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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Yes well spent as opposed to wasted and gone up in smoke...literally.

    We have about 80 bottles of polish and decals and nail art and every thing you can imagine. Sometimes I forget I am 40 and not 12...wearing neon nail polish and different colors on different fingers. LOL
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Newbies Nest

      I'm thinking about breaking out the nail polish now from all this talk! What a fun way to spend a Friday evening as opposed to slowly becoming obliterated with wine! Hmmm...let me go find my OPI...
      Life is better without Alcohol. 5/26/13


        Newbies Nest

        Have a yard sale K9 ~ you can get rid of your nailpolish stash

        Wishing everyone a peaceful & cozy night in the nest!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          K9, your story was wonderful and the nail polish is the tip of the teen ice berg, isn't it? I have a boy who wears jeans, t-shirts and tennies. I seriously appreciate how inexpensive it is to raise him. I have two shades of polish - clear, and one of the gazillion OPI reds. Simple.

          "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

          AF since Oct 2, 2012


            Newbies Nest

            k9 you're as adorable as your daughter! Thanks for sharing that story. Those of us with boys have stories about dirty socks and messy rooms, lol.
            we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


              Newbies Nest

              I can't seem to get this year off to a better AF start. We have such seemingly unsurmountabe problems and the stress and anguish is constant. So, around 7pm hubby and I meet up in the kitchen, start fixing dinner together and licking our wounds (with wine). I've made numerous attempts to abstain but eventually give in since hubby always drinks his wine. I suggest daily that he/we quit but he says that it will be easier when our life is less difficult. I'm very disappointed in myself not to be part of the Jan.1st group but this evening I will try again and hope that today is the beginning of a better new year. K9, you've given me an idea... while my husband fixes dinner and sips his wine, I will polish my nails! Well done to y'all that are AF this year, I'm proud of you!
              Go as far as you can see.
              When you get there, you'll see further.


                Newbies Nest

                Morning all. I'm getting quite used to these early Saturday morning rises. Clear headed and looking forward to the day ahead. Meeting a friend for a run later this morning and then another friend for a metafit class. Then who knows where the wind will take me. Loving the freedom :-) Have a good day all xx


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning everyone,

                  Had problems getting on last night.
                  Thanks for the moon Star, Im well chuffed

                  Day 9 today if i last the full day. Sleep issues for me last night, dunno if alco related, no matter, will try not give it too much attention as if i get anxious bout not sleeping i know i wont sleep!
                  Had some negative chat or voice telling me that 'ah yeah you think you're great just cause you have x amount of days' ' you will drink again', 'you wont do this'. Maybe thats why i didnt sleep too good!

                  Im scared that indeed i will drink again, someday i know the voice will say 'sure look you've done great, now you deserve a drink!'
                  Goal for today- not to drink and go lurk in the toolbox for a while and learn some more tools to deal with the feckin negative chatter!
                  Meeting a friend later for dinner and maybe the cinema, I'll be driving so no drink, but in the past i would do this no probs then come home and get 'lost' in a bottle or two. Wont do that tonight

                  Hope you all have a great day


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters

                    Chilly but sunny here ~ I'll take it as it's supposed to snow tomorrow.

                    Sweetpea, the mind chatter (monkey mind) will stop in time. For now do your best to ignore it, use the Hypno CDs if you got them, tune in to an online meditation........I did all that & it worked

                    mywayin, it is hard to stop drinking when someone else in the house doesn't but it's not impossible. When your husband starts on the wine you stick to your plan & say NO THANKS! W all have had to work up courage & conviction to stay on our plan, you can do it as well, if that is what you want!

                    JJ, clear headed, free Saturdays really rock

                    Wishing everyone a fabulous AF Saturday!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters......I too had problems checking in last night. One, my wifii kept getting dropped and then when I was connected, it seemed like no one was around.

                      Sweet pea....I'm the same....if we went out to the movies (and we are tonight), I would come home and have to "catch up" on my drinking before I'd go to bed. Sad .....well not tonight, and I'll be thinking of you being strong too

                      Gotta run. Will check in later


                        Newbies Nest

                        MyWayIn, My husband drinks too, though not every day, so I know how hard it is to stay AF in your situation. I have asked my husband to either drink all AL he brings into our home, hide it, or pour it down the sink. When my cravings rise up, I am not strong enough to walk away from a fridge with a cold six-pack. I think my husband misses me drinking with him. I get that. It's not as much fun to drink alone. He doesn't really like me being on the MWO site. Yet he would get so angry with me when I was drunk. He clearly does not want me to be a drunk!! He is a "moderate" drinker and does not have trouble stopping after a drink or two. Anyway, I feel your struggle. For me, I guess it's kind of like a woman who is trying to lose weight. Her husband wants her to lose weight AND he doesn't want her to lose weight. It can make things pretty difficult. :nutso:
                        Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                        The man pulling radishes
                        pointed the way
                        with a radish. ISSA


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning everyone,

                          I hope everyone is off to a great AF weekend!

