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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Everyone.

    Queen way to go on resisting the urges -- don't drink dear. Day 36 is awesome! You'll be fine.

    Lav, not sure why you chose me for dating advice... Ok. Here goes... Fig, wanna go out? Just kidding, kinda. I was also divorced after 20 years and it took a while to get comfortable with the idea. I'm not an overly aggressive or outgoing guy, but I don't shy away from conversations or opportunities to enjoy someone's company or offer my own. Take your time Fig and just let it happen if it feels right. Good luck in the courts; not pleasant business I know, but once it's done things will get better.

    Beagle, I'm another computer nerd (actually I prefer 'computer dude') -- I run an IT department. I agree with your insights about how AL doesn't discriminate based upon gender, finance, intellect or any matter. We're all basically pretty equal when you get down to it.

    Hi to Sagwa and all the new folks here. Sagwa the CDs were helpful to me, and so were the supplements. Glad to hear your order got processed.

    Things are good here. Things are good here.
    Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


      Newbies Nest

      Fig, wanna go out? Just kidding, kinda
      :H Ohhhh watch out, Fig! He may put the moves on ya yet!

      It is FUN though... going on a date after the misery of marriage has ended Just take it as fun, don't think long term or whatnot, let someone take you out and enjoy being treated NICE for a change! Right, chops????

      Great news Sagwa... hope you'll enjoy the cds! I do... not sure how much they do with the not drinking, but they do calm me down when my mind is going through the roof.

      Queen? I hope you're alright! :l

      Ok, everyone, dinner is burning.. better check on it! Have a happy AF Thursday night!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Newbies Nest

        Sunshine & all,
        Im fine thanks for asking. What caught me by surprise was the intensity of the urge to drink after 36 days, i expected that the first few days but it had gotten better..
        Then i read in another thread that that is normal they come and go ...
        a few nights ago i did have another dream that i was drinking a glass of white wine and it really did not taste good at all and i felt such shame for letting my husband down as well as all you people who i have never met!
        Beagle I am a high school teacher (special education). Funny story for you (a vet) many years ago when i was newly divorced and angry and bitter i would joke to people i would only remarry if the guy was a plastic surgeon or vet. (then i could have all the dogs and cats id want free care etc)
        and years later i did remarry a wonderful man who is neither so go figure. There is life after divorce it might take a while but in my case i know i might not appreciate the simple good things about my husband if i had not gone through all that bad stuff long ago ..and i do have 2 wonderful sons.


          Newbies Nest

          Hi everyone!

          Today did not go terribly well. More delaying tactics from my ex-husband. But it didn't go against me either. If you want more info look on the What We Believe forum and go to the Need Prayers Today thread for the gory details.

          Dating Advice: Many thanks, and as a matter of fact I am being set up on a blind date by a friend of mine for tomorrow night. I'm meeting the guy at the restaurant because it just feels safer that way. Plus my dauchunds bark furiously at anyone who comes near the front door, and my kiddos will be home and they'd probably stare at him like he was some sort of alien. I guess I'll have to break it to them that Mom's human. And, yes, I'm nervous. The chatting during dinner doesn't worry me, but the end of the date when you say "Thank you so much, I really enjoyed meeting you.....", etc.... I guess I'll just wing it. Hey, I'm not looking for anything other than someone to go with to new restaurants with or call when a "couples" thing comes up that I have to go to. You know what I mean?

          Would love a glass of wine right now, but am sipping diet snapple. Ah the joy..

          Hugs from fig


            Newbies Nest

            Good evening my Nest buddies!

            I guess I kind of opened a can of worms this morning, didn't I? Dating advice?????
            Tranq, I really didn't mean to put you on the spot but I think you handled yourself very well - thank you. You were the only one I could think of this morning with current dating experience btw my son-in-law headed up an IT dept until last year & was laid off. He & my daughter now own a dog training franchise - go figure!

            Fig, sorry your day didn't go all that well with your ex. But, at least our friend TranqWilly had some nice advice for you Stick with that diet snapple - good choice!!

            Welcome to our newest nestlings Snapdragon & Sagwa! Find yourselves a comfy twig & settle right in with us. You will be in good company here!

            Still cool here Chops, we have some sort of coastal rain & wind moving in for tonight & tomorrow, oh well.

            Sooty, enjoy your visitors & sunny weather. Don't worry, I'm posting a sign-up sheet for substitute bus drivers while you're busy - we'll be OK

            Hi Sunni & LTG, hope you both had a very good day!

            Queen, congrats on 36 days, that's terrific Your husband was good to be so supportive today. Believe me, we all don't get that kind of support! I guess we will all have 'those' days from time to time & just need to be prepared to handle them well. You did great

            Well, I'm calling it a day. Stay safe everyone, see you tomorrow!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              ... going on a date after the misery of marriage has ended
              I love the way you put that Sunni - "the misery of marriage" LoL! I'll have to remember that the next time a female tries to tie me down. Ha! You're right though, it is a thrill to experience the freedom of going out with anyone you want to after being locked down. Fig, have fun, enjoy yourself and don't worry about a thing. Sounds like you have some pretty fierce dachshunds there for protection.

              Way to go Queen -- on to day 37 huh. I'm glad you battled through. I had some weird urges myself on Sunday night and got through. Keep it going!

              Yeah Lav, IT has sure gotten weirder and weirder lately with all the outsourcing and off-shoring, etc. Sounds like they landed on their feet okay though -- interesting career change.

              Good night everyone.
              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                Newbies Nest

                I want to first say good night to the nesters! As Pops would say...good night sweet cherubs!! I'll see you tomorrow.

                Now, Chops here, is going to say something that will mandate time out, but here goes....

                GO STEELERS.....WE WON, WE WON, WE WON!!!!!

                Ok, so I will watch over the nest from the time out twig. See you all in the morning. I'll catch up with everyone then. I am on cloud 9 right now!!! :l


                  Newbies Nest

                  (a bit of throat clearing), ummm (nervous scratching to the head), ummm, ok
                  Good evening to all. Yes, all the hesitation and fidgeting is commensurate with my newbie status; my nerves are over ceiling level. I've long been procrastinating this day but the time has come, the time is now. I want to be in control of my life (perhaps the first time in 50 years). I'm going to begin this program ma?ana and I certainly will count with all of you for power and strength.
                  Anticipated thanks to all. Have a good night!

                  :earth: Mary :beach:


                    Newbies Nest

                    1:55 AM

                    yrama;712975 wrote: (a bit of throat clearing), ummm (nervous scratching to the head), ummm, ok
                    Good evening to all. Yes, all the hesitation and fidgeting is commensurate with my newbie status; my nerves are over ceiling level. I've long been procrastinating this day but the time has come, the time is now. I want to be in control of my life (perhaps the first time in 50 years). I'm going to begin this program ma?ana and I certainly will count with all of you for power and strength.
                    Anticipated thanks to all. Have a good night!

                    I think, therefore, I AM
                    :earth: Mary :beach:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi the Nest!

                      Late arvo here and just finished work and trying to persuade myself to do something energetic in a bit...but this is more fun!!!!

                      Sunni-no more 'dark'movies for awhile I am definately a more positive Chook today!

                      yrama- welcome to the can sit on the twig next to me if you's roomy cause I've been grumpy for a few days, but much happier now! Promise I won't whinge TOO much

                      Tranq- my hubby does IT. Runs own business and is always BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!
                      As for me, I am in HealthCare, only part-time cause of the wee chickadees,but enjoying the work! I've promised myself that I would always be home for them atleast 80% of the time, so they are only in Day care 20%. Don't want to miss these precious years and they are flying by SO fast!
                      Lav- a dog training franchise..that sounds interesting? What is it you do now?
                      Fig- stay strong,we are all behind unseen army of support!!!!
                      Queen-well done on sticking to your you feel pretty good about that? I would!
                      Sagwa- just keep posting! I haven't used the CD's or actually read the book either for that matter, but have learnt heaps from just reading posts and asking questions.
                      Chops-have a good date & enjoy! I am hoping that one day in the near future. hubby might take me out on a 'date night'? One can always have hope, can't one *clucks pathetically*
                      Pops & G- big hugs from a disciple!
                      To ALL the you all going and a rousing chorus of clucks for you....

                      "CLUCKCLUCKCLUCKCLUCKCLUCKCLUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey everybody,
                        It's night here in Oz & I'm feeling....disturbed,anxious. Don't know why.
                        rain has finally come to our dry farm & the crops should respond well. Have been productive all day but for some reason,some trigger has knocked my inner self off kilter.
                        I'm on day 6 of halved alcohol,been doing good I think & all has been ok - but last night had a small argument with my husband - he had drunk nearly a bottle of red & I had 2 glasses of white,no more. I was quite confused as to the purpose or point of his argument,something to do with my persona nowadays as being too forceful, as though I still need to feel important/noticed, since I went on long service leave from my vet practice back in April. I think he was talking shit,dribbling from too much red. At least I was sober! But today & tonight I've been stewing a bit,questioning my behaviour (ironic,as I've been sober for a week, never queried it before when I was drunk).....maybe also looking over old photos as I cleaned out a cupboard - when I was younger,fresher,brighter,more sparkling than what I am now. I look in the mirror & really don't like who is looking back. I don't like them physically or mentally.
                        I am ruminating with regret the past episodes of my life - & what I've become, & who I've become.
                        Sorry guys but there's no-one to talk to here so need to pour out a bit of self examination. Just feeling a bit fragile really. What a joke, when the doctor hurts who heals the doctor, pardon the pun. :upset:

                        Thanks for reading.


                          Newbies Nest

                          My odd day!


                          Started out good, but as soon as I put one foot in the door at work it became messy.Nothing bad, just a weirdly confusing day! Came home and had lunch, went for a lovely walk and felt great. Went into town to buy new sneakers(my dunlops died yesterday:upset, by meds for my teething two year old and other errands.
                          Then discovered *screams in silent horror* that my mobile is no longer in my bag!!!!
                          Retrace steps and can't find it. Go back to car and check, ZIPO!
                          Realise I have enough time to go home and check if I left it there (did not think so really,but was desperate!) before had to pick kids up from Day Care. Raced home, wishing hubby not home to witness my stupidity!! Of course he is home and having a few beers with two mates. They all smile and say " lost your phone".Apparently some kind woman found it and rang home. Was eternally grateful to woman, but felt like beting three male heads together.
                          Now its 5pm and I have to get girls...race to day Care to collect children,praying that the woman is still at her work place!! Bundle kids in car and race into town again...(now it gets better)...just as I pull up to the house of the mystery woman the heavens open and the rain buckets down....!
                          Needless to say I got very wet as I retrieved my phone (SO relieved no school kid had found it and decided to phone international-I dropped it on the sidewalk near a highschool),then finally managed to go to sister's house for dinner as was planned! But after all the running around felt completely buzzed and stressed!
                          But am chill now.. so am good!!!!
                          Chicken *does headless impression today*


                            Newbies Nest

                            :l beagle

                            I hope this morning sees you up and a much brighter pup than last night! I'm sorry you had an argument with hubby - but these things happen - with AL or without. As for the younger, brighter you.... well, we can't turn back time, but we can start taking better care of ourselves now. You've already started. And you will see the rewards in time. Guaranteed!

                            Chickadoodle... oh my! You did have a rather chaotic day! So glad you found your beloved cell phone *chuckles quietly* and don't have to contest calls to Deana, the dynamic dominatrix :H

                            :welcome: Yrama! So glad you flew into our nest here - do get comfy and share a bit more of you. I take it, you've ordered the book, etc.? You may want to head over to 'Goals' - 'Monthly Abstinence' - at the very top is the Toolbox thread... invaluable stuff in there!

                            Chops... *sigh* this is this FOOTBALL thing rearing its head again, isn't it?

                            Tranq - great job getting through Sunday night! Every time you fight off a craving you already lessen the next one!

                            Queen, you're doing so great - be very proud of yourself - we are!

                            Fig... Ohhhhhhhh.. another active dater amongst us, soon!!!! *getting comfy in chair* We'll have LOTS to read in the near future! :H I wish you a very comfortable and enjoyable date, my dear! If it goes really well, you can always end it with a hug - I'm not really one for going overboard on first date. (I better not say anything about the second date... Mr. Wonderful shamelessly seduced and corrupted me :blush

                            Good morning Lav! Still enjoying the cooler weather? And how's the catering coming, Sooty?

                            Well, I will be disappearing again for a few days... going back to 'my place' hopefully this afternoon (or, if we miss that ferry, we'll get there late.. around midnight) *ugggh. So not looking forward - but gotta deal with it. See how far the guy we hired to do some repairs and painting has come and how far I am from listing the place. Then, on Monday we'll be driving about 7 hours from my place to where my daughter moved to (college) and deliver furniture and stuff to her and her b/f. Should be back here Monday night midnight-ish. *Phew* Mom is doing better, thank God - we're hoping that the air ambulance will be able to take her back home early next week.

                            And, when I come back, I should be nearing almost 40 days AF - which will please me immensely. Ta-ta for now, little birdlings - I may try and check up on you once more before I leave... otherwise take care of each other until Tuesday!
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning all,
                              I have been reading all the posts and my well wishes go out to each of you.
                              Hi Beagle I hear that about farming. What are you raising and who says 2 inches isn't enough ( rain I mean ) . We are hoping to get harvest done before it freezes to much and get the winter wheat planted. We are organic raising flax, camelina, lentils, barley,wheat and hay.

                              Yesterday had 3 swallows of wine otherwise it was day 1. It was a bit of a rough day....feeling better this morning. So nice to have a place to come to connect......

                              Farmer's market tomorrow. Baked goods with flax as an egg substitute an whole grains plus camelina oil (omega 3 supp). Got to get baking.

                              Wish I had time to address everyone and I am thinking about each of you and hoping for the best.

                              Take care.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters!

                                Very dark, with wind & rain here, oh well! Almost rolled over & pulled my wing back over my head and said forget it

                                Chicken, you are just clucking away, aren't you? That's music to my ears, ha ha. My daughter & her husband have a 'Bark Busters' dog training franchise. Bark Busters was founded in Australia many years ago & has since gone world wide They are very happy & very busy, into their 2nd year now! They both majored in English/Communications in college so they know how to talk to people, get their point across. I'm happy for them! I left Healthcare after 27 years, totally burnt to a crisp and ended up establishing my own home based embroidery & monogramming business nearly 7 years ago. It's just me, 2 embroidery machines, a couple of computers and no whining patients, ha ha!!

                                Beagle, I'm sorry that you're feeling so alone right now, seems to be the nature of the beast, so to speak. I can tell you my spouse does not understand what is going on with me either, he doesn't even try to understand. I pretty much decided, when I started this journey, that I would be on my own. But, finding MWO and developing many friends here over the months has helped me tremendously! My decision to turn to alcohol years ago was absolutely my decision. I knew it was wrong but I did it anyway. I wanted to numb my feelings of lonliness & utter dissatisfaction with life triggered by an emotionally absent husband! Here I am nearly 6 months sober now, looking & feeling much better, proud of myself for the first time in many, many years. I'm a brand new grandmother this year & loving that role in life! My husband, well, he's still the same emotionally unavailable person he's always been. I'm not going to beat myself up about him anymore. He was diagnosed as severely, chronically depressed years ago, refuses to do anything to help himself. I can't worry about him anymore, I'm focusing on myself & the good things yet to come So, I'm strongly encouraging you to do the same. Focus on what's good for you, stop looking at the past - it's history. Look to the future & what will be good for you. Be selfish!!!!! Congrats on your progress so far, keep going, you won't be sorry

                                Must get to work now, wishing everyone a good Friday, will check in later!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

