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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Dav! Welcome to the nest, im so glad your here! congratss on day 2, how are you doing?


      Newbies Nest

      Hello everyone! I haven't posted for a while but I do read all the inspiring posts.

      I am still doing well and glad that I am still AF. I find it amazing how the people in the nest are from all over the world. This is just proof that AL does not discriminate. He is an equal opportunity life destroyer.

      For those of you who are struggling with the "I had so much fun, I was so funny when I was drunk", thinking. I too had these thoughts. When I thought about it, I thought about all the times when I wasn't drinking and I was still funny and had alot of fun. I wasn't drunk at church and work and I still laughed alot with other people and made them laugh too. If you are funny and fun after drinking, chances are you are funny and fun without drinking. The only difference for me was how LOUDLY I had fun or how LOUDLY I would be funny.

      I love roller coasters! What you might be asking does that have to do with anything?! Well this AF adventure is like a roller coaster ride. Your emotions and thoughts are up and down and around and change from one to the other very quickly. Do not get off of the AF ride before it is over. You are buckled in tight and every safety precaution is in place. Remember that always after every extreme drop, (Hands up in the air and screaming Weeeeeeeee!) there is usually a level stretch for you to recuperate before the next chug chug chug chug chug up that hill before the next drop or upside down loop d' loop! During the ride you are asking"What the h@!l have I done, but when it is over you are wanting to go again and you are proud of your accomplishment. Or just happy that you lived to tell all your friends what you did.

      Well that is my thought for today.
      AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:


        Newbies Nest

        Finally Done! Great to see your shining smile!! Hope all is well!

        Welcome Dav! If you haven't already, check out the Tool Box, a link is in my signature line below. You'll find 100's of tips and coping skills to help you with those first challenging days. May I join ODAT in giving you a warm welcome to our nest...What brings you by? When you feel up to it, I hope you'll tell us about yourself. Sometimes, just getting it out on paper does a world of good.

        Nanette, what a wonderful IS just like that...don't get off before the ride is over, that is GREAT! So proud of your progress!!

        Hope everyone is having a peaceful day...Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Byrdlady;1442845 wrote: Finally Done! Great to see your shining smile!! Hope all is well!

          Welcome Dav! If you haven't already, check out the Tool Box, a link is in my signature line below. You'll find 100's of tips and coping skills to help you with those first challenging days. May I join ODAT in giving you a warm welcome to our nest...What brings you by? When you feel up to it, I hope you'll tell us about yourself. Sometimes, just getting it out on paper does a world of good.

          Nanette, what a wonderful IS just like that...don't get off before the ride is over, that is GREAT! So proud of your progress!!

          Hope everyone is having a peaceful day...Byrdie
          Hi Byrdie! Hope your 2013 is going well. I need to catch-up with the crew here this weekend!
          Started living again 2/7/2015


            Newbies Nest

            dav;1442803 wrote: I'm going to be AF for today. Thanks for that post Rooniferd. Especially the last paragraph. Hit home.
            Welcome dav! Great support here. Take it from me. And the advice I get here is amazing! Welcome aboard!
            Started living again 2/7/2015


              Newbies Nest

              Tess.... The feeling of never good enough is so damaging. Sit down and write that list of 'good' and 'bad' parts of you. All the parts you like and hate about yourself. all the things you do, big and small that make you cringe or smile. It is very revealing, if you honestly include ALL the parts.

              Everyone should take the time to do this.

              Unless you are a sociopath or psychopath ( and they are NEVER able to be honest anyway) you will be amazed at the result. Do them all together without too much analysis, let it flow.

              I defy you to not end up liking yourself....maybe for the first time in your life.

              Nanette..... To add to your roller coaster analogy, I notice that people who get off too early end up on a bigger and scarier ride. Tis almost like the mind needs a more intense lesson to get it. I am not big on roller coasters, I am on my second ride and I am not getting off til the end, thanks.
              I sometimes wonder if some people are subconsciously looking for more intensity in their lives by returning to drinking. That, in spite, of the suffering it brought drama, danger and excitement. If this sounds like you, then taking up a thrill seeking hobby might provide an outlet.


                Newbies Nest

                Holy Crap Tess2, 20#? That's awesome! I was hoping that is what was going to happen to me. I can't complain, as of today 32 days and 8.6#, but I would have hoped for more. I imagined it falling off like standing in an auditorium and you pants fall down. That's how fast I thought the weight would come off.

                Loved the roller coaster analogy except that I'm terrified of heights. Can I just send the bag up with you guys?

                Gotta run. Go Niner's!

                AF since 12/26/13

                "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs



                  Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters!

                  I just have to say congrtas to the newbies who have managed some AF time AND lose weight!!!!!!!
                  I never lost an ounce when I quit drinking....must have been the cookies :H
                  I did finally get myself into a weight loss mode though & lost 13 lbs last year. I feel pretty good but wouldn't be terribly upset if another 10 lbs diasppeared

                  Welcome to the Nest dav
                  Make yourself comfortable & be sure to stay put for a while!

