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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi all,

    finally got the courage to join the Nest. This thread is soooooo looooong, I apologize for not reading it and not knowing all the birdies and the stories in the nest.
    I will fly in as often as I can.

    Thanks and have a great AF day!

    Love, MamaZ


      Newbies Nest

      Welcome MamaZum!

      No, I don't think we can really expect new birdies to read all of the nonsense we've concocted over time

      Just pull up a twig and rest for a while here! We tend to name our twig here according to their occupants. There's the TOT (Time-out-twig... and you don't want to go there too often).. there are grumpy twigs and all sorts of other silly twigs (I'd really have to go back and read through 900 pages to find them all)

      Happy to have your company here!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Newbies Nest

        Morning to the Nest!!! How is everyone this morning?

        Raven, it is nice to have international support isn't it? Always someone around to lend a helping hand.

        MAMA ZUM!!! My dear friend, I am glad to see you have joined the nest. This place is full of great peeps Hop on in and join the fun.

        Sunni, I hope you are feeling much better today :l 15 hours of sleep must have needed the rest!! Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for your mom. Your dad sounds like a wonderful man. I don't really like 'idle' time either. The date was last Saturday evening. Went to a nice restaurant for dinner and lots of conversation. that good for now??? More to come later...:H

        Sea, how are you my dear!!!! I have been thinking of you and missing you.'s football season and almost time for the World Series. I am just gonna join you on the time out twig now...GO STEELERS!!!! When do you start work in TX?

        Lav, I am staying as strong as can be. The next date may be this Saturday...not sure yet. He may have to work, and I'm not sure when my nephew's b-day party. If not Saturday, then we will shoot for Sunday. Is your business picking up much?

        Sooty, hope you enjoy your day out. Soak up the sunshine all you can!!!

        Pops, good luck on your marathon days. 'G' will be taken care of and quite loved!

        Good Morning to Chicken and Tranq! Hope you have wonderful days!

        Well, it's back to work for me. Talk to you soon :l


          Newbies Nest

          Hey there!!
          Sea---so nice to see you post!!!! Even though it was to post a Patriot!!! Good Luck in Texas, sweetie!!!
          Chopps---I want to hear ALL about the new GLAD you found a NICE ONE!!! YOU DESERVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          Sunni--15 hours of sleep....ohhhhh yeah!!!! That's what I'm talkin about....I LOVE my bed and soft comfy pillows!!!!
          Papa---Big hugs to you and G cat!!!
          Lav---Keeping strong girl!!!! WAY 2 GO!!!!
          To all the rest...I'm sorry not to address each of a new puppy,,,,,,,,cute as can be...she's on my lap and keeps pawing at the keyboard...I think she wants to play!!! Her name is Molly!!!!
          I'll keep checking in...forgive me if I don't post often....still feel I need to prove a lot to myself b4 becoming a regular again!!!!
          MISS YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          ((((((((((((((((((((((BIG HUG))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



            Newbies Nest

            Hi All!

            Firmly installed on the grumpy twig this morning...guess it's the normal hormonal fluctuations..urgh! But does it have to involve two weeks out of every four? What sadistic deity concocted that joke on all of womankind?

            Right...had a good whinge, now I'll get on with things

            Not much happening in this end of the world? Watched the movie "Knowing" with Nicholas Cage last night and it was really good and VERY depressing! So reconfirmed to self that I should not watch those types of movies too often...they seem to put me in a downer! All I can think about is..dang, what kind of world have I brought my girls into?

            (As you can see....bleak in Chicken-world!)

            Chops-hope the next date is even better when you get there?
            Sunni- is there a PMT twig??Hope u feeling better. last year hay was $20 a bale cause of a bad season, now about $10!
            Mama- Welcome, just come along from now on and jump in when & where you like!
            Hi Looking and Sea! Nice to see you guys!
            Pops- Wow the time out twig.....! Now I'm afraid.........Give 'G' a scratch for me under the chin!
            Lav and Raven- the international thing is great isn't it?
            To all others, have a good one, stay happy/ stay strong!


              Newbies Nest

              SD, you dog (pardon the pun)! :H
              I won't wave the bat again... but get yer butt back on a twig, please? We've missed you! And, just for the record... you ARE a regular! Sheeesh. And, where are pics of the pup? Hm? Hm?

              Ok, done ranting.

