Words from the wise....
?You?ve got to give TIME, time? (Byrdie)
?The real 'you' can only shine when AL is totally out of the picture.? (Lav)
?But, at some point there is something that "clicks"....a different outlook appears - you see things differently.? (Lolab)
These words are priceless, ladies! In fact, if there were a ticket out of addiction, I think these words would be printed on it.
So many people ask the ?oldbies? how DID you do it (Byrdie?s secret of long term sobriety)? How DO you do it? What made this time different? I know I have wondered that myself each and every time I have tried to quit. I have asked it THIS quit?. (Day 99 for me, and I know I am only one drink away?.but nonetheless, I KNOW, this time is different). The difference is:
I am giving it time
I have put AL totally out of the picture AND
I realized over the weekend that something has clicked- I have a different outlook-
And I am SO HAPPY!!!

I am certainly not one of the ?oldbies?, and I am nowhere near complacent, but I am different now.
Over this past weekend, I had to attend a party where lots of AL was involved. It was a festive occasion and my old self started (oh so slightly), romanticizing those old ideas. Damn!!! How was I going to handle the pressure? Why can?t I drink like everyone else? Why do I have to be different? Can?t I have just one??? Same old ideas, but this time, there was a different outcome. When that old chatter started, I struggled with it for a bit?.but, because of the time I have put in (learning from this site) and the fact that I have totally given up on the fact that AL can EVER be a part of my life, I made a plan.
I used my plan to keep my hands busy with AL-free drinks at the party, to keep myself busy ?hostessing? and to sit by the few folks that I knew did not drink. I got through the night.
It was not until the next morning, that I realized ?something had clicked? and that I am stronger than the beast! Star?s voice of reason actually outwitted the beast and its load of crap! It felt GREAT! I actually liked the person I was on Sunday morning, rather than feeling ashamed of her.
Time is healing, something has clicked, and this lil star is happy to be shining today!
Carry on, all! You are doin? great!:l And thanks for all your help!