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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Lavande;1438462 wrote: JJ, clear headed, free Saturdays really rock
    They sure do! Just as much as clear headed, free Sundays - one of which I am looking forward to tomorrow


      Newbies Nest

      Good luck Nanette! I hope you stay strong.

      Your post is a little scary for a newbie here though. At 64 days I'd figure that you have already won and set your life on a new direction.

      Since this is the first time I have ever tried to quit I probably simply don't understand, but damn it, if you can make it 64 days you sure as hell can make it 65 days... Don't give in, you have done far too well!!!


        Newbies Nest

        Ready4This;1438647 wrote: Good luck Nanette! I hope you stay strong.

        Your post is a little scary for a newbie here though. At 64 days I'd figure that you have already won and set your life on a new direction.

        Since this is the first time I have ever tried to quit I probably simply don't understand, but damn it, if you can make it 64 days you sure as hell can make it 65 days... Don't give in, you have done far too well!!!
        I am sorry I didn't mean to scare anyone. It is better by far than when I started! However there are still situations that I am used to numbing with Al so when they arise my reflexes are still to go to AL. The moment has passed as all of the Senior Members promise it will. The more times I work through them the more I believe it when I tell myself this will pass, hang on!

        Do not be discouraged Ready4this. I NEVER want to type Day 1 again on the MWO site. That saves me alot.
        AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:


          Newbies Nest

          "...........damn it, if you can make it 64 days you sure as hell can make it 65 days......." from Ready4This.

          Wise words from a newcomer. Just what I needed to hear today. A different way of looking at it. Seeing our strength instead of our weakness. Thanks, Ready!

          Nanette, I had my own really close call on Christmas Eve. Everything was fine, wasn't even thinking of a drink, when I happened to look at the clock. It was 10:30, and like Pavlov's dog, I immediately started to panic and planned to bolt. 'Oh, I only have 15 minutes to get dressed again, get out to the car and over to the last liquor store open until 11pm. God, they are going to close and will probably be closed on Christmas Day, too. Better hurry!'

          I mean, I was already getting my shoes on. It didn't even cross my mind that I just went through the worst, most hellish withdrawal I have ever been through. That I was blowing 23 days. Not one restraining thought. Scary!

          Luckily, I had been posting on MWO and decided to just start writing about it. I didn't even know if anyone was around at that hour of Christmas Eve. I knew that it takes me forever to post, I'm so slow. I thought: just eat up the time and then it will be too late to go. So that's what I did. After a few minutes, the urge just miraculously lifted. I deleted the post, but it got me through that tough moment. I am soooo glad I didn't go out and happy that I was able to continue on with my sobriety.

          Hang in there Nanette. So glad you posted. Hope it helped to share your struggle.
          AF since 12/2/12


            Newbies Nest

            Well done AF ,thats a huge step, pretty soon you'll be changing you name to "Free". Good on you.:goodjob:
            AF since october 8th 2012:new

            How to get Alcohol free in 6 minutes :H


              Newbies Nest

              From Byrdie

              Hi a message from Byrdie...she is still stayin strong...funeral is today then she is heading home, she will be back on pretty soon..her message for me...make sure the nesters are all ok and behaving ..there you go guys so you too can stay strong...go for it!!!!lets tidy that nest up for her return !
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Newbies Nest

                Thanks, Patrick. So glad I didn't have to start over..... again! So happy that MWO and all of you are here. It's wonderful, not to have to fight it all alone and in isolation......that people are here and they care. Thanks to you and everyone!
                AF since 12/2/12


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello Nesters! It was a beautiful sunny morning here and I went for a walk in the sunshine - but now it's gray outside - I think I feel a nap calling.

                  Nanette, I thank you for posting that you were having those strong cravings on Day 64. It made me stop and think about what I might do if that situation arises. I could see it happening with me, too - I'd probably think to myself "I don't have such a bad problem - I made it 64 days AF, right? I can now try moderating..." For me, I think the danger will come as time passes for me AF and the memories of what I hate, loathe and just can't stand about drinking fade away. This is another reason I think this site is so important - I can actually read back to my first posts and remember why I quit in the first place.

                  I can be reminded by reading all the posts of new people coming on this site and how desperately we all want to be rid of alcohol. There is a reason for that - Alcohol is NOT fun, it doesn't solve anything and it makes our lives a living hell. That's why we don't want to drink again - ever!

                  Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Saturday night.
                  Life is better without Alcohol. 5/26/13


                    Newbies Nest

                    Great post Belles! And Nanette, don't be sorry for scaring me, it wasn't a scare anyway. It is more of an awareness that there are likely to always be challenges.

                    Please let me know if you make it AF tonight. I have my fingers crossed for you.



                      Newbies Nest

                      End of day three, and I'm feeling better. Well, I still have a bad cold, so I'm not feeling THAT great, but at least I know the poison is almost out of my body. By tomorrow, it will be completely gone!

                      I know it's important to handle this alcohol addiction one day at a time, but I can't help but think about it more long term. I think about all the things I plan to do in 2013 and how they will be just great if I don't drink. I have two huge trips planned, and I am also planning to go back to school and make a career change. I want to be sober for all that. I want to look back on 2013 and say that I only drank two days (January 1 and 2).


                        Newbies Nest

                        We can do it Rooni - lots of people here have, and so can we. Let's make it a sober 2013.
                        Life is better without Alcohol. 5/26/13


                          Newbies Nest

                          Nanette, I'm glad you posted your frustration here. Just do whatever it takes not to drink, up to and including stopping whatever you are doing and just going to bed. We are all here for you.
                          "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                          AF 11/12/11


                            Newbies Nest

                            I'm so sorry for your loss Byrdie! I will light a candle tonight in honor of your Daddy. Another light shines from above. My prayers and thoughts for you and your family. I'm thankful that your committed to your sobriety. Pm or e-mail if there's anything I can do to help.

                            I love you..... :l:h:l


                              Newbies Nest

                              hi guys, I have returned to MWO to try again!!!
                              I really need to admit to myself that getting drunk is not fun!! My prob is I can get a few weeks under my belt, then I moderate then I'm back to weekly or fortnightly binges.....where I fall down, if I'm lucky, I have suicide attempts that I cannot remember, embarrassing when the neighbours ask who the ambulance was for....hangovers last for days, the antidepressants stop working and life becomes tough.....I then quit, then talk myself back into've gotta have some fun....everybody drinks...she's worse than me was only a wee mistake!!!!!
                              The list is endless
                              Thanks for reading x

                              Back to the beginning day 02 Jan 2013

                              Grateful for MWO :thanks:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Dear Nanette, I am learning that there are a lot of twists and turns to the disease of alcoholism. I am sincerely, with all of my heart and soul, proud of you!! You have my love and support no matter what happens. No matter what!! You are loved!! And you are Amazing!!
                                Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                                The man pulling radishes
                                pointed the way
                                with a radish. ISSA

