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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    finallydone, you have a smart recovery group in your area? That's great - enjoy
    Exercise always helps to lighten our moods ~ even if it just gets us to laugh at ourselves a bit!

    Rainyday, frozen pipes - ouch!
    You will be busy for sure taking care of all that, good luck

    Litre, you do know where to start your recovery, you've done it before.
    Your sobriety needs to take 1st place in your life now ~ and forever! Everything else will fall into place provided you attain & maintain your sobriety. Make a plan & make the commitment. We are here for support so stay close :l
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      OK, guys

      my second night of withdrawal soon to begin. Last night I had no sleep at all, just little pass outs seeing wierd images. which ranged from cartoons to screenshots from facebook and skype with all coherent conversations, to people of all around the world to porn even. That being said is that my brain has consumed over years is now somewhow going through my eyes in rich detail whenever I try to go into the sleep state. I've had lucid very vivid dreams before on wd but. Today I got a bit better, but then again, wd is not done. I tried to nap once and almost made it. At least it seemed like resting, not fighting all the time, which is draining.

      I ate some fruit today, took some vitamins, drank a gatorade and a lot of activia yoghurt. So at least put something in my body and managed to buy "vivinox" which is supposed to know me out and is sold over the counter.

      Did do some work also, did answer some emails. The hads are shaky especially in social situations when the anxiety and shake kicks in. My face is blushed and skin feels tight. Almost like a sun burn.
      Even did some yoga witch helped with the back sores.

      So change my sleeping outfit to receive those sweats and hit the road.


        Newbies Nest

        Alarmed, so glad to see you checking in. It is a bitch, there's no 2 ways about it...but the only thing that will help Day 2 is Day 3!!! (you get where I'm going with this...) Keep your tummy full. I craved sweets and pototo chips...and I ate them too. I hope you get some good sleep tonight. I am so proud of you! B
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Hang in there, Alarmed! If you are anything like me, nights spent in a drunken slumber left me no more rested than the few restless nights during wd I had to endure. You'll come out on the other side of this sleeping (and actually resting) like you haven't in a long time.
          Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


            Newbies Nest

            Tess-2;1448361 wrote: Good Morning Nest Dwellers,

            I have completed my list of all the parts I like and hate about myself. (It took me a while to get started.) It IS amazing how I like myself much better than I did before writing the list. If I were choosing a room-mate, spouse, friend, employee, dog walker -- I wouldn't hesitate to choose me.

            Prior to writing the list, I was nearly always down on myself. I could find something negative in just about everything that I did and said.

            Someone once told me, "True humility is understanding our weaknesses and
            strengths: the entire package of who we are." He went on, "False humility is feeling like a worm who crawls in the ground; feeling like the scum of the earth. That is FALSE. No one is either all good or all bad."

            But I had to get it in writing to really "see" what true humility is. :wow2:

            I'm back to school today, so I'm off to my first class.

            have a fabulous AF Tuesday, Everyone!! enguin:
            Tis an odd thing Tess.... Performing this task doesn't make you filled with false pride or sad at your shortcomings.

            For me I realised how truly multifaceted I am, we all are. We are all JUST human, and good enough IS good enough.
            (It also made me laugh )

            I really struggled to see that I was an alcoholic, ME? NO WAY!

            That was another BAD part that I disowned.

            Now that I own this disease, accept that I am NO BETTER and NO WORSE than the hobo on the street I can fix it.

            But we are NOT the disease, it is just part of the amazing multifaceted brilliant yet flawed human beings that we are.

            Rainy......if you only have limited use of Internet ....could you go to meetings or a counsellor also? This is a slow and steady procedure and it can't be crammed, but must be slowly unravelled day by day.


              Newbies Nest

              [QUOTE=kuya;1448235]Wow ......
              I spent a little time crunching some figures ( I am known for being a statistics bore! :H) and guess what? It is true!


              Thank you for this message, Kuya. It is the one that put me over the 'posting tipping point'.

              I have been reading posts in this and a couple of other threads for the last month or so and have found many of them very helpful. Thank you!

              I was in the daily drinking habit for years and last summer decided that that finally needed to stop. Six months before that I had cut sugar and all grains from my diet as well as most other carbohydrates, a change which really improved my overall health and energy level. I quickly realized that I also had reduced my desire for alcohol (which makes sense given the similarity in sugar, alcohol, and other carbohydrate metabolism -- giving up sugar and carbs has been proven to be an effective tool for reducing alcohol cravings).

              However, while I had no problem giving up sugar and other carbs, and despite the fact that the 5 p.m. desire for alcohol wasn't acute, I still continued daily drinking -- I think I was making a deliberate, but BAD, choice. This made no sense to me so last summer I decided to get this under control and go AF. It would work for several days at a time and I would feel really good and then I would decide I could handle it but would then again drink to excess. I cycled AF/not AF much of the summer and then by fall, had slipped back into bad daily habits. By Christmas, I had gotten fed up again and did not drink for a couple of weeks .... and then the pattern repeated. Several days AF...drink too much...a couple more days AF... drink again, etc. etc. Last evening I read a post from someone who had been AF but decided they could be a controlled drinker and apparently have succeeded. So, OF COURSE, that sounded good to me! I was not craving a drink but I had one and then another and another until a bottle of wine was gone! I need somehow to realize that I need to be totally AF.

              It seems like I have gotten myself pretty far (compared to daily drinking) but cannot seem to break out of this pattern. It is my personality to handle things myself so posting here is quite a challenge for me. However, I am ready to admit I need some help and support and from what I've read, you seem like a very kind and supportive group that I would like to join.

              I'm open to any and all ideas you may have. Thanks!


                Newbies Nest

                Rainyday;1448408 wrote: Well... I am the percentage that believes in the medicine to beat it. Topamax for me. Low dosage so no Topa Dopa. Ativan as needed (though I haven't needed any for several days!)

                Everyone is different. As Cinders said yesterday (I loved her post) this is "My Way Out". There are many ways out, and it's different for everyone. You need to find what works for you. Lots of great advice here. What I love about this place the most is that there are a few people who have been here the whole time I have been a member. I know I'll foget someone, but to start... K9, Mama Bear, Techie, IAD, Lavande, Lolab, Brydie!!!!, Guitarista, Mario, NoraC.... there are so many more. They are the foundation for this site. At least for me. I love them, even though they probably never remember who I am! They are the rock!

                PM me if you want!

                Rainy I believe that in alot of cases it does take MEDS to beat it. It sure did take meds for me to stop that insane compulsion to drink alcohol. All I wished is that I would have done it sooner rather than later. Anyway I'm sober now and you can bet your bottom dollar I'm staying that way forever...this time 4 sure!
                Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
       Newbies Nest
       Tool Box
       How to get a sobriety plan


                  Newbies Nest

                  Alarmed, I am really rooting for you, mate. We are both in the early stages, it is so consuming but I really believe the others here that is is worth it and when you wake up in the mornin you will feel so pleased and can give yourself a pat on the back. For me, it is the vivid dreams...weird. I see you are going through some tough side effects but it will subside, I suspect tonight will be better than last night. Lay off sugar, caffeine, sports drinks n stuff. Do you like aroma therapy, like oils? They are one of my therapies, make me feel so good! also face masks and fruit teas. Not sure you would be into those


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello everyone!!

                    I have a boxer and a lab....both boxer is named Tyson but he is no where near as big and bad as mike tyson!! A rather sickly little guy - he has been through chemo and has outlived the most optimistic prognosis! My lab is just so happy go lucky....always wagging his tail and forcing his snout in your hand for a good pet. He is the older brother.
                    I love them both dearly!!

                    Anyway, I have been reading and reading and now I will post! I have also been calling my sponsor regularly so all seems good.

                    I guess I am lucky in that my bottom is very high...I don't suffer from withdrawals - at least nothing too debilitating. I am an alcoholic full of YETS. A few bad things have happened to me, but nothing to horrible YET. If I keep busy and visit this site and go to AA meetings, the "not drinking on a nightly basis" isn't complete torture. My biggest problem is my job. Part of my job involves marketing (translation: hosting cocktail parties where everyone gets completely drunk). Herein lies my problem: my job keeps food on my table and clothes on my kids' backs so I need to do this marketing. BUT, the last thing I want to do is stand around (and really, I mean STAND for hours in dress shoes - ouch) with a bunch of suits who are so completely boring at best or lecherous at worst....the only way I have survived is to tip back the cocktails myself. That is what derails me every time. So, I need to focus on that particular problem of mine. Thursday, I am going to Denver for a conference. Thursday night is bowling with dinner and drinks (at least not just standing and drinking) and then friday, starting at 7am is the conference. My plan of attack: I am SKIPPING Thursday night. I will come up with some excuse for them. Instead, I will go to an AA meeting in Denver and then order room service for dinner. That sounds so much better than bowling to me!!!!!! So, I will attend the purely business portion and skip the beer guzzling, fried food bowling fest altogether.
                    I just won't anymore


                      Newbies Nest

                      [quote]NoSugar;1448557 wrote:
                      Originally posted by kuya View Post
                      Wow ......
                      I spent a little time crunching some figures ( I am known for being a statistics bore! :H) and guess what? It is true!

                      It is my personality to handle things myself so posting here is quite a challenge for me. However, I am ready to admit I need some help and support and from what I've read, you seem like a very kind and supportive group that I would like to join.

                      I'm open to any and all ideas you may have. Thanks!
                      YES, YES and YES! We are human creatures. We are social beings who need each other. Please don't try to handle it all on your own. You will find the moer you talk, the more you'll like it. I promise! Call me out on it if I'm wrong!
                      I will be sober so I can be clear and remember being a mommy and so I can be in the best place God wants to place me. I will be here! now! FREE! 12.5mg Topamax AM&PM, Ativan until safe from withdrawal syndrome & for anxiety. Thank God I Am Done!


                        Newbies Nest

                        honeysuckle;1448561 wrote: Alarmed, I am really rooting for you, mate. We are both in the early stages, it is so consuming but I really believe the others here that is is worth it and when you wake up in the mornin you will feel so pleased and can give yourself a pat on the back. For me, it is the vivid dreams...weird. I see you are going through some tough side effects but it will subside, I suspect tonight will be better than last night. Lay off sugar, caffeine, sports drinks n stuff. Do you like aroma therapy, like oils? They are one of my therapies, make me feel so good! also face masks and fruit teas. Not sure you would be into those
                        Ahhh... Honey! I agree with the aroma therapy! Alarmed! I mentioned Sleepytime tea since you can't get medicine... but also, this is a great idea! Lavendar is one of the most soothing essential oils! Can't you try to get this? Even as a candle? The oils are best though! Where are you (this is to Alarmed)?

                        Yes, the mornings are the best, Honey!
                        I will be sober so I can be clear and remember being a mommy and so I can be in the best place God wants to place me. I will be here! now! FREE! 12.5mg Topamax AM&PM, Ativan until safe from withdrawal syndrome & for anxiety. Thank God I Am Done!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Jenn...I'm in the marketing business also. I am a female in a male dominated field. For years, I kept up with the guys' drinking (and surpassed many). I have now been to several conferences and many regional meetings, and what I thought were going to be uncomfortable/awkward situations turned out to be all between my ears. MOST of the people there didn't give a flip about what I was drinking or not drinking! I wasn't compelled to be the first one down there for cocktail hour...I actually ATE my food, AND I got back to my room at an early hour!!! I was able to pay attention to the meetings. You'll find that nothing goes on after 9:30 except the same boring stories about how great Ole Joe Schmoe is!!! Just keep a bottle of water in your hand at all times as a deterrent! You can do it!! 90% of all your worries will never happen!! I promise! B
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi NoSugar! Welcome to the Nest. I really wish I could give up grains, but that just isn't in the stars for me. I need carbs for all the exercise I do. I'd never get out of bed without them.

                            Jenni - Your Thursday plan sounds awesome! Have you already scoped out the AA meetings near your hotel? Just don't give in to the "aww, come on. Just one drink" people. Another member had a recent story (I think it was RC, but I could be wrong) about attending a birthday party at a bowling alley. It turns out that they had to stand around waiting for lanes for an hour or more. And what did they do while waiting? Drink of course. I think RC managed to avoid it but it's just one of those hidden pitfalls you don't plan for. In the early part of your recovery you don't need to be anywhere near that.

                            Keep close and let us know how it goes.
                            Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                              Newbies Nest

                              jenniech;1448563 wrote: Hello everyone!!

                              I have a boxer and a lab....both boxer is named Tyson but he is no where near as big and bad as mike tyson!! A rather sickly little guy - he has been through chemo and has outlived the most optimistic prognosis! My lab is just so happy go lucky....always wagging his tail and forcing his snout in your hand for a good pet. He is the older brother.
                              I love them both dearly!!

                              Anyway, I have been reading and reading and now I will post! I have also been calling my sponsor regularly so all seems good.

                              I guess I am lucky in that my bottom is very high...I don't suffer from withdrawals - at least nothing too debilitating. I am an alcoholic full of YETS. A few bad things have happened to me, but nothing to horrible YET. If I keep busy and visit this site and go to AA meetings, the "not drinking on a nightly basis" isn't complete torture. My biggest problem is my job. Part of my job involves marketing (translation: hosting cocktail parties where everyone gets completely drunk). Herein lies my problem: my job keeps food on my table and clothes on my kids' backs so I need to do this marketing. BUT, the last thing I want to do is stand around (and really, I mean STAND for hours in dress shoes - ouch) with a bunch of suits who are so completely boring at best or lecherous at worst....the only way I have survived is to tip back the cocktails myself. That is what derails me every time. So, I need to focus on that particular problem of mine. Thursday, I am going to Denver for a conference. Thursday night is bowling with dinner and drinks (at least not just standing and drinking) and then friday, starting at 7am is the conference. My plan of attack: I am SKIPPING Thursday night. I will come up with some excuse for them. Instead, I will go to an AA meeting in Denver and then order room service for dinner. That sounds so much better than bowling to me!!!!!! So, I will attend the purely business portion and skip the beer guzzling, fried food bowling fest altogether.
                              WOW... this is a very difficult situation indeed. I was worried because my neighbors drink and everyone gets together during the summer. But that is nothing compared to having to deal with this. I will have to think about this for you and see what I come up with.
                              I will be sober so I can be clear and remember being a mommy and so I can be in the best place God wants to place me. I will be here! now! FREE! 12.5mg Topamax AM&PM, Ativan until safe from withdrawal syndrome & for anxiety. Thank God I Am Done!


                                Newbies Nest

                                no sugar: you sound EXACTLY like me!! You sound like you might be an alcoholic of YETs. I have YET to have something horrible happen but something horrible WILL happen if I keep drinking. Since Jan. 1 I have cut out sugar, dairy and avoid carbs as much as possible. It is amazing how good I feel!! Next thing to eliminate: meat....

                                Thanks Byrd and Siren!! I am going to skip the bowling altogether. I have scoped out my AA meeting. It is two miles from my hotel and it is a women's meeting starting at 6pm. PERFECT.

                                Byrd: I am impressed that you can get through those marketing events without AL....for me, I don't feel like I am missing out on any fun by not drinking.....I simply can't bear acting cheerful and laughing at ridiculous or inappropriate jokes. I am in a male dominated corporate profession but I am like hippyman at heart So says this former deadhead....(I still love the dead, I just don't go on tour with them anymore)
                                I just won't anymore