                  Well, I ended up watching my grandsons for about 5 hours today. I am exhausted but happy
                  Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the Nest!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    It's late and I know everyone is probably safely tucked away in the nest, but I just got home from the dinner/theatre. I had been stressing all week about how I was going to not drink with these friends of ours when they know I love my wine.
                    I ordered as I have been planning ......had a tonic and lime in the bar before while everyone had a glass of wine.
                    Then at dinner I ordered a cranberry juice and soda, but I guess my hubby didn't hear me and he ordered 2 glasses of red wine. I didn't know what to I had my water glass, my cranberry juice and the glass of wine lined up in front of me. And I did NOT drink the wine. Hubby pointed to the glass and asked why I wasn't drinking it.....I lied and said it didn't taste very good. He must wonder ....there's never been a time I haven't drank a glass of red wine (or the whole litre) no matter how bad it was!

                    I was thinking of you all here and how happy I would be to report that I didn't want it! Usually I would have had at least a glass before we left and then been anxious to get home and do my real drinking!

                    I feel so much better having got through tonight without a major battle. Thank you all for helping me!


                      Newbies Nest

                      If anyone is struggling and needs some support. I am here. I know all to well how hard it is at times. I am more than willing to talk on the phone to others struggling. Let me know. I am getting ready for bed but if anyone just needs a person to talk to about how they are feeling I am here. It's so tough at first and moving forward. I want to give back and be a friend to those needing support.
                      Started living again 2/7/2015


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning all,

                        Hi Finally, you a very kind, thankfully the only ting im struggling with this morn is sleepiness. Just having a coffee before heading out to work.

                        Congratulations New Day, Im delighted for you

                        Thanks Rooni for reposting that great post by Mario yesterday, it will be very useful.

                        Hope everyone else are doing well and have a lovely Sunday xo


                          Newbies Nest

                          Congratulations New day...... That take courage and commitment !


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good evening nesters,

                            Was just having a quick look at the posts, before signing off for the night. Hope everyone is ok. So many words of wisdom and so much encouragement.

                            Finallydone, what a generous offer. So kind of you. This is one of the reasons I so love MWO. I must admit, there have been times, sometimes very late, when I was so grateful to find someone up and willing to talk with me. The early days were very difficult and I don't know if I would have made it except for the support of the kind people here. Day 42, almost over......Thanks so much to everyone here!
                            AF since 12/2/12


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hello Fellow Nest Dwellers,

                              I'm getting ready for bed.

                              Sweetpea - it's morning for you and you're on your way to work. I hope that coffee kicks in and shakes off the sleepiness.

                              New Day - I am so relieved and happy that you are back in The Nest, safe and alcohol free. Way to go!!

                              Overit - I feel certain that a lot of my initial weight loss was water. I was puffy and swollen like a beach ball. Sweating for 90 minutes in a 105 degree room every day (Hot Yoga) reduced the water retention. Now I'm left with a whole bunch of pure fat. And it will come off much more slowly, no doubt.

                              finallydone - your offer of support is generous and appreciated. Thank you!

                              kuya - Thanks for your wisdom!! I will work on a list of the 'good' and 'bad' parts of me tomorrow.

                              Lav - Thanks for the tuck-in. I always feel warm and cozy and safe after reading your goodnight well-wishes. Happy that you had time with your grandsons today. Now it's time to collapse! Children are a delightful drain of energy.

                              Today was kind of miserable. The cravings were non-stop. It was difficult to concentrate. I kept saying to myself, "No matter what -- no beer!" I couldn't understand what had brought on the overwhelming desire for alcohol. I just felt down.

                              Then I could suddenly "see" it. I had visited my parents this morning. Nothing terrible or different happened. It's just that they expect me to be perfect. No, that's not exactly it. They think that I am perfect, which is worse. As a child, they considered me to be some sort of saint. Seriously! I know that doesn't sound too rough, to be loved and cherished by one's parents, but their image of me as someone exceptional comes with a tremendous amount of pressure. Really, who can live up to that? And I wonder if what they feel for me is ordinary, down-to-earth love. Or are they living some sort of fantasy through their vision of me? You know, attempting to "complete themselves" through me. I have seven siblings. Why am I the "chosen one"?

                              The only thing I've ever done to disturb my parents skewed vision of me is to get fat. They hate it. I always had a "perfect" figure, something my parents took great pride in. They don't know that my fat is from beer. As far as I know, they don't know that I was (am) an alcoholic. They think I have a "glandular" problem. Anyway, they offer all sorts of unsolicited advice on weight loss. I just smile sweetly, being the perfect daughter, while I fume inside.

                              So... I have some more growing up to do.

                              I did NOT drink any beer today!! :dancin:

                              Goodnight and Sweet Dreams ~

                              p.s. thanks for listening.
                              Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                              The man pulling radishes
                              pointed the way
                              with a radish. ISSA


                                Newbies Nest

                                Tess..... Don't know if you have answered this already, but why don't you tell your parents about your struggle with alcohol?

                                And we'll done on beating the cravings, did you eat enough?