                          Sweetpea, I think it is a positive thing to have a "fear" of drinking again. For one thing, it is part of aversion type thinking about drinking. When we get away from it, we can see it for the truly evil thing that it is (for us with problems). For another thing, it allows us to evaluate our plan and make sure it is strong enough to withstand anything.

                          I thought my plan was pretty good until I read about a contingency that I hadn't even considered: what to do if someone gives you something with alcohol in it without telling you. our dear Byrdie's plan for that left me on the floor: spit it back into the glass, as politely as possible. When I read that, I knew I had more work to do on my own plan.

                          As far as the negative chatter goes, I just quickly change the channel. Don't let those thoughts take any hold. Even get up and start doing something else. The ultimate thing for me is a walk or a workout, anything to get your heart rate up for a while. No negative mood/thoughts can survive it.

                          A big welcome to you, MyWayIn!

                          Have a great run/workout, JingleJo! Excercise is a huge help for me too!

                          Have a great AF day everyone!
                          "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                          AF 11/12/11


                            Newbies Nest

                            Tess-2;1438531 wrote: MyWayIn, My husband drinks too, though not every day, so I know how hard it is to stay AF in your situation. I have asked my husband to either drink all AL he brings into our home, hide it, or pour it down the sink. When my cravings rise up, I am not strong enough to walk away from a fridge with a cold six-pack. I think my husband misses me drinking with him. I get that. It's not as much fun to drink alone. He doesn't really like me being on the MWO site. Yet he would get so angry with me when I was drunk. He clearly does not want me to be a drunk!! He is a "moderate" drinker and does not have trouble stopping after a drink or two. Anyway, I feel your struggle. For me, I guess it's kind of like a woman who is trying to lose weight. Her husband wants her to lose weight AND he doesn't want her to lose weight. It can make things pretty difficult. :nutso:
                            Sounds a bit like your problem becomes an inconvenience to him, so he wants to stay in denial so he doesn't have to make any changes. Well, that's not how marriage works. It's a partnership of supporting and caring for one another as best friends in life. Maybe you can get him to agree to help you through the toughest part until you get stronger? Explain to him, you don't have your sea legs built yet and maybe give him some articles on how the brain chemistry works for people who can't stop.

                            Change is something most people rebel against because it isn't comfortable, but you can't get better or correct situations without going through it. (In the today's encouragement.)

                            Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                              Newbies Nest

                              Just taking a quick break......finished putting all the Christmas decorations and tree away and have started polishing the hardwood floors in living room/dining room. Haven't given them a good polish in years! After all the traffic on them over the holidays they sure needed it! Wouldn't have done this if I had of drank last night. Feeling pretty good about that
                              Well back to work.....
                              Have a great day, and I will be checking in later. :thanks:


                                Newbies Nest

                                64 Days and really, really wanting to drink. HELP!!!! The need is actually physically hurting in my throat. I am making cookies instead but I am hearing Al. He is saying things like "just one drink to take the edge off". "Noone will know because you are alone". My husband made me mad last night as soon as I got home from work and Al said, "What the f#@!k just pour some AL into your tonic and lime." He won't know!!!!!" Right now I am doing dishes and clearing counter to make cookies and the felling is intense. I will check in a little later and hopefully, no I will let you know that I DID NOT succumb! :durn:

                                All you newbies and returners. There really is no "easier" time to quit. Stress or no stress it will be difficult. I have a pretty sweet life and it is still hard. Not to minimize anyone's life struggles, that is not my intent. I just want to let you know that if you really really really want this for yourself, DO IT! We are here for you, just like posting this post has helped me already! :argh:

                                Something for everyone to look into. I was talking to my Addictions Councillor a couple days and I was describing some things that I was feeling and she told me to research P.A.W.S. Post Accute Withdrawal Syndrome. I found a lot of information that made sense of some things that were happening to me. I hope someone will find this information helpful.

                                Well off to make cookies. Wish me luck and sober thoughts! :fingers:
                                AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:

