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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Tess-2;1448736 wrote: God love all of you! Well, hmm... no vibrator here (but it feels great to laugh!)... So, I am immediately filling a sock with rice and am ready to throw it in the microwave. My dear husband rubbed some damn crap for arthritis on my neck -- and it is burning like hell.

    Hey!! It just came to me, like a bolt of light, my neck pain is a distraction from my AL cravings. Hurts like hell, tho. :bigcry: S _ _ t!! I want to be a baby and pout.

    I hate alcohol. Who was the "wise guy" who invented it! Was it in the Garden of Eden? Tell me this is not true!! kuya will tell me that this is NOT true.

    My neck hurts like a son of a b.... :biatch:

    kuya -- waiting for you to weigh in... Love You So Much!!
    Hi Tess ..... The neck is part of detoxing probably. Drinks loads of water, have a hot bath, get your husband to rub your neck then give you an orgasm.

    See me in the morning if there is no improvement


      Newbies Nest

      :yeahthat: I like Kuya's remedy better
      Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


        Newbies Nest

        Siren136;1448746 wrote: :yeahthat: I like Kuya's remedy better
        I think Tess has taken my advice......she's been gone for ages ! :H:H:H


          Newbies Nest


          OMG Kuya thank you for the opportunity to use one of the least used smileys.....

          Hey don't shoot me. If they didn't want us to use it it wouldn't be there. Hee Hee. I can be a very bad girl sometimes. :egad: :devil:

          Very good advice.
          AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:


            Newbies Nest

            Joking apart......and my advice to Tess was serious.......addiction is more a disease of the head than the body.
            When we quit there is a tendency to remain in the head. We then do 'good' things like diet and exercise, forgetting the best stress reliever

            Often relationships have been strained due to addiction and the libido drops. Anger and resentment are built up and sex lives die.

            The body stores a lot of head stuff so getting back to enjoying sex will cure so many ills......including damaged relations.

            I imagine most spouses would be very keen to support your quit for the spinoff of sex.


              Newbies Nest

              Wow Kuya!
              Retired nurse Lav was just going to suggest alternating moist heat & ice to relieve the neck pain :H
              I have had a couple of neck strains like that over the years which were relieved pretty quickly with a week or two on Rx Flexeril

              I hope everyone is tucked in tight for a safe & cozy night in the Nest!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Can I please find a new husband? He came home with 1.75 lTRS of whiskey. This sucks as everyone says how great we are together..yeah right.. but all I want i to get away from him and his booz forever!
                I will be sober so I can be clear and remember being a mommy and so I can be in the best place God wants to place me. I will be here! now! FREE! 12.5mg Topamax AM&PM, Ativan until safe from withdrawal syndrome & for anxiety. Thank God I Am Done!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Wow rainy! When one spouse stops drinking or if your in a relationship with someone who still is it can get so tough. I was that bf who would not quit. I got told to hit the curp which was the right thing to do on her part. I am sure this beyond difficult and frustrating for you.
                  Started living again 2/7/2015


                    Newbies Nest

                    I hear ya, Rainy! Mine passed out on the couch tonight (again) while watching ice hockey. He probably had 6-7 beers. Good thing I can take beer or leave it, especially the crap he buys.
                    Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Lavande;1448757 wrote: Wow Kuya!
                      Retired nurse Lav was just going to suggest alternating moist heat & ice to relieve the neck pain :H
                      I have had a couple of neck strains like that over the years which were relieved pretty quickly with a week or two on Rx Flexeril

                      I hope everyone is tucked in tight for a safe & cozy night in the Nest!
                      Yeah Lav, but I bet I'd be the most popular nurse :H:H:H


                        Newbies Nest

                        Rainy and siren.......this is hard .....but you get sober first......then you will be fit to deal with the problem.

                        For now treat them like an annoying flat mate and try and work around them


                          Newbies Nest

                          Guys, while I'm still here, will tell you about my night.

                          Which as terrible, that's the only word. As I said, I got and over the counter sleeping pill and was hoping for it to finally know me out. It didn't for hours. The I started to hallucinate. The pill did sedate me, but it didn't make me sleep so at least I didn't panic. First I was hearing faint sounding of girls singing. Something like destiny's child. Sounded in my right ear. From inside. Neverending, the only sound in the dark in the silence.

                          It of course very scary because now my w-d is classified as DT. Then some other guy joined in (singing). If I payed attention to what they were saing, I couls almost here the exact words. Then some piece of german radio. All very silent but definitely not from outside. I can hear them clearly when I shut my ears.

                          The visual began. Chaotic lines then forming into very fast changing characters. They were seveal of those. Mainly visible in the dark and on surfaces. Funny and childish. Cats climbing out the window and such. But not realistic. Some Like drawings. Some dots dancing around the corners. Hello, my misfiring brain.

                          So the only way that I could think of how to stop that brain and give it a rest was to go to sleep. But instead it wanted to punish me for getting into this filthy habit and now fucking it all up.

                          I used "brainwave" app on my phone set to "deep" sleep to keep those voices away and put me to sleep. But then they began fucking with my buzzing sounds of brainwaves too. I understood that those are somehow thoughts with their own will. That escaped my train of thought. Sounds szchiofrenic. They I started listen to paul Mckenna's "sleep as a log" sleep inducing tape. It soothed me, and made me relax.

                          But I understood that I cannot go "deeper" when I enter the sleeping state and is not feeling my body anymore. I was dreaming very short episodes, but very vivid episodes. And even acted in them for brief second, but was still feeling my body lying in the exact same location without actually my mind forgeting about it. There was a very strange feeling around my body. Like something was missing. A part of my brain that takes it to sleep. So my mind was kind of tripping and my body was still there. Not resting. Neither of them.

                          So I'm still sleepless after 1.5 sleeping pill, 0.5of xanxax and 5 vallerian tablets. Not even groggy.

                          Still hearing that irritating loop of singing that never changes the tempo it somewhere in my right part of the "hearing space".

                          Now, of course I am affraid of seizure, because nobody would be there for me. would xanax work to prevent it?

                          I know I need medical health but I am in Berlin atm and originally not from here. Don't even speak German and don't know the system. Don't even know where the hospitals are and not sure If could pay the bill for being in ICU

                          At the moment I feel alright, not that shaky, can write and didn't even sweat that much. The hallutinations vere the scariest part.

                          Your opinion - If I don't take any pills anymore maybe that would prevent them from occuring?

                          If I start taking some alcohol again maybe I would be in a good enough condition to go back to my country?

                          I don't have nausea, I can walk act and talk normally, my digestion seems to have ignited. I urinate normally and the pee is most ofter of normal color.

                          Now I'm treating hallucinations with beethoven. They seem to have receeded to minimum.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Goodnight to All,

                            I fell asleep earlier while studying. My husband did not bother to wake me for dinner or sex or anything!..

                            kuya - you make me laugh! Seriously though, I would not have thought of neck pain as part of the detox process.

                            Well, it's almost 10 pm in my corner of the world. I'm going to study a bit more and then off to bed.

                            I wish for all of you a safe and warm night in The Nest. :hug:
                            Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                            The man pulling radishes
                            pointed the way
                            with a radish. ISSA


                              Newbies Nest

                              Alarmed I am afraid I don't know too much about DT so can't advise you except to get medical help.
                              There will be interpreters at the hospital .


                                Newbies Nest

                                Alarmed- I wish you all the best but I do not know the best course of treatment, especially if you are in unfamiliar territory; however I do have to agree with Kuya and go with medical help. I don't think it would be safe to continue to take sleeping pills, xanax, and vallerian tablets; those are all downers and if you are taking those while already dealing with AL W-D then you could have some serious complications there. Seek professional help soon, follow their recommendations and be well! Bon Chance!
                                :earth: Tree23