              Mom is doing better. She is awake now (kinda) and machines are off. She's still getting a bit of oxygen via mask but all in all is holding her own. Has no clue what's been going on - but that's just as well for the moment. It looks as if the air ambulance will take her back to the old country early next week.

              Chicken.. you are cut OFF! Off dark movies, that is. There's nothing sadder than a sad chicken! Yeah, hay is expensive... I'm lucky; I never had to buy hay before.. it all came off of my property. Sophie is eating this new hay just fine... damn brat. Did I mention that I bought her a round bale and she wouldn't touch it?

              Chops.. are you holding out on us??? :H Well, I sure hope he treats you right... you deserve a healthy helping of happiness! (Wow, that's a lot of h's)

              Ok, I need to get at least SOME housework done today... be good nestlings... see you in the morning!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                Newbies Nest

                Good evening nesters,

                Brrrr - chilly in my end of the nest tonight!! We've had a few showers today, more coming tomorrow. I guess summer is officially over. I'll have to locate my socks pretty soon, my birdie feet are cold

                MamaZum, hope you've found a comfy twig for yourself. Settle in with us - we're pretty nice

                Sunni, a couple of things.........1st: I'm pretty sure I don't get 15 hours of sleep in the course of 2 nights. Exactly how the heck do you do that????? I am profoundly jealous!!!! 2nd: a bale of hay costs around $8-9 around here, do you want me to send you some?? Ms. Sophie might light the 'imported stuff', ha ha. I am glad to hear that your Mom has improved, must be quite a relief for you & your Dad!

                Chops, it's funny how your date sparked so much interest around here. Makes you wonder how many decades have passed since the rest of us have been on a date My business is chugging along slowly. I do expect to hear from some of my regular Fall customers soon (schools, etc). You just never know........

                SD, so glad you stopped in. Congrats on the new pup! Nothing like a new baby in the house

                Chicken, please keep your beak up!!! Unfortunately, mood swings are all part of womanhood. Hate to tell you but they get worse as you get older - watch out

                Well, I did accomplish most of what I set out to do today. Guess that's why I'm ready to call it a day.
                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest. Hello to everyone who stops in after me
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest


                  Chicken, yes....a time out twig.....I have it in here and I'm not afraid to use it.....just ask Sea over there. SD, do NOT feel a need to be AF before you return to us....we are here for you regardless of where you are on your AF journey. You know I won't tolerate judgement of anybody here in the nest. I welcome you back hun.....Chops, thanks for watching my 'G'....gonna be away the next few days, so he's gonna need some extra lovin.
                  While I'm away, somebody is gonna be post #3,000......who will it be??????????
                  Goodnight cherubs,
                  Pops & G


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello again everyone. Renewal, thank you for your last post.
                    "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi All. Just stopping by to say Hi. That was a nice post renewal!

                      Sunni so glad for the good news about mom. Chicken - hmmm a grumpy Chicken - having a hard time with that image - back to clucking soon I hope.

                      A big hi to all the new birds - yeah, a global tree; I like that.

                      Good night friends.
                      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                        Newbies Nest

                        well its arvo here in the wonderful world of Oz. ie afternoon for those yanks that missed it!!!
                        As a def new new newbie,I was amazed at the wordly spread of contributors - great to know that there are so many people dealing with a problem I thought was just due to my own weakness. Sure,I knew there were alcoholics, but stupidly & egotistically I just didn't think I would become one. I border on the edge of becoming one, I think. Thus I am here.
                        Also, it's a humbling thing to think of the possible diverse occupations of people on here - probably thick with irony when the well educated indivdual is just as likely to succumb to this problem as someone who has not received a great education. Likewise, I've not come from any childhood abuse or neglect or trauma ( although parents did split up in a not so nice fashion) so why the hell do I have a problem? I've got no excuses, if you like.
                        If that comes across rudely,selfishly or conceitedly, I apologise & you guys can really set me straight. I mean no harm.
                        On the subject of occupations, is it ok to find out what sort of things people do for a living?
                        For curiosity only,no surveys/questionnaires or the like,just small talk like at any dinner table. ie " So,what do you do for a living?"
                        I'll start - answer prompted by Sunny's post a few pages back - I'm a vet.
                        If this is not appropriate,then I'll delete this thread.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Morning Everyone!

                          Made it through girls night book club completely AF. Lot's of yacking and bottles everywhere. There was maybe a slight temptation, but I held off firm and left early. Ugh. Today I go to arbitration with my ex-husband for the 2nd time. The divorce was begun two years ago, finalized last November, and he has not complied with the divorce decree ever since. We have been in & out of court all this time and have now had to force him into court for a judge to make the decision. Should be fairly cut & dry, but he's got a really bad temper (the ex, I mean) & tonight's our daughter's first volleyball game. Hoping he won't show up and make a scene if things don't go his way. I know this is not the "believers" thread, or whatever it's called, but if you could all think some good thoughts my way in the next 3 hours I would be so grateful. I really need this thing to end so I can continue on with my life. I was a wine drinker before the mess all started, but within the past two years it really began to go out of control. He has moved on to another relationship, which I am all for because she seems very nice to the kids and is probably a calming influence on him. There is no one in my life except my family and my kids (bless them!!), and good friends, but a date would be kinda nice. I've held off because of this divorce and not I think I'm ready. I don't even know how to go on a date. It's been, hmmmm, 20 years! Anyway, I am rambling. Too many issues I'm throwing out. But the point is that today is a big day and I need it to come to completion one way or another. So now I'll hop on over the the "believers" thread and put in my request for prayers. Be back to fill ya'll in later!

                          Hugs to all you great folks out there


                            Newbies Nest

                            Happy Thursday morning Nesters,

                            Yeah Tranq, this is a global nest, love it

                            Pops, hope your marathon shifts go well, don't miss that stuff! Sending G some pats on the head

                            openheart, glad you're here, pull up a comfortable twig & settle in with us.

                            Beagle, nice to see you as well! So you're a vet huh? Your services may be needed around here if that's OK with you. Seems that most of the birds in this nest share their homes/lives with all kinds of animals. I myself have 2 dogs, a cockatiel and 18 laying hens
                            I'm a retired nurse now self employed doing embroidery/monogramming. After 27 years in nursing I was pretty well spent, decided to do something a little less stressful & easier on the aging body!! Now I'm learning about the woes of being self-employed............some things good, some not so good, but I do enjoy the challenge. The best thing for me right now is being an AF new 1st time grandmother

                            Enough about me, geez..........

                            Fig, hello to you too! You will be in my thoughts & prayers today. You're facing so many challenges, I wish you strength, hope it's all resolved very soon. As far as dating is concerned, ha ha I haven't been on a date in 36 years!!!!! I'm sure someone here can give you a pep talk on that topic - maybe TranqWilly?????

                            Time to get my day started, wishing everyone happiness, will check in later!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi all is there any room in the nest for me? Could you all squash over a bit?

                              I had an experience with hens last night - walking my doggie along the canal, a family living on one of the canal boats had about six hens merrily pecking around outside - that is until Sydnie spotted them and made a chase! How embarrassing - luckily she didn't catch any - and I brought some eggs of them to make up for it.

                              Snap X
                              Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning to my favorite fine-feathered friends!!! Well, we made it to Thursday and I hope that everyone's day has started well, or is going well.

                                SD, thanks for checking in!!! I am so happy to see you post here. As Sunni said, you are a regular. We want you here no matter what!!!! I have missed you. :l Congrats on the puppy!!! I love the name! What type of dog is it? PM me any time hon!

                                Hi Openheart! :welcome: This nest is such a comfy place to be.

                                Fig, congrats on getting through the book club AF!!! I am so proud of you! Best of luck today. Arbitrations are no fun. Wishing you strength. Will be thinking of you and sending warm thoughts your way!

                                Beagle, I don't think it is inappropriate to ask about occupations. It's nice to learn about others...IMO. So, I work for a highway striping company doing their accounts payable/reception. I was a legal assistant for over 14 years, but got burned out. Also, I am currently working on obtaining my degree in Healthcare Administration.

                                Chicken, how goes the battle? Thinking of you and hoping you are soon back to fine form!

                                Tranq, how are you doing today?

                                Lav, how is your weather? Still cold? I hope you have a grand Thursday! It's nice to have a place to come to so I can talk about my date! Dating is sooo difficult these days!

                                Sunni, I am not holding out on my date :H Thank you for the kind words. So far, he is treating me well

                                Pops, good luck on your marathon days. We will miss you! Taking care of 'G' is an honor, and I am happy to do it!

                                Sooty, hello to you! What tunes are on the bus today?

                                Ok all, must get to work now. I must close with....GO STEELERS!!!!! They are opening up the NFL Season tonight!!! :l

