-My second DUI...I was throwing up and driving at the same time, I tried to tell the cops I had the "flu". I was driving my brand new SUV that eventually got reposessed...I couldn't make the payments and pay all my fines
-A nice visit to the local jail for 20 days
-45 days of work furlough (jail...but they let you out during the day)
-$25,000 in fines and fees
-18 months of alcohol school
-A cellmate named Diablo
"Romantacize" that!!!
Drinking and driving. God, I get the shivers just thinking about how STUPID I've been over the years. I'm lucky to be alive. And everyone on the road with me those nights are also lucky to be alive.
Quitting this drinking nightmare is the best thing I've ever done in my entire life. It has SAVED my life. I can never go back to that hell hole. My luck has run out, this I know!