However, I am scared to death to consider an AF life. How does the moderation seem to work for people?
        I've ordered the book and supplements. Does the system work better with medication? Help.


          Newbies Nest

          Welcome :welcome: blcv
          Some people can moderate, some cannot. Each of us are individuals. There are people on the site who moderate or mod, there are people who go without or are AF (alcohol free). People can choose either/or or switch back and forth between the two. Some people go AF without the medication or supplements, others need the whole kit and kaboodle. It really is an individual thing.
          Wander around the site, read the different threads, everyone is friendly. This is a great thread to get started on. Post anywhere you like, you are welcome everywhere.
          Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
          If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
          November 2, 2012


            Newbies Nest

            hi blcv, can i suggest that you look at the threads about moderating and medication. I'm afraid that I dont have any success in moderating so I prefer to be alcohol free and I don't use the medication so can't help you there.
            There are lots of interesting threads on here and I'm sure you'll find the answers to your questions.
            All the best


              Newbies Nest

              Morning the Nest!
              Welcome blcv:welcome:
              I am a relative newbie here so I will leave the advise giving to the wise ones! (Our Great Sage!aka Pops) is on sabbatical right now I believe :H:H, but i did want to tell you that I felt the same way...was terrified of going AF and also not sure I really wanted to..resented the fact that others can drink without the bingeing I guess! But I am on a learning curve here. I plan on moderating,has always been my intention, but as for now I am two weeks into a 30 day AF stint to help me get the control and work out how I want to approach the whole thing. Tranq is alot further along than when he steps in I'm sure he can give you some wise words, and of course our Lav, Sunni and Chops! But in the meantime, sit back enjoy the ride on our sober bus and post,read and chat as much as you can.You've found a very comfy nest here..find a twig and settle in!!!

              To all the goes it? Sooty I like the Beatles alot, but can I make a request for some Elvis at some point???
              Chops-how you managing?
              Lav- give that bundle of fun a hug from me (not the insanity twins,just pat them for me) and enjoy your BBQ!
              Sunni- hope the boating is good! Prayers being sent to your Mum as I write!!! I know what it's like to have a sick parent!
              Tranq- remember to enjoy yourself at the wedding,with your plan!!!!
              That's all for now folks....going to have breaky with hubby,kids and g'parents down the mall for Father's Day!
              P.S- HAPPY FATHER's DAY for all the DAD's!!!


                Newbies Nest

                cross posted with wally - what do they say about great minds??????


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning chicken, nearly bedtime for me!! Yes you can have Elvis - we can have anything on the sober bus.
                  Congrats on staying with your resolve to be AF for 30 days - you are doing very well.
                  I'm back again - celebrations over.
                  All the best, talk tomorrow


                    Newbies Nest

                    :welcome: to blcv! Glad to have you in the nest. Find a nice comfy twig and a spot on the bus! We are here to help you!

                    Chicken, I am managing well. Thanks for asking! How are things with you? Hope Father's Day went well. Our Father's Day was in June. I think we are about to arrive at Grandparent's Day. Lav, can you help me on this one? When is our day as grandparents, aside from each and every day! :H

                    Sooty, thanks for the tunes! I hadn't heard about the Beatles being re-released. My dad is a huge Beatles fan, so therefore I take after him!

                    Hi Wally! Thanks for stopping by the nest. Great advice you have offered!!!

                    Hello to Tranq, Lav, Sunni, Papa, 'G' and all others.

                    I have a date tonight!!! Must go get ready, so I am sorry if I missed anyone. Will post tomorrow. Wish me luck!!! :l :h


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Welcome blcv. Pull up a comfortable twig & settle in with us for a while

                      Hi Wally, Hi chicken, good to see you both today.

                      Sooty, I'd love to hear 'I'm Happy Just to Dance With You'............ Any Beatles tune you play on the bus is fine with me

                      Chops, Grandparents Day is Sept. 13 this year (had to Google it). Hey, enjoy your date - good for you!

                      Hi to Tranq cause I know you'll check in at some point - hope the wedding was OK today.

                      Greetings to the Great Sage aka Pops & G - hope you can relax soon

                      I'm closing my end of the nest now - just plain old tired..........
                      Everyone have a safe AF night.
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest


                        Hello my little's 1:30 a.m. and am just getting settled in after my consecutive 17 hr shifts.....TOUGH shifts for various reasons....I am WHIPPED, but sooooo glad to be home with my G at my feet as I type......Sunny, I am sooo sorry and am saying prayers for you.....Chop, I PM'd you.....hope you received it.....Wally, you are a blessing and hope you will spend more time in the you can see, it is doing very well because of all of YOU wonderful people who visit and share each day.....I am so happy and proud of each of you.....thank you for sharing a part of yourselves in this place of peace and tranquility.
                        Goodnight cherubs.
                        Pops & G


                          Newbies Nest


                          just introducing myself & hoping that this site will help me.I've just ordered the book & CD's so look forward to receiving them.
                          I really want to find peace within myself,so many years flown by that I regret most of them.In fact,I regret ever being introduced to alcohol.
                          Does anyone know if the meds mentioned in the other section are avail without script in Australia?


                            Newbies Nest

                            Morning all and welcome Beagle. You'll find lots of support and friendship on here.
                            Chops how did the date go? Did you get home yet (lol)
                            Hope everyone has a fantastic sunday
                            Lav I love that song .... Beatles were on our tv all last night, it was fab!!!
                            Hope no-one needs any Help! today.
                            See you all later


                              Newbies Nest

                              ps If you do need Help - we wanna hold your hand


                                Newbies Nest


                                Hi everyone,

                                I am more or less new here, was here in May but stumbled, however, have been AF now for three days, partly me, and mostly because of the wonderful comments and advice here, I really hope to get to know you all cos I need a friend right now, (still wobbly) but staying positive, thanks

                                Enjoy your day


