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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks you guys for propping me up. Went into chat just now & have since dried up to a sniffle!
    Refreshing to get such encouragement & rather unsettling the overt warmth - just not used to it!!!
    Sagwa - we grow wheat,barley,oats & lupins. What is camelina? Your organic approach would be great - wish Aussies would do more of that! And using flax as an egg substitute? Wow - would love to taste that....good luck with the baking.

    Again,Lav,Sunny,all of you in chat,I am very grateful for your words.Will be back again soon.


      Newbies Nest

      Hi everyone the young people have gone now and order is restored - I just need to go shopping soon to restock!
      Hope everyone having a good friday. Weather lovely here and i want my job back driving the bus. We need to play some cheerful music today as its the weekend - what about the Beach Boys they always make me feel happy? Everyone ok with them?
      Back later - keep strong everyone


        Newbies Nest

        Hey beagle,
        Glad your tears are drying! I think most of us have gone or are going through many changes. It's all part of the process. Quitting or reducing your drinking is just one part. Coming face to face with & learning to deal with your demons or triggers is yet another. Please just remember to take things one day at a time. Be kind to yourself, pamper yourself a little. Besides, no one likes a beagle with a runny nose Seriously, we all really do care & understand.........

        Sooty, looks like I sent my lovely weather directly to you! Suddenly it's downright chilly here. The windows are closed, sweatshirt on.... I even had to dig out a pair of socks for my freezing feet, ha ha!
        Enjoy your nice day.

        Be back later
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Just a quick check in as I've been in bed for the last two days with the flu!!! UGH!!! I want to thank everyone for heartwarming welcomes (back). I really appreciate and admire you all on your journeys!!! The only journey I've been on lately is to the Little Girls, I know TMI!!!
          Anyway, on a better pup is a Zuchon....part Bishon and part Shite Zue...or however you spell those! She's a cutie!!! I keep trying to download a says it's too big????
          I'll keep workin on it....later...need to go lie down....blah!!!!
          Have a great weekend!!
          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



            Newbies Nest

            new here - program sounds fascinating, but a little too costly right now, so i just got the book and some kudzu and gonna start joining this community.
            does anyone have any thoughts on allen carr's book, easy way to stop drinking?
            i read it - it made sense-
            and i lasted for about 17 days before i fell off the wagon ;(

            but basically, he says there's no genetic, or nutritional, aspect to the alcohol addiction at all, just psychological - "the drug itself is addictive" -
            any thoughts?

            didn't seem to work for me....


              Newbies Nest

              Good evening Nesters,

              Still raining here in this end of the nest - pretty much a wash ou today!

              SD, sorry you're under the weather but glad you checked in. Feel better soon

              Sooty, I'm OK with the Beach Boys but I still prefer the Beatles.............

              Hello to prospects, welcome, glad you found us!
              I haven't read Allen Carr's book so I cannot comment on it. I will tell you that reading the MWO book, making a good, solid plan for myself and using the Hypno CDs really worked for me. A healthy diet, some light exercise, vitamin & herbal supplements are helpful as well. Congrats on your past success, you know that you can do it. It would probably be helpful to identify you triggers - what made you want to start drinking after 17 AF days? Include a list of those triggers in your plan and how you can handle them differently from now on. That helped me a lot. Keep reading thru the threads, you'll learn a lot. I wish you the very best

              Calling it a day here, have a safe night everyone!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                I am off on holiday for a week to Spain. I am 10 days al free and 9 on antsbuse so staying dry while away should not be a problem. I have been drunk on most holidays I have been on for years so I will be focusing on enjoying this one more doing other stuff.
                I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi all. Just a quick stop on my way out the door to get the weekend started.

                  Prospects - I've never read the Carr book either, but I've read a few other AL related books. There's a lot of good information out there, but no 'cure' - reading and doing are two different things. I've learned that I'd wasted a lot of time thinking and reading and learning before finding this site. Simple actions made a big difference for me. I agree with Lav - this stuff works if you add a will to stop. And posting and reading can answer a lot of questions for you. Welcome.

                  Take care all.
                  Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                    Newbies Nest

                    Having read the Carr book, I found it too simplistic. Just rationalize and tell yourself you don't need alcohol, it's bad for you, and naturally, since you are a rational human being, you will stop. Now, I agree that are thinking is important, but we need so much more to become AF. I took what I could from that book, but it made quitting drinking too easy, and in a way blamed you if you drank. At least that is the way I am remembering it. But it did have good cognitive suggestions to help with your daily thinking.

                    One way and one thing does not work for everybody. The tool box on this site is so helpful. It addresses mental, emotional, physical and spiritual parts of addiction that have to be faced if sobriety or even moderation will be long term. So, don't be discouraged if you relapsed after 17 days. That is part of the process and as you stay on this site, you will experience with the people here that you just keep trying. Eventually, many people start to find there way out. But, many don't either. They probably get discouraged and give up.

