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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    kuya;1448145 wrote: Awesome In Dreams........that takes guts!

    Keep it just keeps getting better!

    Hi FD.....good to see you :h

    Breezy....I posted on your thread. Encouragement with a little warning that I want to expand on here later. Keep up the good work!
    Hi kuya good to see you too!
    Started living again 2/7/2015


      Newbies Nest

      Wow, what a night.

      Sweating till soaked completely. But the worst part was that as soon as closed my eyes I stared seeing all kinds of pictures. Like my brain was switched to the weirdest tv receiver and I was getting all the translations. Grotesque scenes and pictures changing as fast as few time per second. This was so tiring. I din't sleep at all. Only few brief passing outs where I kept seeing the same pictures.

      One more thing - I got a ringing in my ears which sounded like somebody far far away is playing a violin. A very faint one bus still irrating when it's night time and you are trying to sleep. Is an audible hallucination? I had that once before when I was also withdrawing. But it sounded more like a techno song. So irritating not being able to shut your ears - it's still there.

      Body tension got in waves. Sometimes I felt kind of relaxed and warm under my two blankets, but then suddenly I got tension in my muscles that kept me from sleeping.

      I drank lots of water. I ate some berry jam, few cookies and a banana. Those were all I had at home at the moment. And I definitely not going to a grocery store shaking like this. But I guess carbs are good? I also took some digestion enzyme.

      Is what I am experiencing DT? I guess I wouldn't be able to type this if It was. So I hope not. Anyway there were some moments of extreme shaking.


        Newbies Nest

        Hi alarmed! It can be irrating the disturbances, but i don't think your going threw dt's. How is your pulse? My brain went threw a similar three day tough process similiar to yours. Every night it eased up until it was gone. How are you feeling right now?
        Started living again 2/7/2015


          Newbies Nest

          Hey finalydone.

          Now I heel a bit better. A lot better to compare with the nights torment. my pulse is still 90, but I don't feel it pulsating in whole of my body. I think eating those sweets will help a bit because it raised my blood sugar.

          Ringing is still in my right ear. But not sounds less like violin melody, more like a mosquito.

          No nausea. Vision still a bit impaired. Had few painful jolts on the right side of my brain, but ho headache in general. The worst is the shakes. In the morning my all body was saying a bit. Now it's lot better however I know sometimes I get panicky in public places and that can happens days after withdrawal. Anyway, going to try to take a nap.

          Is milk a good idea or is it only bigger irritation to the body and stomach? I'm also taking some 5-htp (50mg) and lots of B's


            Newbies Nest

            Good Evening to All,

            I enjoyed the poem "One Today" written and read by Richard Blanco at today's inauguration. this is the last stanza:

            We head home: through the gloss of rain or weight
            of snow, or the plum blush of dusk, but always -- home,
            always under one sky, our sky. And always one moon
            like a silent drum tapping on every rooftop
            and every window, of one country -- all of us --
            facing the stars
            hope -- a new constellation
            waiting for us to map it,
            waiting for us to name it -- together

            For me, my journey to sobriety has been like heading home: going back to that safe and familiar place of sanity and freedom. Being a drunk was to feel insane and to be in chains. It was terrible!! All of the work I put into staying sober is well worth it!!

            Sleep Well ~ :chick:
            Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

            The man pulling radishes
            pointed the way
            with a radish. ISSA


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning good morning! How is everyone. Day 3 for me! I have a blınder of a headache and my dreams, how vivid and intense but İ am sleeping more and İ really need it! But I didnt drink yesterday and İ wont drink today. Need to get all the booze out of the house though. I told my hubby and he said he will do it but when? So much crap under the sink LOL.

              So if İ had not been sober for 3 days İ would have already consumed 1 bottle voddy plus a stack of light cola. İ wonder if ıt would help trying to tally how much AL I would have thrown in my body!

              İ really hope to see an improvement in my heart irregularities and my eczema by being less ridden with chemicals. İ would love to see my kilos drop too. I was the kind that couldnt just have a drink but also a big bag of crisps, cheese, etc to top up the already huge calorıes to the already huge body.

              Hubby wont even try for baby 3 unless İ stop drinking n lose weight and he is right, but İ dont tell him that LOL

              GOOD LUCK to everyone today:goodjob:


                Newbies Nest

                hi honeysucle

                As it's my day two, my night tonight was horrible. I didn't even sleep rather than watched grotesque movies that made no sense and were changing rapidly like a slideshow on crack. stupid visions behind close eyelids. Disturbing and tiring.

                I wanted to ask - do you know any remedy for this? Because if I feel like will finally fall asleep I get a fallng sensation and "short of breath" sensation.

                Thanks and good luck with your journey


                  Newbies Nest

                  I am not sure where or how to start, have done this many times before, anyone please tell me how to remain AF
                  all my post before were when I was in a good place, felt like I would stop and actually did. Now it is all gone to shit. I have so much to live for, wonderful children, beautiful grandchildren, so why am I trying to kill myself with AL
                  I am starting over as of Sept 6
                  SHIT this is so stupid (I hate AL)

                  AF since June 30, 2012
                  be AF for 7 days yea done:yay::yay:
                  be AF for 21 days July 21, 2012 boy I did it
                  be AF for 30 Days July 30, 2012 I have done it:thanks: to all the nesters
                  Now to be AF for 60 days Aug 29---blew it
                  Work to be AF for 90 days Sept 28---blew it

                  I have been AF for 1 month Oct, 2011
                  I have been AF before for 3 months Mar 16, 2011-July 2010


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning to all in the Nest!

                    Alarmed - I had the same visions, grotesque demon faces coming towards me and opening their mouths as if to eat me whole. One after the other, quite annoying. They go away after awhile. Just hang in there.

                    Honeysuckle - it sounds as if you are in a good place. Don't wait for your husband to get rid of all the alcohol. It might be cathartic for you to be the one to do it. Dump that poison right down the drain. If you don't think you are strong enough, then grab your husband as he's walking by and make him stand there with you while you dump it all out. Make sure you get rid of any 'hidden' bottles you may have, too.

                    Litre - You have tried this before, so you know where to start - by not drinking. Have you talked to your doctor? There are meds that can tame the cravings and allow you to remain AF forever. Some people need to be on them a long time, but it beats drinking all the time. Why not head over to the meds section for some research and then schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss which ones are right for you. And I forget who said it, but I agree - wipe out your signature and start from scratch.

                    Good luck to everyone today - back to work for me
                    Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning to all in the nest

                      This place has been busy!

                      Welcome InDreams- 7 days is fantastic keep it up girl

                      Siren- you are sounding in great form, tis good to see. Have you 7 days also?

                      Honeysuckle- day 3 already, delighted for you x

                      Alarmed- you got through the night Those symptoms should start easing in the next few days

                      Rainyday- glad you have made it through the night also

                      Breezy- congrats on your 18 days and good to see you

                      Litre- I hope you can find the strength to try again for yourself and your family x
                      Cant advise you on how to remain AF as i reckon it is up to each one of us to discover what works for us. I do think reading and posting here and seeking advise from the long termers is priceless in aiding our recovery.

                      Hiya Tess, Lav, Kuya, Finallydone, Byrdie, Pinecone, Nannette, Hippyman and everyone else ( sorry if missed anyone)

                      Hope everyone has a lovely day xo


                        Newbies Nest

                        Wow has been a heavy day here, lots of struggles as well as ongoing success.

                        Firstly alarmed......hang in are in a bad place but it will pass. We are not qualified to advise you on severe withdrawals but have your phone to hand and dial 911 if these symptoms get worse.

                        Honeysuckle......empower yourself and throw your own booze out. YOU are quitting, it is your responsibility. He is your partner not your dad or your maid....own this thing!

                        Tess...good to see you, freedom is wonderful isn't it?

                        There are a few currently struggling to STAY on this AF path, and I am always looking for common reasons to explain differences between us all. After all, it is the same drug in the same human bodies so what other factors may be at play?

                        I was reminded by seeing a member, who has been absent for a while, of advice we commonly give new folk when they arrive. We say read, read, read and post, post, post. Now that makes logical sense but I wondered if it actually affected successful outcomes. Obviously we can't know if people are reading a lot and not posting, but the daily average of posting IS available to us.

                        I spent a little time crunching some figures ( I am known for being a statistics bore! :H) and guess what? It is true!


                        You can find your own stat on your profile page.

                        Now there are members using outside support and therefore won't need to post as often BUT when I looked at people I know who only use MWO for support and have quit relatively easily their daily average is high, from our stoical Patrick at 2.73 posts per day through to our effervescent Hippyman at 33.

                        This is not a talisman of success, there are a couple of high rate posters who struggle, but there were no posters under one that were successful at getting sober.

                        I believe that formulating your thoughts into written word changes your brain's perception. Reading and then posting, initially for ourselves and later to help others, repetitively reinforces the message 'I DON'T DRINK'.

                        I expect some will respond that they aren't able to post more often due to worldly responsibilities ......... But the stark truth for many is if this disease progresses you won't HAVE any worldly responsibilities.

                        I have been posting on MWO nearly six months and sober nearly five, I average 5 posts a day. Instead of vegging in front of the TV with a half litre of vodka I come on here. It is saving my life, I have made friends here. I also hope I am helping to save lives.

                        So I repeat the advice, read, read, read and POST,POST,POST.


                          Newbies Nest

                          sweetpea29;1448230 wrote:
                          Siren- you are sounding in great form, tis good to see. Have you 7 days also?
                          Hi Rainy - Yes, today is my Day 7. This is the longest I have been AF since I can't remember when. Actually, I hit that landmark at Day 4, lol. Looking forward to another sober week, getting lots of work done.
                          Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters,

                            Brrrr, it;s freezing! Hope everyone stayed put in this cozy nest overnight

                            Siren, CONGRATS to you on 7 AF days :wd:
                            One week makes a huge difference! Keep going, you'll just love the results

                            Kuya is definitely right about reading & posting frequently!! Just staying close to MWO in the beginning is a huge help! Keeping your quit in the forefront of your life, making it your #1 priority helps you to meet your goals - it sure did for me

                            Hello & welcome to InDreams!
                            Congrats to you on your success, please stick around with us for a while!

                            Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Lav....I am sitting under a fan sweating at 1.00 am! Sure ain't freezing here! :H


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning all, just reading back, busy here in the nest! All you new comers are going fantastic! Keep it up! Have a great AF tuesday!
                                ALL I HAVE TO DO IS GET THOUGH THIS DAY AF

