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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I think that was me Pinecone talking about having to get to know ourselves as sober adults

    I hope everyone had a great day & plans for a safe & cozy night in the nest.
    My 4 yr old grandson is staying overnight, fun, fun

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Ah yes, thank you Lavande. I am always grateful when someone posts something that makes me consider another aspect of recovery.
      "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
      AF 11/12/11


        Newbies Nest

        Just checking in before i head off to bed. Was on the phone with an old friend who drinks as much as I did. Normally when I would call her, I would make sure I had a glass and a bottle of wine beside me, as it is always a couple of hours that we would be on the phone. Usually a couple of times a year .....lots of catching up to do. However, tonight I had a large mug of herbal tea.....but I could tell she was having her wine. I felt very good that I wasn't joining her.......I thought that phone call might be a huge trigger, but it wasn't! It could be that I'm totally exhausted and the desire just didn't surface. Whatever it was, I'm very happy........even though I don't know if my brand new iPhone5 has survived it's dunking in water this afternoon's still buried in rice.:upset: I'll maybe try it tomorrow evening.

        Have a good night in the Nest everyone!


          Newbies Nest

          What I find interesting is how problems like a ruined iPhone are now just bloody annoying. When drinking they were confirmations of a world where everything went wrong, no matter how hard I worked and tried to control it........poor me, poor me, pour me a drink!

          Now these 'first world problems' are just bloody annoying and I think........move on, shit happens


            Newbies Nest

            Hi all, made it though day 4 sober, and here I set with Weeds (the show) and my peppermint tea (great for sleep and tummy issues) on the cold and rainy night. Have a great, warm, dry, af night in the nest all. Lets wake up and do it again tomorrow!


              Newbies Nest

              Day 1 today.
              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                Newbies Nest

                Goodnight to All in The Nest. Congrats to every Newbie who made it through another day without alcohol.

                It's kind of fun in The Nest, isn't it? (I'm a little rummy from hours of studying, which is better by far than being rummy from alcohol.) But seriously, where else can we go and snuggle in next to each other, tell our life stories, be nourished by those who take the time to care, and watch each other grow a little every day? The Nest is a super-cool place where we laugh and cry and give each other well-deserved rewards (such as moonies) and offer each other our understanding and acceptance rather than our judgement. And there's lots of room in the nest, always room for more, and enough space to stretch our wings and try new things. We get to start all fresh-and-new each morning and tuck each other in every night.

                You know, being sober is much more fun than being drunk. Is there any comparison? No, there not. None whatsoever. Being sober is the most decent and excellent and FUN way to live life. Sweet Dreams All Around. :chick:
                Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                The man pulling radishes
                pointed the way
                with a radish. ISSA


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Guys,
                  I just wanted to say thanks for the support last night.
                  I've had 4 months sobriety before and thought I had it licked! Not surprisingly denial soon followed and return to the wine.
                  This time a round I intend to pay close attention to my personal triggers and learn as much as I can from them. Last night depression and sadness hit me like a brickwall from nowhere. The resulting feelings of anxiety had me thinking the thought that I couldn't do this-that the only thing that would cheer me up in this humdrum lonely place was a drink. I wasn't actually thinking of going for a drink -nowhere near- but just that I was bound to cave in eventually and this left me feeling really sad and hopeless. However, I then came here to post and got two lovely replies within minutes which really helped. I then began to feel gratitude for the help, gratitude for the moment of grace that brought me here again, gratitude for a second chance to get out of the unhealthy loop of low self esteem, feeling powerless and trapped, feeling out of control .
                  I have learned from this first strong trigger that I will have to be careful when alone and bored and try to find positive ways of thinking-ways of thinking more accurate thoughts that reflect what's really going on.
                  Thanks again
                  Sobriety is its own reward


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Abbers,

                    Hope everyone slept a whole lot better than I did. Somehow I ended up with a sick overnight guest Kids gets sick quick but they get better quick too.

                    Handling life's issues with a clear head is much less stressful. Today I am grateful for my clear head

                    Wishing everyone a Happy AF Humpday!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning nest.

                      I slept fitfully, too Lav. I am traveling for work - which is probably why I craved wine last night - it always helped me "sleep" better in a Hotel in the past. Truth is, I'd drink too much and wake up at 4:00 a.m. and have to struggle through meetings all the next day! So, luckily I didn't do that last night. This morning I thought of something that I think K9 posted (sorry if it was someone else!) "You will never be sorry that you didn't drink last night"! That was so true for me today.

                      Wishing everyone a great AF day in the nest.
                      Life is better without Alcohol. 5/26/13


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Tess – Calms Forte and Nerve Tonic are homeopathic sleep aids/ stress relievers…I think Calms is part of the MWO program – not positive. They are available on Amazon – but even being in a small town, I find them at my local grocery store. They are made by Hyland’s.

                        Roonie, Star, Belles, overit, lav (I hope the little guy’s ok and that you can rest up!), odat , daisy, tess, byrdie, kairos…..good morning all. :hallo:

                        Pinecone – yeah, it seems I can’t get my thoughts together long enough to post anything with people around…gotta be by myself…so holidays over – I’m back…The workouts are going great. I repeated a week after missing a couple of days due to illness – so am just today starting phase 3 of P90X. But I also just got insanity. I was worried about the high impact and I really didn’t think I’d like it due to the fact that it’s mostly cardio (which was never my “thing”) but after trying a couple workouts, found that I really like it. So I will most likely mix a couple of those in as well. I’m finding that I am able to do so many other things – fitness wise – than I ever did before – without alcohol. My body behaves so much differently, and I do have more stamina and my lungs and heart work better. I worked out before and couldn’t wait to get done and have a drink…:huh:

                        I don’t go on about it here much as I don’t want people to get discouraged if they aren’t working out….I know that for some it’s a huge part of the puzzle, right from the beginning. But for me, if I had started doing this in the beginning of sobriety, I would have felt too much pressure and would have crashed and burned – probably on every level.

                        New day – I think that every time we do something sober, that we were used to doing with alcohol, it’s a HUGE step and has so much more impact than just that one event. We see that we actually can do things without it…and it gives us the confidence to try other things.:goodjob:

                        Kuya…you should write a book…it seems I’m always pulling a favorite quote from your posts. “What I find interesting is how problems like a ruined iPhone are now just bloody annoying. When drinking they were confirmations of a world where everything went wrong, no matter how hard I worked and tried to control it.......”

                        I’ve got no wisdom for this morning…I’m still trying to wake up. It was one of those mornings when I was completely OUT when the alarm went off…my head still feels weird and it’s been 2 hours. :ranger

                        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Morning Nesters. I thought I would peek in. Tess2 you are right. The nest is a wonderful place not only for those just starting out but for when we need a safe place to hang out. There seems to be a lot of good AF time going on in here.
                          Lav, sorry to hear about the sick chick or human rather. Hope she gets well soon and you don't pick it up yourself.
                          Have a great AF day everyone!
                          we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                            Newbies Nest

                            Lola.... Just to pick up on your comment on working out, I remember when I was first sober how upset I felt that everyone seemed to be running, jumping, doing marathons and I was so tired I couldn't even jog my memory! :H
                            Seriously though, it really got me down but I KNEW that if I pushed myself too hard I would get exhausted, crash and burn then drink.
                            So any of you here that read about people doing exercise when you are feeling like a wet's normal, everyone is different, listen to your body and give it what it needs not what your MIND ( which got you in this mess in the first place) thinks you SHOULD be doing.
                            I am just over four months quit and only this week feel energised.....

                            Patience grasshoppers


                              Newbies Nest

                              So tired is normal at 5 days? I thought it was just me.
                              ALL I HAVE TO DO IS GET THOUGH THIS DAY AF


                                Newbies Nest

                                Well, as long as we are coming clean here... (so to speak)
                                I felt like a second class citizen that I wasn't working out and exercising. Everyone else was running marathons and such for Pete's Sake! They were eating well, and their teeth glistened when they smiled. Humph. I never was a runner, and I will never be one. I do get out and walk a couple miles with my 71 year old neighbor. She makes me. And we don't go if it's under 50*, over 92* or raining. Sure, we are fair-weather Johnsons, but that's ok. I am moving. (even if it's at a low level). I still give in to sugar when it golly it got me over those awful cravings. I am good to myself...and still have lost 13 pounds PD (Post Drink). I didn't begin losing this weight until around my 4th month. I am slow to adopt things...I go kicking and screaming into new ideas. This is a downfall and an attribute, I think. So if you are not like everyone else....don't sweat it...there are many ways to pluck a chicken (with apologies to Stella). In the words of Frank Sinatra....I did it myyyy wayyyyyyyy. Emerse yourself in what works for you (so long as it ain't AL).

                                Daisy, it is wonderful to see you this morning. Tess, ODAT, Kairos, Belles, all doing GREAT! Every day that you put between you and AL is a win! Overit....the bag jokes just never get old, do they?!! I love your sense of humor!!

                                Lav, Lola, Kuya, Mick, K9....great to see you this morn'n. Have a great day everybody. MindPeace!! Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