                    I have read tons of books, tried the supplements, the hynosis CDs, the tool box, and over time have come to drink less and less. It is hard and it is an old habit. But, by being good to yourself, and patient, over time you can get this BEAST our of your life. Good luck.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Saturday morning Nesters,

                      Cloudy, no rain at the moment. We had over 2 inches of rain yesterday, I think was was plenty!

            , congrats on your 10 days, that's great! Enjoy your holiday, I'd love to visit Spain someday

                      Hi Tranq, be happy you don't live here on the right coast - it's way too damp to play golf, ha ha.

                      Hi Red, glad you stopped in. I agree, we all have to keep looking for the best way to beat our individual BEAST! Just keep trying!

                      Looks like another indoor day around here, guess I'll drag out the vacuum & dust rags..........boring.

                      Wishing everyone a good day, will check in later
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Morning Everyone!

                        Hope everyone's friday night was fun. I had my FIRST DATE in 20 years!!!! And, survived! I was sooooo nervous, but he was such a nice guy and made me feel right at ease. No fireworks, but that's just fine by me. He was a gentleman, easy to talk to and someone I think I can phone up and be my escort to some event or party. I am moderating so I had two glasses of wine over a 3 hour period, and I didn't finish the second glass. As someone who previously drank an entire bottle just about every night, I am proud of myself. I made sure I did not get a buzz by eating a muffin before going out and really nursing that first glass. I also ordered a wine that I don't particularly like. I'm really learning some good tricks here! Anyhow, I got home by 10:30 pm and it felt so so so so good to visit with my kids, put the dogs to bed, fix coffee for the morning and then even read in bed for a bit before lights out. Like a normal person!!! And this morning I feel great!!! Wow. I can do this.....!

                        Reading these posts and following along with everyone is really such a huge help. Like a quiet by steady community behind us all (well, maybe not so quiet sometimes!). I am continuously impressed by how supportive everyone is.

                        Thank you, thank you, thank you. Now have a great Saturday!



                          Newbies Nest

                          I have a lonely sober 19 YO child... she is 14 months sober and 1 month out of rehab...until today she has been OK but she has no friends or family except me...we live in a new city far away from "home". She likes it here BUT, she has no friends...I don't know how to help her....she is in independent study to complete High School and her part-time job doesn't start for 2 weeks. Until now we were OK...kept busy with "new city" stuff etc. but what do you say when your smart, healthy, strong, child say's, "I wish I had a friend"
                          Suggestions of a drive or walking the dogs are met with " I don't want to see everyone getting ready for a fun Sat. Night" We explored what a great Saturday night would be for her and she has no Idea, it used to be get very drunk...then it was life at the rehab for teens that she loved and prospered at and now she is gratefully sober in a new place and friendless...any thoughts or opinions are so welcomed...

                          Part of me thinks this just has to be borne and then around the corner something will happen to bring all sorts of people into her life. I guess I just needed to vent.... my heart is breaking for her...she has come so far and she needs peers


                            Newbies Nest

                            I have a lonely sober 19 YO sober friends

                            I have a lonely sober 19 YO child... she is 14 months sober and 1 month out of rehab...until today she has been OK but she has no friends or family except me...we live in a new city far away from "home". She likes it here BUT, she has no friends...I don't know how to help her....she is in independent study to complete High School and her part-time job doesn't start for 2 weeks. Until now we were OK...kept busy with "new city" stuff etc. but what do you say when your smart, healthy, strong, child say's, "I wish I had a friend"
                            Suggestions of a drive or walking the dogs are met with " I don't want to see everyone getting ready for a fun Sat. Night" We explored what a great Saturday night would be for her and she has no Idea, it used to be get very drunk...then it was life at the rehab for teens that she loved and prospered at and now she is gratefully sober in a new place and friendless...any thoughts or opinions are so welcomed...

                            Part of me thinks this just has to be borne and then around the corner something will happen to bring all sorts of people into her life. I guess I just needed to vent.... my heart is breaking for her...she has come so far and she needs peers
                            I would love to live / Like a river flows / Carried by the surprise / Of its own unfolding.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good evening fellow Nesters,

                              Quiet day here!

                              Fig, you sound good, I'm very happy for you! Congrats on the date, sounds like it was a success, very nice Stay with us, OK?

                              Hello Fresh Hope! I wish I had some terrific advice for you & your daughter, what a tough situation! You must be so proud of your daughter and her accomplishments. Is there any possibility of getting involved with a church youth group or volunteer activity where alcohol wouldn't be a factor? Did the rehab offer any ideas or suggestions? Maybe she could sign up for a hobby class such as sewing & meet others her age...... I really will give this some thought overnight and let you know if I come up with something. I do wish you both the very best!

                              Wishing everyone a safe night, goodnight!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi all.

                                Sunshine and 80 yesterday Lav, with more of the same today. I'll be outside all day again today.

                                Red, I agree that the ongoing support here and the sharing of knowledge that fig pointed out make a big difference.

                                Fig glad you had a great first date - and good job on mod'ing. Sounds like the kind of evening I enjoy as well.

                                Take care all.
                                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -

