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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning all

    Hi Mein, Im new here too and wish i could give you some advice; Im sure one of the seniors will be along soon and do that tho. Just want to say well done on staying AF last week, and for coming here and posting, that takes courage. Wishing you strength for today xo Im not sure i would still be AF if there was alcohol in my house.

    Hiya Moni, CONGRATULATIONS to you for achieving 60 Days Delighted for you.


      Newbies Nest

      Mein Sonnenschein;1443621 wrote: Hello All. I am a Newbie that screwed up yesterday. I was doing so well all last week and the beginning of the weekend, but yesterday afternoon I got into the schnapps. I don't usually care for the stuff, but the schnapps was literally the only alcohol that was open in the entire house (at least I resisted opening a bottle of wine... I thought about that). I must explain that Sunday is usually a big cleaning day for me and I usually have a glass of wine while I am cleaning, followed by a second glass and some "me" time (pedicure, watch a movie... etc). Before my depression got worse, I could easily keep it to two glasses but now I want to "keep up the good numb feeling" so I can easily empty a bottle or two. So... since I was cleaning yesterday and I knew the schnapps was open, I decided to add some to my apple juice. Then added more... then more. I did not black out but I definitely feel it this morning. I tried to kick start the morning right... lots of water with lemon, Greek yogurt with blueberries... and maybe a coffee in a few hours. But I feel so stupid and I can't believe I was so good and so driven all week, only to fail on Sunday. I can't explain what triggered the drinking. Habit maybe? I was not craving AL, so why did I give in? Anyhoo... I want to be accountable for my actions so I'm changing my AF day to today. I'm sorry to let everyone down.
      Firstly, you didn't let us down, you let yourself down.

      You drank for two reasons, house is equals reward......reward equals booze.
      Hunger.....what you will learn, or relearn is house is equals fatigue and HUNGER.........hunger equals FOOD.

      Easy to type, harder to follow. Try taking breaks and eat small snacks when doing housework to stop your blood sugar falling.

      MONI......Congratulations on your 60....... Well done, keep trucking


        Newbies Nest

        I realized something about being AF in the shower this morning, and it put a smile on my face.

        I tend to dream little snippets of unrelated, random scenes at night. I dream I'm at the store, or I have a brief conversation with someone, or I read something on Facebook, etc. It's very rare that I have a long, coherent dream with a story line. During the day, little things remind me of the snippets of dreams I have at night.

        When drinking, I often have a hard time knowing if the snippet was a dream or if it really happened. Did I briefly talk to such and such on the phone last night? Did so and so's mother really pass away? Did I scratch my car when coming into the garage last night? Did I order that purse online?

        Now that I'm not drinking, I know reality from fiction. I don't have to check my phone to see if I really called someone. I don't have to walk out to my car and look for a scratch.

        I don't have to walk around in this cloud of confusion about life's events anymore!

        Hope everyone has a sober Monday!!


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning Nesters,

          Still fogged in here on the east coast but at least the temps are mild!

          Mein, I did a lot of habitual wine drinking myself in the past. Now that you know it's an issue, plan for it by having your stomach full (like Kuya said) & have a stash of healthier drink alternatives on hand We learn as we go along!

          Wishing everyone a great AF Monday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            sweetpea29;1443391 wrote: Tess- you do more than your fair share of sharing wisdom!
            How you are able to describe your day, including your thoughts and actions is great. I wish i could do that. You said about staying AF and making that your no.1 priority, no matter what, that is so wise. We need to keep repeating that as a mantra. If we are not AF, everything else, like study, relationships (with others and ourselves), work, our physical, mental and spiritual health will eventually suffer.

            Keep strong xo
            Hi Sweetpea - I've always been a quiet and somewhat shy gal. I've been much more of a listener than a talker. What I like even better than listening or talking is to think about things. And I love to read. Seems I've "found my voice" by writing on the MWO site.

            Good Morning to All Fellow Nest Dwellers,

            Yesterday was as wonderful as Saturday was terrible. No, I'm NOT bipolar, but thank you for asking... :happyheart: I made a big pot of soup, hunkered down and finished my homework, had minimal AL cravings, cleaned the house, and watched the Golden Globe awards. Nice day!

            Hi Mein - Good to hear from you! Alcohol is SO clever. Don't be discouraged. Stay a while in The Nest. There is much wisdom and support to be found here. And plenty of tales regarding our own struggles. Don't give up. We are with you!

            Okay, Gotta get ready for school. :cupajoe:

            Have a wonderful AF Monday ~
            Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

            The man pulling radishes
            pointed the way
            with a radish. ISSA


              Newbies Nest

              First, let me thank RC for stepping into the prize closet and finding Moni's hats!!! I had to step out for a minute and when I got back, Moni had 60 days!!! Wow! You are making it look easy...I am so glad you are building on your investment in yourself! Keep it going and you will NOT regret it!

              Mein S...(not even going to TRY and spell that)....I feel for you....I had 12 days in for the SECOND time! I thought I was on my way!!! It was 8 o'clock at night...I really thought I had this day DOWN~! I was about to be in uncharted territory!! But on this night, my hubs went downstairs to do something...I sprang up, got a coffee mug, filled it to the top with wine and chugged it before he got back upstairs! WTF???? I mean really??? WTF was THAT?? I was so PO'd at this day I can't explain it except that it is the absolute POWER of addiction. I mean, DAM! IF there is a lesson in our stories, it would be this....GET ALL THE AL OUT OF YOUR REACH. If you haven't visited the Tool Box (link in my signature line below) please do, there are a bunch of tips there). I really resisted this tip, I thought I needed the safety net....but if you have it in the house, that bottle will sprout heads and a spiked tail and start talking. TRUST ME on this one. GET IT OUT. I can't tell you how many nesters say....'if I'd have had any AL in the house I'd have blown it'. And they carried on another day and were so glad they didn't. We are in the fight of our lives here, we need every trick we can find. Lead yourself NOT into temptation, I say....we are NOT Mother Theresa.

              Not ONE of us here are sitting in judgment of anyone...if it hadn't taken me 100's of tries, I might be less tolerant....but it did. Thank GOD I kept trying!!! I just had to totally convince myself that I couldn't Moni says, when it comes to AL, I can't take it...I can't leave it, either...

              Hope everyone has a wonderful day today....dig your heels in and don't give in no matter what and no matter who! It's not worth it for a dam drink!!! Stay strong! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Good Morning, Friends!

                I apologize again for my absence on the weekends :upset:. It's really that my family keeps me so busy WORKING that I barely have time to sit down and my hands are ALWAYS busy! I am with you in thought though :l
                Mein S. - Please don't feel like you have let us down :l These kinds of things happen have gotten the best advice from Kuya and Lav already. Habit and hunger are a powerful combination.....that got me REGULARLY before I started paying attention to my triggers and making sure I kept my blood sugar level stable. Eating will do wonders for you!
                Roonie- yep~ Remembering is one of the best perks you get from a sober life (at least for me). I am so glad you are enjoying it too!
                Tess- We are all so happy you have "found your voice" for us and we can already tell you are a great thinker from your posts. You have a lot of wisdom to share and we are happy to have you with us! And I am so happy you had a good day on Sunday. You know there is a saying around here that you will never have 2 bad days in a row and you have just experienced that.
                Have a great day everyone



                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Tess- re-reading my post, it may have come across that i was implying you shared your wisdom too much. That is so NOT what i meant! I love reading your insightful posts as they nearly always describe thoughts and feelings that i am experiencing yet am crap at articulating. I admire your ability to do this and am grateful that you have found your voice here

                  Byrdie, I know if there was al within my reach i certainly would not be AF today


                    Newbies Nest

                    sweetpea29;1443732 wrote: Tess- re-reading my post, it may have come across that i was implying you shared your wisdom too much. That is so NOT what i meant! I love reading your insightful posts as they nearly always describe thoughts and feelings that i am experiencing yet am crap at articulating. I admire your ability to do this and am grateful that you have found your voice here

                    Byrdie, I know if there was al within my reach i certainly would not be AF today
                    Hi Sweetpea - I didn't take your comment as a criticism. Thanks for your follow-up comment just to be certain that your intentions are clear. That is very thoughtful of you. You are a sweetpea!!

                    I'm with you and Byrdie: if there was alcohol in my house, I would drink it. Period. I know that I would -- in a weak moment -- down the gullet it would go!!
                    Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                    The man pulling radishes
                    pointed the way
                    with a radish. ISSA


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning, just a quick fly by and then back to work.

                      Mein-habits are a b!tch aren't they? I find that I am changing them one day at a time. My busy season has started at work which means Saturdays too. This was my first Saturday since being AF. It used to be that I would work only long enough until it was acceptable drinking time and then go home and reward myself. So, this weekend I worked longer than usual to get through that witching Saturday hour, then went home, poured myself a D-7UP, sat in front of a warm fire and read a book. For me, IT IS HABIT, so I just really work on changing my routines.

                      gotta run, Congrats to Moni, be back later.

                      AF since 12/26/13

                      "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs



                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Morning Nesters!

                        Mein, you didn't let us down, we really do understand. I made it to day 40 about 3 times before I was able to make it past that day. Something about day 40 triggered me and had me convinced that I was "cured". I remember on my last struggle I was here ALL THE TIME and these wonderful people got me past the dreaded day came and went and I was still sober. You CAN do this too, and we can help you. Stick close and keep sharing what you're feeling, we really do understand.

                        My weekend was pretty boring, which I love. My sister was having a "teen" party on Saturday but I escaped it because I was still getting over a cold. She had plenty of other helpers. They had a great time, lots of food and games and karaoke...LOL. I had my own fun, snuggled up on the couch with the dog and a book

                        I'm still struggling with smoking, I know I'm ready to be done, I just can't figure out why I won't stop FallenAngel - I don't know if you read here much, but you have been an amazing help to me...thank you!

                        Well...happy Monday everyone. It's a crisp 27 degrees here...we're not used to this!
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Back to Work

                          Hi guys, back to it...hope y'all had a good new year and all that. I for one am very much looking forward to getting back to the regular routine which starts with coming back here.

                          Be good,
                          Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                          Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                          Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                          Go forward boldly and unafraid


                            Newbies Nest

                            Just getting caught up from the weekend:
                            New Day-YA! I'm so proud of you! Was it hell during the dinner? I know you felt better afterward. Just curious, why aren't you telling your hubs? Wouldn't it be easier with his support?
                            Finally Done-Thanks for offering your support to all us newbies. That's great that you want to give back.
                            Almost Free-Good to see you. How are things going with your son lately?
                            Tess-I'm sure the weight will continue to come off with all of your had work. you have quite the schedule. I'm glad that you could pin-point a trigger for your AL cravings. I agree, the battle can be exhausting at times.
                            Hippy-that's for the birds. LOLOLOLOLOLOL!
                            Moni-Congrats on the 60 days and some activity. I like that you are like me "I always thought I'ld moderate and be one of those people, I can't-end of story"
                            Rooni-glad to see you are in such good spirits.
                            Sweetpea-I like seeing you ahng around
                            Good Morning to Kuya, Byrd, LAV, Starfish, K9 (keep trying with the cigs), Fin and anyone else I missed or who is stopping by.

                            AF since 12/26/13

                            "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs



                              Newbies Nest

                              Hey Fin! So glad to see you back!!! We missed you :l



                              I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                                Newbies Nest

                                We dang sure did miss you, Fin. Pull up a twig between me 'n Star...we will talk yer ears off! Looking forward to hearing how you're doing.....B
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

