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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Keep it up ODAT!!! Back at it for me. Should be a temptation less week for me.... Had a few beers at a game alast night but feel great today. early gym helps....


      Newbies Nest

      Honey and K9!!! I am so with you about the driving duties with my kids!!! I was always "it's the weekend - I'll drive there but you need to find a ride home). What a load of horse shit. I'm really mad at myself for doing that to my kids!!! Not that I'm their personal taxi but just the idea of WHY I couldn't pick them up really shames me!!! I'm so glad to have found this site and hopefully I will get my shit together. Grrrrrr.

      Thanks for the vent.

      Live in the "NOW". :h



        Newbies Nest

        Sharky! Where you been man? Were gonna get it together this year right! No more crapy years coulds of al!


          Newbies Nest

          Hi your name

          I'm sure my daughter missed out on lots of opportunities because I didn't want to get off the couch to go get her...although I must say that her friends parents are really good at picking up and dropping off. One time though, I told her "They either need to bring you home or you'll have to spend the night because I just took some medicine and I shouldn't drive"....ugh...the lies, well actually it was true if you count 12 beers as "medicine". HA

          Remember the shame you felt, it will help you when cravings hit!

          Glad to have you here!

          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Newbies Nest

            I don't have kids, but I remember one time when my sister called and asked me to help her get her daughter to the emergency room after a bad fall. I was drunk and had to say no. I gave her some lame excuse, but she knew exactly what the problem was.

            Wow, I had almost forgotten about that awful day (on purpose I'm sure).


              Newbies Nest

              Hi K9. I explain my name choice in the thread started by Hippiman. "Why did u choose the name you did?" Thanks! Yes, my disappointment of my actions in the past are very clear to me these last 5 days especially!!!

              Congrats on 377 days!! Wow!! Your daughter must be loving her new mom!!!!! What is NF7? Are u quitting smoking now!? I quit 18 years ago when carrying my son. Good luck to you!!! I'm sure you will do great!

              Live in the "NOW". :h



                Newbies Nest

                Rooni - I feel for you not being able to help your sister. How is your AF journey going? So much reading here, sorry, can't keep up with everyone yet!!

                Live in the "NOW". :h



                  Newbies Nest

                  My children just knew that their mum was unavailable after 8pm.
                  My son was stunned a few weeks ago when I turned up for a party at 10pm....... I never went out because I was always unfit to drive.
                  I hate to think how much I have missed..... But NO MORE......I am alive again YAY!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Breezy - Yes NF = Nicotine Free....I had 81 days NF over the summer but I relapsed so here I go again. As with drinking...never quit quitting!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Tess-2;1439897 wrote: This is my experience regarding the ability to choose. I'm an overly responsible, go-to-the-head-of-the-class gal; always have been. I'm one of many siblings, and may parents would occasionally proclaim, with no small amount of pride, "Tess was born grown up." I would often choose the more difficult path in life rather than the easier one. Then came alcohol. I started drinking light beer to offset anxiety. One beer became two, two became a six-pack, and a six-pack became a half-case. I was drinking from sunrise to sunset. Always petite, my weight doubled in 18 months. I developed many medical issues and was eventually hospitalized with such severe hypertension that I could have easily had a stroke or a heart attack. Every night I would promise myself that I was going to stop drinking. And I absolutely meant it. Every day I would drink. At some point, for me, I had lost the ability to choose. That was the most frightening aspect of alcoholism: alcohol was making all of the choices for me. This "monster" had a hold of me and was shaking the very life out of me. I became increasingly hopeless that I would ever be able to choose to stop drinking. I often considered suicide. Fast-forward five years to December 31, 2012. I found the MWO site. Somehow, I found enough strength to stop drinking for one day. I am now 7 days AF, and am regaining the ability to choose. Having a free will is what makes us human (as Byrdie said). If there is a place named Hell, which I doubt, it is a place where people roam about, having lost their ability to choose. I will never, ever, ever take my ability to choose for granted again. Nor will I turn it back over to the beast named alcohol. :sun:
                      You are doing so well Tess.

                      Once you are in a downward spiral with booze it is very hard to stop, but once stopped it is not too long to recover.
                      I have a post on perfectionism which may resonate for you.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Tess-2;1439897 wrote: This is my experience regarding the ability to choose. I'm an overly responsible, go-to-the-head-of-the-class gal; always have been. I'm one of many siblings, and may parents would occasionally proclaim, with no small amount of pride, "Tess was born grown up." I would often choose the more difficult path in life rather than the easier one. Then came alcohol. I started drinking light beer to offset anxiety. One beer became two, two became a six-pack, and a six-pack became a half-case. I was drinking from sunrise to sunset. Always petite, my weight doubled in 18 months. I developed many medical issues and was eventually hospitalized with such severe hypertension that I could have easily had a stroke or a heart attack. Every night I would promise myself that I was going to stop drinking. And I absolutely meant it. Every day I would drink. At some point, for me, I had lost the ability to choose. That was the most frightening aspect of alcoholism: alcohol was making all of the choices for me. This "monster" had a hold of me and was shaking the very life out of me. I became increasingly hopeless that I would ever be able to choose to stop drinking. I often considered suicide. Fast-forward five years to December 31, 2012. I found the MWO site. Somehow, I found enough strength to stop drinking for one day. I am now 7 days AF, and am regaining the ability to choose. Having a free will is what makes us human (as Byrdie said). If there is a place named Hell, which I doubt, it is a place where people roam about, having lost their ability to choose. I will never, ever, ever take my ability to choose for granted again. Nor will I turn it back over to the beast named alcohol. :sun:
                        What a great post Tess! I will read this often. :l
                        Life is better without Alcohol. 5/26/13


                          Newbies Nest

                          4:30 all is still pretty well, the voices are here but wispers right now, keeping busy with work and phone games
                          ALL I HAVE TO DO IS GET THOUGH THIS DAY AF


                            Newbies Nest

                            odat1234;1440011 wrote: Sharky! Where you been man? Were gonna get it together this year right! No more crapy years coulds of al!
                            You got it! Can't let this beast ruin us. Lot's of great posts by everyone that are very motivating! Thanks everyone for all your words and wisdom. Let's get on this ODAT!


                              Newbies Nest

                              End of Day 5, and I AM SOBER.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Yeah Rooni....feels good doesn't it?......and it will feel even better to or row morning..LOL! I'm just finishing up day 7.... Head is a bit achy, but nothing like the foggy brain I would have tomorrow if I gave in and drank tonight.

